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Everything posted by pinoysoc

  1. Zhicao, I e-mailed them last week and they said they'll be "rolling out" admissions this week. If you're talking about Development Sociology, then this is for you. As far as I know, the regular sociology program I think already sent out their acceptances.
  2. Carlu, it really depends on the school. I live on Guam and the e-mails tend to come in around after Midnight. It also depends on what time zone your schools are located at. Schools from the east coast usually come in around after midnight which is around 9 AM there if I'm not mistaken. I know that NZ is a couple hours ahead of Guam. Hope this helps!
  3. That was my biggest mistake! Lol. Four rejections in a row with grad schools plus two rejections with my love life makes me want to hate February so much right now. Hehe. I'll even accept a wait list to somewhere just so that I don't feel like a failure right now T_T. BUT YOU GOT THIS!!!!!
  4. gingin, i applied to a total of 7 programs. i got 4 rejections so far. it'll be 5 once UToronto sends it cause I applied to the wrong program. Then I'm under the assumption that Cornell's DevSoc program is really a LONG SHOT since UMD was my safety. Sam Houston's online Soc program is a might. Thanks though! I just want closure with all these schools because I want to move on with my life. If passion were a criteria, I have a good chance. But it isn't T_T So it's a big MAYBE for Fall 2015. Not so sure what's going to happen in the next few months...
  5. Rawrr, I accidentally applied for the PhD program. Maybe that's why I didn't get in. Who knows? Lol. How about you?
  6. They actually sent e-mails already to check the nimbus portal. Good luck!
  7. Claiming a McGill rejection. 0 out for 4. Looks like I won't be going to grad anytime soon.
  8. Anyone has an idea with UMD-College Park & Cornell's Development Sociology?
  9. Is it safe to assume that Berkeley is done with sending out acceptances and others who didn't receive anything at all are already rejected?
  10. Congrats! Looking forward to even just a waitlist! Lol.
  11. Have you kept in contact with her? I'm somewhat intimated to contact any of the remaining departments I applied to because I haven't done anything productive since graduating last December.
  12. Why do you want to have a graduate degree in sociology? To be honest, I had no idea what Sociology was when I started college. All I knew was that my friend's sister went on field school in Bali and I wanted to go! But when I switched my major after my first semester, I FELL IN LOVE. I want to pursue Sociology because it was an academic field that I was able to relate to. Not only that, but it answered all the questions I had while growing up. Coming from a U.S. Territory in the Pacific, Sociology really opened my eyes to how things work. My professors here love sociology so much that they've influenced me to pursue a PhD in sociology and teach and do research! What courses/ life experiences etc. influenced your choice? A few courses from my university that made an impact were my Human Ecology and Community Development courses! Of course, the Community Development gave me the chance to go to a field school in Bali, but it also taught me the most! The Human Ecology also made a big difference because it really challenged me to look at what's happening in society today. As for life experiences, I think it was my move from the Philippines to Guam opened my sociological imagination! Lol. What sociological subjects or research fields interest you the most and why? Development Sociology, Sociology of Religion, Globalization, Social Movements. Personally, all of these are linked together intrinsically. These are the sub-fields that I really made me pay close attention to everyday life! And what sort of an attachment do you have to sociological inquiry: love, curiosity, calculated/informed professional interest, or something else? LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Just being trained in Sociology to do research and have the chance to teach it is a once-in-a-lifetime journey!!!!!!!
  13. I applied to Cornell's DevSoc program as well. I haven't heard anything and the application page is still the same. Maybe late February?
  14. Any word on Berkeley? MD-College Park? Cornell? And how do grad schools do these notifications??? LMAO.
  15. You guys I give up. If you UT-Austin didn't happen. I don't know what other chances I have with Cornell, MD-College Park, Berkeley, UoT and McGill. My brain's fried from the last three years trying to make this happen. And I know there's always next year, but I don't if I have it in me anymore.
  16. Can anyone confirm the rejection from UT-Austin? It would really suck if UT-Austin implement the "if you don't get an email, then you're rejected" route. I'm pretty sure as a top research university they'll have the decency to send out rejection letters...right? Please tell me it's not over yet?!?!
  17. Maleficent999, thanks! It's making my break after graduation a nightmare. I haven't been able to relax in a month since graduating knowing my future is on the line right now. Hoping for the best and I need to find a way to keep my mind from thinking about it
  18. Man you guys I'm getting depressed right now. I've refused to check the grad cafe (well, i've been sick!), but UT-Austin is one of my top choices. Actually, I really have no idea what I'm going to do if I don't get in to any schools.... CONGRATS TO EVERYONE WHO GOT IN THOUGH!
  19. Y'all! Someone posted on the results page that UT-Austin updated the FInancial Aid part of their UTEID login? Is that a good or bad sign for everyone who applied to Austin?!?!?
  20. From what I know (and if I'm wrong, please clarify it even more), visit days are pretty much like a getting to know the department kind of thing. You get to meet faculty, current grad students, and attend a couple of presentations. There are some programs that use this opportunity to get to know you and see your "fit" into the program. This is how I understand "visit" days and hopefully someone with more experience can clarify it even more for you. Hope I didn't confuse you or scare you for that matter!
  21. I know I've been so crazy about finding out decisions. But I have a serious question: How do late materials in application packet affect decisions? For some reason, two materials for my UMD College Park application never made it (writing sample & transcripts). I'm getting worried because I've been getting e-mails from the POI stating that they never arrived. The waiting PLUS this last minute things are freaking the crap out of me : (
  22. Is there any way to make this process go any faster?!?!!? I've been hounding my email 24/7. And nothing so far... Do I need start unpacking my books and accept that I'm staying on Guam?!?! Lol. Also, is it bad to contact the departments just to poke around to see when acceptances will be notified? I'm dying here right now.. I'm literally getting sick right because of the stress of waiting WAHHHHHH
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