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  • Gender
  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    African American History with a focus on the Activism of Black women in the South
  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Committed to Michigan State...great environment and I was offered a great fellowship!!!
  2. I will be officially attending Michigan State University...glad that this process is finally over for me!!!
  3. I had to maintain a 3.0 my first year to continue.
  4. Hi folks, I applied to Yale's African American Studies joint program with History.
  5. You might want to look into my current school, Ohio State. You would have Dr. Hasan Jeffries ("Bloody Lowndes") in History and Curtis Austin ("Up Against the Wall") and Judson Jeffries ("On the Ground" and "Comrades") in African American and African Studies.
  6. Hi Folks, I will be participating in this round of History PhD application season. My area of focus is specifically the activism of Black women during the Civil Rights Movement and generally Modern US and African American History. I am geographically focused on the US South. I am currently working on a MA in African American Studies from Ohio State.
  7. readings, readings and more readings!

    Read more  
    1. Threeboysmom


      I know. Eat, sleep, read, repeat.

    2. AKCarlton


      indeed, the same routine plagues me.

  8. Hi folks, so I'm about to finish my 4th week of classes (4th wk for 1 class, 3rd wk for another and 2nd wk for my last class) and I just survived my most difficult weekend ever. Being that I'm in the humanities, my classes are reading and writing intensive. So with the inclusion of my 3rd class in my academic schedule, I got thrown for a loop. Also I had an academic conference to attend and my research assistantship which is 20 hours a week started. On top of that, my cohort had dinner at a professor's house. And I actually had a social life this weekend. So I've been super tired but also super impressed that I accomplished everything on my schedule and participated in all of my class discussions. BUT THIS WEEK I REALIZED I WAS IN GRAD SCHOOL!
  9. I will also be at the TA orientation...
  10. Hi folks, I'm starting the African American Studies Master's of Arts program this Fall. I'm from North Carolina and I'm currently in the process of looking for apartments. I also will be TAing this Fall.
  11. Two acceptances and two wait-lists to some of the top programs in my field. My gpa was 2.783, GRE scores verbal: 161 Math: 150 Writing: 3.5, really good LORs, contacted faculty members early on for each program and introduced myself. I was told by one POI that "I did everything right." I had a really good writing sample that one DGP describing as showing that I was a "big thinker and analytical." I attended a writing workshop. I worked on my SOPs for months with many edits. And I included an addendum to explain my low GPA and that made a case that highlighted my improvement. My two acceptances were fully funded through a TAship and grant. Also my LOR writers highlighted my improvement in their recommendations.
  12. @peterframpton I never inquired further to the specifics....
  13. In regards to Temple, I was told by a professor that their appeal had reduced due to "troubles" and "instability."
  14. One of the reasons NC State is one of my top choices, is because of the proximity to both Duke University and UNC Chapel Hill. By going to NC State, I could take classes at both UNC and Duke in order to get my foot in the door. But Ohio State does have a great program!!! Again Thanks!!!
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