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    2015 Fall
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    Social Work

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  1. Hi everyone!! I've been following the posts on this forum and figured I'd finally jump in even though I'm applying for the part-time program at Laurier! I have a long way to go with the application deadline in May and the program commencing in January 2016 A little about my education/experience: Final year GPA: 3.5/4.0 (my overall is nowhere close to competitive ). I did my undergrad at UofT with a double major in Biology/Psychology and I completed an independent research project in my final year in cognitive neuroscience (I know its not quite related to social work ) Work experience: 8 months volunteering at a sexual assault crisis line, 1 year and 2 months of being a volunteer program assistant (answered crisis calls, trained volunteers in crisis intervention etc, doing drop-in counselling) and overnight counsellor for 1 year (answering crisis calls and facilitating groups) at the same agency.I then moved on to working as an addictions and mental health worker (about 8 months now) at a residential program with the Canadian Mental Health Association. Other than my full time work, I worked as an exam invigilator for students with disabilities during my undergrad. From what I have heard, I know the part-time program is going to be more competitive to get into but I am in a circumstance where I need to support myself financially. So I'm hoping for the best but preparing for the worst!
  2. Yea the application process sucks the money out of you Has anyone got their letters yet?
  3. Yea maybe in a few weeks, when the admissions officers/staff etc. have had some breathing room, I may send a brief email just to touch base with them... Gaaahh!! I wanna get off the wait list already and start my program!
  4. I really hope you get in happyveggie! Do you know when you might find out?
  5. Yea I'm so tempted to contact them and briefly express my interest in the program again but I'm too afraid to bother them and make a negative impression lol
  6. Oh I suppose she got it from the OISE website, I just saw it here- http://www.ro.oise.utoronto.ca/RO_Official.htm But the thing that's confusing me is- it says 48 were offered admission, 32 got in but 32 were registered for 2013-2014. Does that mean no one from wait list was offered admission? Or does the 48 include those who were wait listed?
  7. Do you know the deadline for students at SFU to respond to their offer? That might give you an idea as to approximately when you might hear back if you get in. That's why I've been wondering what the deadline for accepting offers is at oise. It seems to me based on previous posts, that accepted students have 3 weeks from receiving their letter to respond... And that's pretty cool that she got those stats, do you know where she got those from? Also, I was just reading this online so I thought I'd share- http://www.idealist.org/info/GradEducation/Resources/Applying/Waitlisted
  8. WooHoo!! congratulations!! It's good that you know where you rank on the wait list, I'm scared to even email and find out- if I'm first on the wait list then ill be super nervous but if I'm in the middle/towards the end ill still feel shitty lol And you NEVER know, I'm sure there's applicants who have applied elsewhere and got in and will be turning down the offer
  9. I completely agree that it's a very frustrating process not only to apply but the waiting as well! it is a bit confusing to figure out what kinds of experiences/GPA they are looking for. It seems to me that you have way more experience than I do so I'm surprised that you didn't even make it to the MEd program. I hope that you were able to make your decision about your job offer though ( Congratulations on that btw!) If I hear back from oise and find out that I made it to the program, I will definitely shed some light on the "profile" of their students that are there, so you guys can maybe get an idea of what type of applicants they like
  10. @salamder - To answer your question about the GPA, I think it depends on the program. I know that for thesis based programs (according to one of my profs who sits on admissions committee for other grad programs), they place a lot of emphasis on GPA. Whereas for non-thesis programs, such as the one I applied to I've had a few people say to me that as long as I've made the GPA cut off, which is B+ and over, they really stress your practical and related experiences. And you would'nt have access to ROSI since you weren't an undergrad student at UofT so I suppose you'll just have to wait I had mentioned my GPA and background a few pages ago on this forum lol so you can just go back a few pgs and see But to briefly mention here- my final year GPA is 3.5/4.0 and my experiences are working in a counseling agency for 3 years in different positions all of which involved talking to clients on a crisis line, seeing walk-in clients and facilitating group therapy sessions etc. I hope all of you guys hear back soon! I know its been a loooooong wait
  11. @happyveggie I can imagine your frustration!! You have been waiting a while but you always have the option to call the admissions at oise and confirm with them. I know its frustrating to feel like you have all the qualifications for the program and not make it. I felt that way too when I saw my letter of rejection the first time and wait list this time. I work full time in a position where I have direct client interaction and I have received extensive training so it baffles me as to what kinds of experiences the accepted applicants have. Maybe it was their grades? Or letters of recommendation? There may be a chance you may have been neither rejected nor accepted but wait listed though. What other programs have you applied to? @mcruk As I said to the poster above, I had started to assume that I was rejected too but you may have ended up on the wait list too? I say if you don't hear anything past mid April, call the department and inquire about your status
  12. Well I do remember when I had applied and got rejected 2 years ago, I had got my letter of rejection only in mid April, so maybe they haven't mailed out the rejection letters yet?
  13. Mine was dated March 20th, mailed on 24th and I got it on 25th...
  14. Also, is anyone aware as to what the deadline to accept offers is? I know I read it somewhere a while back but I can't seem to remember it...
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