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Everything posted by kumapanda

  1. Yeah...you'll be having tough luck if a bunch of your CSDCAS schools are green colored. Lucky for me, I only had 1 green while the rest were orange and blue. I hope you met those deadlines tho? Is it too late for you?
  2. They say 4 weeks, but I guess it depends on when you send in your transcripts, LOR, etc. I sent my GRE scores, along with the rest 2-3 weeks before I finished my applications, which took roughly 1 week to be verified. The application itself took 2 weeks to be verified. So overall, it probably doesn't take long for your application to be verified as long as you send your other stuff earlier?
  3. I just submitted mine yesterday and I sent it through both. The link for Application Portal should be in the Online Application itself. On the page that mentions LOR, there will be a link that sends you to the Application Portal. Through there you can have your LOR and other stuff be uploaded there. Thanks everyone for the answers!
  4. So I'm having this dilemma on submitting my application for Michigan State University. Instructions say to submit my my 3 LOR, academic statement, personal statement, and resume through the MSU Graduate Application Portal. However, when doing the Online Application, there will be a section that asks for the academic statement and personal statement. Do I put my academic statement and personal statement on both the Online Application and Application Portal? Or do I only put it on the Application Portal and mention on the Online Application that it will be forwarded through the Application Portal? I emailed the school two days ago, but no response from them. Here's a screenshot of the instructions.
  5. I think you should send them now since it takes CSDCAS roughly a week to receive the transcripts from your school. And anyway, you can update your CSDCAS with an updated transcript between mid December to early February, I believe. It's probably better to be safe than sorry. For me, I just finished my fall semester, so I plan to update my transcript as soon as I get my grades in. Do you think I should send in a new transcript when the grades are in or when it officially says that I earned my diploma?
  6. Here's a list I have compiled after going through all the grad programs through edfind on ASHA's website. Correct me if you see any errors. CSUEB CSUF CSU Sacramento (if you have 3.5+ GPA) CSUSM Calvin College Carlos Albizu University (Couldn't find mentions of GRE on website, but edfind says it's required.) Florida International Governor's State James Madison LIU Brooklyn Loma Linda Mercy College Nova SJSU St. Ambrose Texas State University Universidad del Turabo University of Central Oklahoma West Texas A&M University
  7. I've submitted all my apps for CSDCAS! I still have to finish my CSU apps along with 2 other schools, but pretty excited that I'm nearly done. Do you know if any of these schools look at the last 60 units? CSULB CSUSM Chapman Redlands University of Northern Colorado Portland State University Michigan State University Loyola Maryland University Syracuse Radford
  8. 11 students?! I've heard of programs accepting 15, but 11 is a small number! What is it about Baylor that attracted you to their program?
  9. I'm concern about this too. I'm considered to be a minority and I fear it might affect my application where it lowers my chance of getting into a program.
  10. I personally don't find Edfind to be reliable because sometimes, I see numbers like 3.0-2.97 and that doesn't make sense. The problem I have with ASHA's Edfind is that they don't give you sources on where the information is from or what year the numbers were taken from. Some schools tell you statistics of accepted applicants from the school website, so I use that information. The only time I use Edfind's numbers is if a school I emailed to refers to it. I often manually look up all the schools listed on Edfind if I want to find out more on the problem since some of the schools will have special clinical problems Edfind doesn't mention.
  11. I think this really depends on what setting you plan to practice in and what age group. If you plan to work with special ed children as an SLP, yeah, biting is possible along with pinching and slapping. If you're genuinely interested in SLP, I say go for it. You sound like you know what you're getting yourself into and have some interest in knowing more about the field. From my experience, violent individuals tend to have an aid with them, so they would help you if things get out of hand. This applied to the school setting and private setting for me. As an SLP, you should take note if you know you can't control the patient's behavior and that it's out of your ability. If you have background in behavior intervention, that's great, but it's also good to know your limits. SLPs often work with other professionals like teachers, special ed teachers, OT, ABA, etc., so I don't think it would be unusual if you had to request additional professional help. I think grad school will prepare students for additional factors of working with clients like counseling and behavioral aspects. If there aren't courses for it, I'm sure the internships will give students time to adjust to the skills needed for the field. If you work in a private clinic and you see that the behavior problem is beyond your abilities, you can always recommend another speech pathologist or an ABA to the parent of the child if you feel the need to. TL;DNR: I think you're fine and more than prepared to work in the field. That experience in behavior intervention should give you an edge when applying for grad school.
  12. I worked on my resume awhile back and I ended up with 2 pages because of reference and other things. I hope schools don't limit the pages. I was told that resumes in general should be 1-2 pages long.
  13. Does CBEST have to be taken by the time you apply?
  14. Most grad schools seem to ask for 3 letter of recommendations (2 from professors of your department). Audiology and SLP are combined at my undergrad program. Would it be wrong to ask for a letter of recommendation from an audiology professor if I'm applying for an SLP program?
  15. Do American grades need to be calculated/converted to Canadian grades since I'm aware that they have different grading systems. I debating of applying to a school in Ontario.
  16. Be careful for CSULB. I looked at their requirements for admission and they don't seem to ask for LOR and the personal statement is more of a resume. I remember people posting last year that the school had group interviews. CSULB also tends to favor their undergraduates, but I've seen people out of CSULB get accepted into the program. I went to Chapman's info session and they seem to be focusing more on the overall picture of your application, like your GPA, gre, personal statement, volunteer hours, etc.
  17. Be careful if you apply to American schools. Some of them can get quite expensive for international students. Question: Is it hard to find a job after graduating from a Canadian program in the school/private setting?
  18. So I found out that the Canadian university grading system seems to be different than American grading system? For example, getting a 70% in a class would be considered a C in United States, but would count as a B in certain Canadian provinces? Would your grades/gpa be converted if an American student was to apply to Canadian programs for master programs? I don't know the exact percentages I have in my courses because my school only shows the letter grades on transcripts.
  19. Not a post-bac, but do you think graduate programs care more about major gpa than overall undergrad gpa?
  20. Can someone tell me about SJSU?
  21. Do you know what kind of changes Northern CO is planning to do? I'm planning to apply to the program and I'm interested in learning more.
  22. It's more like CA is more likely to choose their own undergraduates. I'm not sure how true this is for CA private schools, but Cal States seem to prefer their own students. I interested in Kean too! I also want to know if Kean is biased towards their own students.
  23. Taking: Voice Disorders Language Disorders General Biology Left: AAC Neuroanatomy and Physio for SLP Management for Mono and Bilingual Clients SLP Autism Counseling for SLP SLPA
  24. Do I actually have a chance in grad school? I took my GRE for the first time back in May and I thought I did pretty decent (V/Q/A: 151, 155, 4.0). But when I look at people's scores on the forums and in the acceptance pages, I see a lot of 155-170 on verbal. I was just happy to make it over the 50th percentile in verbal. The only thing that distinguishes me from people is that my quantitative score is higher than average. My analysis writing is average. I don't want to take the GRE again because I hate the atmosphere of the testing center, but I'm considering of retaking it again...Once my busy school work is out of the way, I might use Magoosh for vocabulary since verbal is my weakest section. My overall GPA is 3.655, but I still have a year left for my GPA to go up. The highest my GPA can go is a 3.734 and that's if I get a 4.0 every semester, but I don't think my chances are that high because of the difficulties of the classes. My GPA will more like range between 3.66-3.70. The average GPA I seem to see on the acceptance pages are 3.8-4.0, and when looking at my own scores, it makes me feel like I don't have much of a chance of getting into a graduate program. I still have the bad habit of treating my GPA as a scale for self confidence and I'm never happy with my results. With my statistics, the only thing that makes me think I might stand out among the other applicants is my volunteering hours. I've been working at the hospital for over 3 years and I work as a health worker for an autistic child. I try to be active in my university's NSSHLA club and I was also active in Red Cross at one point. I also volunteered at a private speech clinic with a couple of speech pathologists and I hope that my volunteering experience will allow me to get strong recommendation letters. Even with my experience, I'm still not sure if that can override my very mediocre scores.
  25. Thanks for the tip of emailing schools when I asked you a couple of months ago! I must have emailed at least 50+ schools and now I have a list of 8 schools. I had a couple of schools be vague about my scores (Kean, Towson; still waiting for Radford and Loyola to reply), so I'm unsure of what to do. I really like their program through and the courses they teach. The scores shown as ASHA is within my range, so I'm hoping I'll have a good chance. Should I apply anyway because of my confidence? What are your thoughts?
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