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Status Updates posted by ahlatsiawa

  1. Who else is binging Narcos on Netflix? So good!

  2. Why are people's tweets showing as status updates?

  3. They just cancelled a class I was soooo looking forward to. Now I have to choose among my second and third choice because they won't let me retain full time status if I don't. Effing pissed!

    1. Lycaon


      Ugh, yeah, I hate having to choose among the dregs. Get it together, departments

  4. Shaved my head today. It's so freeing!

  5. What a wonderful collection of pictures that depict what life was like in the US more than a hundred years ago. http://www.shorpy.com/

  6. How are you supposed to feel when you get a better grade than you expected in one course and worse than expected in another.

    1. ahlatsiawa


      Technically I should just feel indifferent. :P

    2. nugget


      If the 2 courses still average out to what you had originally expected, then I would personally be happy about it and move on. If not, you win some and you lose some. Use your disappointment to motivate you to do better next semester.

  7. It's been a year since I joined gradcafe. Being an international student, I can honestly say this has been the single most useful resource for me in my journey as a graduate student. Thank you gradcafe, and thank you gradcafe-ers. :)

    1. fuzzylogician


      You're welcome! I hope you stick around and contribute some of your own wisdom, now that you're on the other side :)

    2. Threeboysmom


      I would agree this forum has been invaluable during my journey from preparing for the GRE applying and waiting and now coming to the end of my first year. What a wonderful resource.

  8. Crunch week ahead.

  9. First midterm tomorrow. Space flight is really interesting.

  10. Stranded at the airport. Facing a 12-hour delay because I missed my connection (through no fault of my own).

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Munashi


      Ugh, I'm sorry. Fight for compensation! If it's not related to weather, they should owe you something...

    3. ahlatsiawa


      Actually it was related to weather. I only had 40 minutes to make my connection. But my flight came in an hour late.

    4. Munashi


      Damn, that sucks. I hope you're able to get home.

  11. Going to Chicago to see my nephew for the first time. :)

    1. Munashi
    2. ss2player


      Awesome, Chicago is an awesome city! Bring lots of coats, though.

    3. ahlatsiawa


      Thanks! Yes, I have been duly warned.

  12. Doing my assignments due at the end of the semester so I have more time to prepare for the finals.

    1. AKCarlton


      i'm doing the same, this one assignment stands between me and my final project

  13. Just finished cleaning the apartment. Took me 5 hours.

  14. Why is my body so electrically charged all of a sudden? I keep getting zapped by every metallic thing I touch.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ahlatsiawa


      Thank you. It's my first time experiencing such a harsh winter.

    3. spectastic


      I consider everyone living north of oklahoma suckers

    4. Academicat


      My cats hate me right now because every time I pet them, they get zapped. They think I'm just being an ass and doing it on purpose.

  15. What to do when you have a final coming up in less than 48 hours and you don't want to study.

  16. What to do when you have a final coming up in less than 48 hours and you don't want to study.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. iphi


      P.S. am jealous you have a final... I have another month of this!

    3. Threeboysmom


      Oh I've been there. Major procrastination

    4. St Andrews Lynx

      St Andrews Lynx

      Go to sleep. Have a relaxing day doing stuff you enjoy. Then study on the day of the test. Use the short-term memory. ;)

  17. It's frustrating when the TA tells you how she wanted you to answer the question AFTER she has graded it.

    1. fuzzylogician


      Wait until it's time for you to start TAing :)

      It takes time to learn what a good answer looks like and how to communicate it to your students. I'm not trying to make excuses, I know the students don't enjoy it and sometimes it isn't fair, but it might help to see the other side and remember that it's a learning process for the TA too.

    2. Vene


      It can also be really hard to direct students to an answer without outright giving them the right one.

      And, yes, it is definitely a learning experience being a TA. It's not like we're really given much training to be an educator, so we're pretty much figuring it out as we go.

    3. AKCarlton


      or your Professor tells you his expectations for his class with 3 weeks remaining in the semester.

  18. Completely flunked one of my midterms. Equal parts sad and terrified.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Monochrome Spring

      Monochrome Spring

      Take a deep breath, go eat some comfort food, and move on. You can't change the past, but you can influence the future. Don't worry about it. Everyone makes mistakes.

    3. spectastic


      minimize the sad and terrified part, and make some room for vengeance

    4. ahlatsiawa


      Sigh, thanks guys! It hurts when your grade drops from an A to a C- in one go.

  19. Finish one assignment. Move onto the next.

  20. Had a great time meeting people from my country here.

  21. I am never buying HP again.

    1. ginagirl


      oh no what happened, i have hp

    2. ahlatsiawa


      The wifi adapter died. And the laptop is just 4 months old. The worst part is, my warranty will most probably not be valid here because I bought it in my home country.

  22. So I was having dinner and broke and ate half my tooth without even knowing it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. spectastic


      you could show up with a black eye and ripped shirt, saying you got in a fight with your PI

    3. spectastic


      wait, don't grad students get benefits?

    4. ahlatsiawa


      Yes but no dental.

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