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    2018 Fall

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  1. Tha That's great!! Congratulations, and good luck!
  2. What about you, citrus00, where do you plan on going!!
  3. I got into JHU, USC, UMich and Duke, and I'll be attending Duke this fall! While I was pretty excited about getting into JHU, it didn't quite fit in with my future goals. But anyway, anyone going to Duke, feel free to message me!!
  4. Thanks for the information! I think you misunderstood 'location' though - I meant in terms of availability of jobs.
  5. I'm an international student from India and I've been offered admission to Duke and USC for an MS in BME. I've spoken to a lot of people from both colleges, and I seem to get the general idea that USC is a great place primarily because of its location in California where there are a lot of BT/Biomed companies. But I'm still pretty torn between them, since Duke has a great program and offers me the flexibility to really explore what I like. As somebody who wants to enter the industry, I'm not sure if I should pick the much lower ranked program/good location, or great program/okay location. Any sights?
  6. Does anybody have any inputs on Duke vs. USC BME? (I know the answer may seem obvious in terms of ranking, but as somebody looking to join the industry and as an international student I'd like to see if there is anything I'm missing)
  7. This was a question that I had, too, since I found out that a lot of JHU students work on their thesis during the summer rather than doing internships (atleast, this is the idea I got from the students I spoke to). I've spoken to students from USC and Duke as well, and I think that if you're planning to work in the industry after you graduate, it would probably be pretty important in terms of networking, the connections you make and the job experience you secure that could help with your job search after you finish your degree. Personally, this is the main reason why I'm not sure I want to pick JHU.
  8. Is there any massive difference between an MS in BME and an M.Eng, if I'm planning to join the industry?
  9. So from what I've gathered (trying to choose between JHU, Duke and UMich) UMich: Adv: Great program, great research opportunities Disadv: Finding good BME jobs/internships around this area will probably be more difficult than, say, for a mechanical engineer. And the weather. JHU: Adv: Highly research oriented program, top rank, great brand name Diadv: More focus on PhD's and undergrads than on Master's students for jobs/internships?? From what I can tell, if you pick the thesis track, you can't take any of the more business-y classes available for CBID students. Not to mention that fitting all your classes into one year, rotating in labs AND trying to find a thesis advisor; and then doing thesis research the next, feels a very very hectic schedule, and not very flexible. Duke: Adv: Great industry/research collabs, you can rotate around in labs before picking one to settle in and internships/jobs shouldn't be a huge problem thanks to the RTP. Lower cost of living in Durham Diadv: Not as prestigious as JHU, and living in Durham (small college town, not much to do/see, not close to any major city)
  10. Yeah this would actually be very useful hahah
  11. I got accepted too! So with Duke, USC, UMich and JHU in hand, I'm trying to decide between Duke and JHU. Anybody with any inputs, let me know!
  12. So I'm currently trying to choose between Duke's M.S. in BME program, and UMich's M.S. in BME program based on (in the following order) 1. Availability of jobs --> I'm not too keen on working for a huge company? I'd rather work for a mid-sized company, well funded, that allows me to gain some useful and hands-on experience. I've heard that UMich BME has some issues when it comes to finding good BME internships and jobs (compared to Duke and its proximity to the RTP). Is this true? 2. Availability of funding 3. Flexibility wrt concentration 4. Durham vs. Ann Arbor Anybody have any tips?
  13. Wow they send out Happy Holi mails? That's crazy! XD
  14. Me too! Was very very surprised to hear back, because when I mailed the department a few days ago to ask when decisions come out, they told me that we would be informed in April o.o
  15. I just got my offer of admission, and I submitted my fully completed application in December - much before the deadline. Some of my seniors from college got theirs in March when they applied last year. So I'm not sure how this process works. Then again, I'm international....does that make a difference? On another note, does anybody know when the last date to accept/decline this offer is?
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