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Infinite Zest

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    2015 Fall
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  1. Awesome news!
  2. Well, I'd hold off on accepting until as late as possible. You may get in off a waitlist at the last possible moment. Accept or not accept? I don't think anyone can answer that question for you. One thing I've noticed is that graduate admissions require some existential thought. What matters to you? Do you find placement record to be the most important thing? Or is doing philosophy in the near future the most important thing to you?
  3. With the utmost respect, sincerity means little to an admissions committee. However, you have some real evidence if you've actually started studying these languages or audited a class or two.
  4. So I should clarify my point. I think you could read some text in Greek and Latin by December. Not necessarily philosophical texts, but I'm sure you could have some reading knowledge by then. I picked up some reading knowledge of Latin in a semester, and it wasn't a big time commitment. I think what's important here is that you'll have an advantage over other candidates if you've studied some Latin and some Greek. After a season of graduate applications, I think you need every edge you can get. I think this is particularly true when it comes to these more specialized programs (i.e. classical philosophy, HPS programs, and so on).
  5. It's not December yet. I'd start studying... If you spent a few hours a day working on each language, I'm sure you could be able to read texts in both languages by December.
  6. Yeah, I'm all for not going into debt.
  7. It wasn't a mistake. The letter seemed clear: "Your application was reviewed by the doctoral program in the Department of Philosophy. While the department was not able to offer you admission to their Ph.D. program, we believe that you would be an excellent candidate for the master's program in Bioethics."
  8. Got an NYU bioethics acceptance, too. Not at all related to my interests. Weird.
  9. This doesn't seem too out of place to me. All things considered, more graduates are taking postdocs now. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the pre-2010 graduates were offered postdocs from very good places but opted for TT jobs instead. As for the permanent positions at places like UNC, those sorts of jobs are few and far between. So I'm also not surprised that there hasn't been one between 2000-2010.
  10. Anyone have any info about Rutgers?
  11. Really useful stuff!
  12. I wouldn't worry too much. I think a lot of the wait has to do with bureaucratic back and forths between the philosophy department and the university. If it makes you feel any better, the same thing happened to me for one of my acceptances.
  13. Rejected from MIT. My dreams of living in Boston are slipping away...
  14. Having gotten in to two places, I still think this process is brutal. I don't think I've ever deal with so much (presumed) rejection in my life.
  15. NYU has definitely sent out acceptances. I'm more interested in whether or not NYU is done sending out acceptances.
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