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Everything posted by jujubea

  1. Yeah, I definitely agree with this too. Re:housing, we found a place, but man is money gonna be tight for our family for quite a while. At least we'll have a roof over our heads, and 15 min drive from the beach ...and steps from the farmer's market!
  2. Have you looked into interning or researching with the OECD? Even though they are ostensibly an "economic" organization, they also have both monitoring missions and crisis-response type offices. Are there any areas of the world in particular you'd like to specialize in?
  3. Thanks Liz, Checle, and uhu. Waiting tables is a nightmare for me ... I care way too much about screwing up to the point I used to have nightmares about it when I was a server.. Valeting could be fun and I will be living very near a few hotels. And I hadn't even thought of a temp agency! Do you mind if I ask which one you're going through? Any other suggestions?
  4. You answered your own question: "if they Google me they will clearly see...."
  5. Takeru is right: do NOT lie and do NOT try to hide anything. Doing so, in essence, confirms that you are up to no good, in the eyes of the VO. Honesty goes a long, long way during the visa process. See your PM.
  6. Some things to look into: You could see about interning with State Department there in India or elsewhere. I think Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS, through DHS) and the Foreign Commercial Service (FCS) might also have overseas internships. The CIA has both undergraduate and graduate internships/scholarships, although I don't know if they're overseas, and it sounds like you're not in school. Beware many USG positions require you to be in the US to apply though. Outside of USG, there's always English teaching, which can give some seriously valuable experiences especially if you can do it in an area or type of area that your later studies may focus on; good for your own language skills; branching into teaching about culture and culture shock, or other specialties that may be somehow related to / or allow you to learn more about your planned studies. If you have overseas experience already, you could just apply to the Foreign Service directly. That's what I did, without a master's, and worked out just fine. You don't have to be in the US to begin that process, and they administer the FSOT through Consulates and Embassies abroad. (To be clear, you also don't need to have overseas experience to apply, but it will help your application significantly). What do you plan/hope to do post-graduation? That might help people give more tailored answers.
  7. I'm an editor looking for new clients! PM me if I can help. :)

  8. First one: I was attending my son's trivia competition and got a call I couldn't answer. Stepped outside and listened to the VM. Then went bananas. 2nd one: regular ol' day freelancing at home, got a call with the right area code. 3rd one: similar to above but I remember getting the funding notification way more clearly, since this offer in particular was irrelevant w/out $ info. I was notified of funding while finishing dinner with my fam about one minute after I believed I would not get word that day. On all 3 (4) occasions, I jumped up and down for several minutes in joy
  9. Hi Puneeth! I hope to meet you, then! I am considering the Cognitive Science emphasis in my humanities program, and I'm interested in the communication between the sciences and arts. What do you plan to focus on? (Feel free to PM instead). Congrats on your decision!
  10. good luck and best wishes to everyone still waiting...

  11. I know people say to just relax the summer before you begin the long-haul, but with kids in tow, I don't have that luxury. We need money! That said, what kind of jobs are out there that are actually-lucrative (say, $15-20/hr or more) summer jobs, which do not require a Master's degree? Otherwise I would try for teaching jobs... I am a freelance editor and consultant right now, but the pay is completely unreliable. Any and all ideas would be MUCH appreciated!
  12. Can it make the ground collapse or sink when large aquifers are emptied?
  13. I'd love to see that link to share with my family. We are moving to CA and we are concerned about the drought. Yet, while it was definitely serious part of our conversations about the move, it was never going to be a deciding factor. It definitely colors our discussions about renting versus buying, for how long, and where, though.
  14. You've made a lot of assumptions about me. Just to be clear, I wasn't trying to "chastise," just giving feedback about the way the statement was worded - but, point well-taken that my own word choice may have come off wrong, too. I purposefully caveated my answer (as I often do on this forum), to indicate that these were mere opinions and basic understandings gleaned from the forum itself. You leaped to me thinking I'm a "SME on the processes used by professional academic historians to hire other professional academic historians," which I do not, and again, I purposefully highlighted multiple times that what I was putting forward was just what I thought, or what I've understood others to believe, based on the forum members' collective knowledge. The OP also specifically asked for sources, so I was being sensitive to that by making clear these were my own understandings, and that I was not putting them forward as somehow "expert." The very next poster showed with an actual study, that it is indeed the case that "if you go to a so-called "top 10" school (by whichever institution's ranking), that your chances of getting a job are some proportion higher than lower-ranked schools," so, what I said had some validity. That doesn't make me a SME, no, and I am not trying to be, but perhaps it makes me helpful, if only marginally, which was all I was trying to do.
  15. Are these history rankings, or overall rankings?
  16. Lol, your wording sounded a little self-righteous or entitled!: "And I do expect some kind of source." Nonetheless, we like to help each other out here. I'm not fully clear what your question is, but I would recommend looking at the NRC rankings, which are a range of rankings for a given school or subject, and factors are included such as amount of publications, perceptions of professors from outside the school about the school, citation rates, student time-to-degree, and many more. Here is their list for history: http://chronicle.com/article/NRC-Rankings-Overview-History/124736/ I wouldn't be surprised if you don't find a list out there that specifically includes "Mexican History." I also have never seen a "job placement rates" ranked list of schools - though I'm sure they exist, I just haven't seen them. It seems like that is something more likely available for the physical sciences, engineering, or maybe med school, just a guess. Also, I think the general belief is that, if you go to a so-called "top 10" school (by whichever institution's ranking), that your chances of getting a job are some proportion higher than lower-ranked schools. So perhaps when people talk about top 10 placement rankings, they're linked to the regular top 10 rankings out there. That'd be my guess, in the absence of other info. And congrats on the Nahuatl Program - pretty cool!
  17. I think you could very easily potentially get into more and better programs with more funding after your Peace Corps tour. International on-the-ground experience is incredibly valuable, especially for your field, and especially in a less common country like Cambodia. If you'd be picking up Khmer, too, then hands down that seems the smarter investment route at this point.
  18. Yes, because, again, there could be "cutoff" scores, and yours might be below that. Maybe try to find out what those are, or look up averages on Magoosh.
  19. If you're looking at Fall 2016 attendance, then yes, definitely take the time to improve your quant score. It might not matter all that much, but you could get stopped at the door with a quick cutoff due to not reaching a baseline/cutoff number. Background is nice, sure, but they are really going to want to see some strong LOR's, especially if you don't bother to take the time improving your score.
  20. What exactly are your questions?
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