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Everything posted by jujubea

  1. Writers group this Wednesday the 22nd at 10am Central time -- DM me for the details!
  2. Bump still open for people looking! Writing group going small but growing. Summer 2020
  3. I'm starting a Wednesday writing/working group through Summer 2020. Let me know if you're interested.
  4. Awesome! Thanks for sharing. Let me know if you find any good online meetups, or want to start one together. Where are you doing language classes through? And which language? Look forward to your updates here!
  5. Submitted last chapter this week! Now onto revisions.... Also will have massive writing goals this summer!
  6. What are these internships and how did you find out about them?
  7. I switched. Need more info to help you as @Modulus said.
  8. How'd that book chapter end up @Adelaide9216? I just smashed SIX HOURS of writing time today (having gotten started with my goal of just 30 minutes) - woohoo! I almost have another chapter written. Goal for this week is to finish that chapter and send it to the team.
  9. Finished grading and submitted another chapter to the team! Woohoo! Celebrated with a nap and my favorite take-out treat! Goal for the rest of this week is at least 30 minutes of writing each day. How's it going @Adelaide9216?
  10. Hi there - just in case you didn't see it - even though the thread topic says "admissions and funding" this has become an all-purpose thread for discussing what's going to be happening at various campuses in the fall, in case that's helpful to anybody -
  11. Hit my goal today! And def needed the low bar. I had 5 hours of back to back Zoom calls! Whew!
  12. My Goals for Today: 30 minutes of revising a second draft of a thesis chapter (don't laugh at the low '30 minute' mark! see the link above!)
  13. Ok I started an asynchronous one right here on GradCafe! Come join - share your goals! Be celebrated!
  14. Post your writing or other working goals here, get camaraderie, and celebrate yours and others' successes! Post whenever (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly) and share in as much or as little detail as you please. I'll "manage" the thread so you'll always have "company"! See my other post about writing tips here: Happy graduate-degree ass-kicking!
  15. Our campus just announced all remote through at least both summer sessions. Talk on the town but nothing confirmed about a hybrid fall term and partial reopening of library via curbside pickup.
  16. @Adelaide9216 Is this still an issue? Was gonna write a response but not if it's all good now
  17. I was gonna write a response to the OP but are they even around?
  18. If it's for a journal, then how is it not formal? I smell the beginnings of spam or phish bait.........
  19. I am in a totally different field but had a somewhat analogous struggle. 1. What worked for me is I began to repeatedly remind the worst holder-upper how long I have been in the program with very specific numbers (X years X months), and why it is unacceptable and embarrassing to not be done with that particular phase when I apply for grants or scholarships or awards or prizes or jobs. It would be especially helpful if you could reference your university's time expectations for a PhD like yours, and norms for your field if you are beyond them. Part of why this was effective is because I did it repeatedly. Almost every meeting I opened up with some variant of "Well, I'm X years and X months into the program and this is really not good so I'm really trying to finish this up..." 2. I also began to express in various socially appropriate ways that I was burnt out on this phase and that I just needed to get it over with and finish, while also openly recognizing and acknowledging to this person the validity of the claim that it had shortcomings and things left outstanding. 3. I also began to express (with excitement, feign it if you have to) ways that those shortcomings could be addressed by me in the future (by re-writing the chapter to include that new data or analysis and turn it into a publishable paper, for example). Because time-norms was an issue in my case, I also confidentially went to the administrators in my department (whom I had good relationships with) under the framework of "wanting to share my progress and update" them. During those conversations, I expressed number 1 above, and my concern based on those norms that I "just need to get this done." I was able to get them on my side, which I felt was a "just in case" but I don't actually know whether they spoke to the holder-upper or not (and I never asked them to, and ultimately didn't have to). Another thing I became better at is academically arguing with the holder-upper. Rather than simply not wanting to do the additional research, or simply wanting to just be done with the thing (both of which were true), I developed academically based arguments for why my current research and data were more than good enough, and beefed up my analysis of that data just a little bit. This equipped me very well when telling the advisor "no" while also asking for their blessing. I showed them through academic arguing that I could stand on my own two brainy feet when defending and championing my data and novel analyses. Totally different field, but hope this helps at least a little. Sorry you're going through this though...
  20. @Paulcg87 posted this in another thread, thought y'all might wanna see it here too: https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/30/us/universities-students-returning-fall-2020/index.html regarding some universities reopening for fall.
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