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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    East Coast USA (international student)
  • Application Season
    2020 Fall
  • Program
    PhD History

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  1. I know that @neverwinter22replied but I wanted to double up their info by saying I confirmed with SSHRC offices that this is normal.
  2. For future reference: positive results for this year's cycle were sent via email about 5 hours ago.
  3. This experience should also make clear which organization is the one looking out for you and your fellow workers.
  4. A rare new opportunity for funds open to even international students in the US. I think it was poorly advertised this year--that might give those that did apply a boost?
  5. Absolute tragedy and a huge loss for international students. This was one of the few big ones that allowed non-US citizens. I interestingly noted that they hadn't increased the award amount in over 12 years. Perhaps that should have been seen as a red flag.
  6. International History of non-Liberal Anti-Colonial Nationalism
  7. Congrats to all recipients! Random question: what sort of amounts do the Japan Foundation PhD research scholarships amount to for a twelve month awardee?
  8. Probably they meant the degree was created as a stop-gap to avoid expanding or 'renovating' an existing, traditional degree programme. For example, a shrinking (or not) Anthropology department gets axed by budget cuts. In response to the outcry from students, faculty, and alum, the University announces the creation of an Interdisciplinary Ph.D. that allows students access to the faculty who have been shuffled around from their homes in Anthropology department. Where an in incoming student for this new programme would have fit into the now-axed Anthro department, it is arguable whether their experience will come close to what the full department used to offer. The second way I can make sense of this is if the funding breakdown is objectively different than those offered to traditional Anthro/History/English Ph.D. Then you are looking at a manipulation of sources and uses of funds. Possibly even by asking for a separate application the University could be making money off of fees, etc. Lastly -- and may god forbid this case -- it could be that the new interdisciplinary Ph.D programme is designed to keep those students away from the GSAS fellowships and perhaps even charge them tuition or alike. These cash-cow degrees are more commonly found as terminal MAs, though I wouldn't put it past at least one US school in 2021 to try this last option out.
  9. I was rather successful with waivers. I'm an international and, if I remember correctly, had my fees waived at more than half the schools I applied to. That includes Chicago, Harvard (two programs, both PhD), Northwestern. Some of these had formal avenues for this built into the app -- others I emailed staff in admissions and got things done manually. Doesn't hurt to ask (so long as you ask the right offices).
  10. 100% this. I think we could all do with a meeting of this sort! If this is possible for you, do this. edit: Getting into the practice of prioritizing advice from faculty and Ph.D. holding people who meet this 'after-2008' category is essential, imo.
  11. Related question: how long did it take to get a response re: your NR-73? I mailed one in last month and still no mail. I cannot log into my online account because I haven't filed or my status is off -- I get an error. I was told this would be resolved by doing NR-73 and sorting out whatever outstanding taxes I have. Ready to do that, just need word back on that NR-73. Looking forward to following your progress and reporting on my own so that I might be of some help to others. Cheers
  12. not to mention an unlivable stipend. Great school and department but not viable for most people, imo.
  13. Got into the US via international airport no problem with dependant J-2! Bring what ever documentation you have from the university (extra letters explaining the hybrid term, etc) -- we weren't asked to show them, however.
  14. Consulates and embassies in Japan and Korea are doing interviews as of Monday. My wife's passport is with them now after her j-2 interview. Hope it comes back soon with a nice stamp.
  15. Assignments were put on hold at the start of the month. Delayed once, then put on hold. I bet we get an update this week -- the July 24th mention is helpful. One question, though: what makes you think that spots are "few and far between" this year? With deferrals offered (usually not an option) and the general difficulties facing domestic as well as (especially!) international students trying to get the NY, if anything there will be more graduate housing, no?
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