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Everything posted by machinescholar

  1. I know NYU MS in Math remains open until April 1st: https://math.nyu.edu/dynamic/masters/admission/
  2. 3. It is very difficult because in Columbia Biostat is managed by the medical school while Columbia Statistics belongs to GSAS. So a joint-arrangement would be next to impossible with the current levels of bureaucracy at Columbia. You can also check out for students who have co-mentors in the PhD page. Some have co-mentors but they are both BioStat professor. https://www.mailman.columbia.edu/become-student/degrees/doctoral-programs/doctor-philosophy/biostatistics/phd-student-profiles
  3. As a Masters student, you wont have a chance at all. Big names like Gelman and Blei only teach PhD classes and unless you are very top MS students, it is difficult to even seek for permission to attend them. On the other hand, the MS curriculum is actually very balanced between Frequentist and Bayesian Statistics.
  4. It would help if you specify which type of jobs from these companies you want to land. In general, I think either of them would not help that much. if you are aiming for a Data Scientist or Quant Analyst role, it is very challenging because these top techs mainly recruit from the PhD graduate pool. As such, Masters candidates are mostly placed into Software Engineering Positions where the coding interviews are all that matters... Though between Duke and Columbia, I would pick Duke Stat MA programme as the cohort is much smaller and the placement record is quite strong in respect to a Masters program: http://stat.duke.edu/people/masters-alumni-pages
  5. I would say $160/month for groceries, food and misc in NYC is next to impossible ... And yes, most graduate students live in shared apartments. Many universities have off campus housing websites where you can find roommates. You should definitely check it out.
  6. I am also an upcoming PhD student in ML, and have done some non-trivial research about these programmes during my application. I agree with your professors and many of my professors also said something similar that UMass CS reputation is stronger than what USNews gave it credit for, i.e., USNews CS Ranking: UMass (#25) vs UMD(#15) and USNews AI ranking UMass (#12) vs UMD(#16). In academia, a department reputation mostly correlate with the number of papers they published in the top tier journals & conferences. According to this website: http://csrankings.org/. As a whole, UMass CS research output is almost identical to UMD (5.4 ~ 5.3). However, for AI, UMass is almost 50% better (19.8 vs 13.2). Refined further to only ML research (the first 3 categories), UMass still outperforms UMD (24.1 vs 16.9). That being saids, PhD decision ties down to your POI, research fit and placement record. But I am sure you would make the decision wisely...
  7. In my opinion, most of the Masters Statistics (maybe except UChicago) do not really increase your chance much into a PhD program. I dont know much about the UM MA Stat but it seems that their students are able to land jobs in the financial industry: From the website FAQ: https://lsa.umich.edu/stats/graduate-students/prospective-graduate-students/prospective-graduate-student-faqs.html Q: I am interested in going into finance and would like to have a better understanding of statistics. Would the Applied Master’s program be an appropriate degree? A: We have had Applied Masters alumni find careers in finance. Some recent examples of finance jobs our graduates started upon completing the degree: Quantitative Research and Trading at Worldco, LLC Financial Analyst at the Quantitative Strategies Group of Goldman Sachs Quantitative Operations Manager at Bank of America FX Options Trader – Associate at Bank of America Credit Risk Analyst at Household Credit Services
  8. Thank you ! That is a very detailed response.
  9. Anyone ?
  10. Full stat from the link: Position type first year after graduation, 2012 - 2016 cohorts Tenure-track faculty 14% Postdoctoral / Traineeship / Fellowship 28% Non-Tenure Track Faculty / University Researcher / University Administrator 5% Business / Industry 44% Other professional employment / Government / Non-Profit 9% Not employed 0% No data available 2% Total Ph.D.s awarded 64
  11. I dont know anything about BioStat so I can not really give advice. Just want to add that if you do well in your class, it is relatively easy at Michigan to secure a TA job from 2nd semester onward so it may help to pull down the cost a little bit.
  12. This is one of the most prevalent myth on Wall Street. Perhaps, NYU MathFin AdCom may give another take on the same topic: https://web.archive.org/web/20160930183355/http://math.nyu.edu/financial_mathematics/content/02_financial/03.html **Also note that while the author at quantstart offered some interesting ideas, he seems (at least from his profile) to never work in a Quant desk before.
  13. I did an internship at a quant desk in NYC and have many friends who go to top IB in Wall Street or hedge funds in Chicago. In my experience, the finance industry is very status obsessed and recruit heavily from the Ivies. So going through a solid Statistics or Mathematics PhD from a solid but non Ivy university may not get you there. If being a quant is what you really want, there are friendlier ways such as getting a top-tier Masters in Financial Engineering, Operations Research or Mathematical Finance. The admission is often easier than a Math & Stat PhD and schools like CMU or Berkeley have great records of placing their students to top jobs.
  14. Hi everyone, I am an incoming PhD Stats from Fall 2017. To minimize the stress of finding a new home in a new city, I am planning to stay in a shared 2-bedroom apartment at Northwood IV & V Graduate Housing for the first one or two semester(s). The monthly rent is $635 (with AC). Apparently, there are many negative feedback about the place. Is it really that bad ? Is the UMich bus system between North and Central Campus reliable ?
  15. You should receive an email from Columbia about Graduate Housing Application or you can also check out here: http://facilities.columbia.edu/housing/how-apply In general, graduate housing in the main campus (116th Street) is reserved for PhD and Post-Doc so if you are a MA student, you may want to search for off campus alternatives.
  16. I am currently a CS student at Columbia. As much as I love my alma mater, I do not think Columbia MS Stats living up to the university name. They admit a lot of MS students every year (200+). Masters courses are segregated from the PhD ones and taught mostly by Adjunct Professors. So you have to work really hard to get Professors' attentions and good research opportunities. The graduation placement record to both industries and PhD programmes are not very encouraging either.
  17. Generally, BU is ranked a little higher than Northeastern for Computer Science PhD: http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-science-schools/computer-science-rankings http://www.chronicle.com/article/NRC-Rankings-Overview-/124721/ That being said, the ultimate factors to choose a PhD programme is your advisor and the fitness with the research projects. Have you visited both departments ? If yes, how do you feel about them ?
  18. Thanks for the advice marmle ! There was no official email but I knew I was on the waitlist because I emailed my PI last week when the results rolled out.
  19. Hi everyone, I would appreciate if anyone, who has been in the same situation, may give me advices. I recently got off the UMich waitlist and received the admission into their PhD Stats programme. Now, I am fortunate to be able to choose among top programmes in Statistics. A brief background about me, I am a CS undergraduate. However, my concentration is CS Foundation & Theory so I am actually more comfortable with writing proofs and reading research papers than coding tedious programming projects. My research interest is Statistical Machine Learning. Career wise, I want to work in the academia to eventually become a professor and I am not very interested to join the industry. I understand UMich Ann Arbor Phd is a very good programme, but I also have option to enroll MS in UChicago or Harvard then try again next year for the top 3 PhD programmes. The latter approach is certainly risky. Nevertheless, will it be worth the cost ? Is there any advantage that PhD graduates from top 3 programmes have over the ones from top 10 such as UMich ?
  20. Thank you for the advice ! Yes, Harvard 1 year duration and no thesis requirement are my biggest concerns. Also, at least from the past projects which I worked on, Theoretical Machine Learning is, in my opinion, more closely related to Maths and (Theoretical) Stats than CS.
  21. Hi everyone, I would appreciate if you may give me any advice on this. I am a CS major undergraduate and am interested in doing theoretical research in Statistical Machine Leaning. While I did not get into the Stats PhD programs, I did got admitted into MS Stats at UChicago and AM Stats at Harvard. I also applied to Stanford but have not heard any thing from them so far. I know Stanford and Harvard rank #1 and #3 in USNews in Statistics. However, I heard that some negative things about the Stanford programme that they admit too many Masters students (~100). While Harvard is selective, it is more geared for the industry. UChicago is lesser ranked (#5) but it looks like a solid PhD preparation programme. Given that my future plan is to apply for PhD in Statistics a year later, should I choose UChicago over Harvard or Stanford (if I get admitted) ? Or will the brand recognition be more important in the long run ? Thank you guys !
  22. Hi everyone, I would really appreciate if someone may give me advices on my situation. I am currently a CS major and about to graduate in the upcoming May. For my final year thesis, I have been doing tone of research related to Probability Theory and truly enjoy it. In fact, I like it so much that I am seriously considering doing Phd in Mathematics after graduation. However, because of my CS curriculum, I have taken only Calculus Sequence, Linear Algebra, ODE, Real Analysis I. Most people I talk to think that I am underqualified for Phd in math. So one option to fix this problem is to apply for a good Masters in Math program to fulfill the prerequisites. I heard that NYU Courant has a good MS in pure Maths programme which it is easy to get in. However, the tuition fee is very expensive and someone else in this 4rum mentioned it was not worth for them as BS Math majors. Though, would it be beneficial to someone in my situation ? Thank you for any feedback !
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