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    2016 Fall
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  1. I've found the best liaison to be the 'Graduate Coordinator'! Most the schools I interacted with had one, at least the bigger programs. If they don't seem to have one, or they don't respond after a reasonable amount of time, a polite email to the director is the next step. Just make sure you are concise with your questions, and ask if they could help you or possibly connect with someone that could. Keeping in mind, I didn't email to ask about stats, but in my correspondences about other things, that's my experience. Also a lot of schools have portions of their websites (FAQ or Student outcome data) that is likely to say either minimum requirements or average stats of incoming students. Hope that helps! Good luck
  2. University of Wisconsin-Madison SLP class of 2018! https://www.facebook.com/groups/996668083744220/?notif_t=group_r2j_approved&notif_id=1460736453886866
  3. I was accepted off the waitlist at Ohio State University today at about 1:30pm! I have until the 25th to make a decision
  4. Has anyone heard anything regarding decisions or possibly when they'll get back to us? I've gotten no info
  5. I didn't go to the open house but I went on a personal visit; they were extremely nice and accommodating! The campus is small but nice, and the clinic is pretty new, nice classrooms and the clinic area is a good size with big windows and view of Boston! It seems very state of the art and up to date building unlike SOME schools..haha. Depending if you have a CSD major- you go straight into clinic at the in house clinic. After that you do 1 adult, 1 child, and 1 'specialty' placement based on your interests. I really like that they have so many outside placements, other schools I've been to only have 2. Also, if you choose to do a placement in the first summer, you get the last semester of your second year with no placements! This leaves you with open time to study for comp exam and the Praxis. Over all I loved Northeastern: the students and teachers I met were so nice and willing to answer all my questions and help me really experience the school. Also I love Boston! It's going to be a hard choice
  6. @lindsey8 I've seen at least 1 person decline their offer, so there's some hope! Good luck
  7. I was also waitlisted at UW! Hoping for some good luck.. you never know! ps. looks like last year they pulled people off the wait list a couple days before, or even on the day of the deadline
  8. In case anyone is interested - they just updated the rankings! http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-health-schools/pathology-rankings
  9. I want to do the same
  10. @Manda Panda Do you know if there is a Facebook group for people accepted to Northeastern? and what made NU your top choice? I know this doesn't have to do with your topic- sorry!
  11. I'd love any insights on Northeastern University! My specific interest is Developmental Disabilities. Thanks
  12. maybe! I've seen people be waitlisted and rejected already..so who knows. I'll find out eventually haha
  13. so..did anyone else that applied to University of Washington-Seattle not hear back yet? Or know if they give results in stages? I applied pretty close to the deadline but I've seen a lot of people hear back. Just wondering!
  14. haha, I'm not getting my hopes up because I've been waitlisted by most my programs but thanks! they don't know what they're missing with rejecting you guys!
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