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Bloggers '15-'16
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About vestigialtraits

  • Birthday June 16

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  • Application Season
    Not Applicable
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    Student Affairs

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  1. When you say Educational Leadership, what do you mean exactly? K-12 leadership or Higher Ed? Policy or Administration? If you're looking for Higher Education Administration, looking into "Student Affairs" or something along the lines of "Higher Education Administration" would probably be more fruitful.
  2. I'm currently enrolled in Seattle University's program. Let me know if you have any interests or questions!
  3. Craigslist is a good place to look for housing in Seattle
  4. While I'm not familiar with those schools, I have heard that it's beneficial to have experience at multiple institutional types (both for your resume and personal knowledge when choosing where to work professionally). So if UWM allows the opportunity for internships or practicum at different schools, it may not make a huge difference. But that may be something to take into account.
  5. https://studentaffairscollective.org/product/from-the-beginning-perspectives-from-new-emerging-student-affairs-professionals/
  6. Hey guys! Just wanted to drop in and say I hope everyone is doing well. If you have interviews or visits coming up, may the odds be ever in your favor! Sending good vibes~~~
  7. ~~~~~(Extended version)~~~~~ I was checking my email every 5 minutes or so that day as it was a Thursday and we were told to expect emails that week if we were accepted (and to wait for a letter in the mail the following week if rejected). This was the only program I applied to so I was anxious to hear back as I planned to try to put in a few more applications to other schools if rejected but those deadlines were quickly approaching. Anyway, it's Thursday. I went to take a mid day shower, got out and dressed to take my elderly father to the store and decided to check my email once more before leaving and there it was - "congratulations! You have been admitted." I was completely floored, to say the least. I smiled a smile bigger than I thought possible and said a quick prayer thanking God for allowing me the possibility and hoping to be able to pursue him and reflect well on him through my future work. I told my dad, we decided to hold off telling mom (she's a teacher and was at school). At the store, we also bought cake and ice cream and roses for mom and I cooked fdinner or her to come home to. She didn't really question anything when she came home because my parent's anniversary was the previous day. That is, until I told her she wasn't allowed to cut the cake because it was mine. She asked why I had a cake and I let my dad tell her the good news. I've never seen the two of them so proud. I'm my dad's 6th kid but the first nto ever go to jail and the first to graduate from college and the first in our family (at least 4 generations) to go to grad school.
  8. It's kinda early in the game but anyone else planning on attending?
  9. Wow! 14 is A LOT. You probably shouldn't find a few. Only applying to one worked out for me but I don't know if I'd suggest it.
  10. Thanks! I imagine I'll be around and more than willing to help out. SeattleU is the only program I applied to though so as far as program comparisons, I don't know much.
  11. Yes! I got accepted today, fortunately. I hope to start classes this year as well
  12. Congratulations!!
  13. Finally heard back from Seattle University -- accepted! One application was enough
  14. http://www.campusprideindex.org/searchresults/zsnap Check out their website
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