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Everything posted by Warelin

  1. Based off the results page, it seems Syracuse decides on whether or not the person gets accepted or waitlisted.
  2. I don't think there would be. The April 15th deadline for funding is binding under the fact that you would be required to obtain written permission after that date to withdraw and enroll elsewhere. I don't think it would apply to unfunded offers. (Paying the deposit though and withdrawing may or may not be bad form though.)
  3. Correct. The April 15th deadline only applies to offers of funding. It protects funding so students aren't pressured to accept an offer from the members who are on the list prior to April 15. You can ask for an extension but Columbia University wouldn't be required to give you one.
  4. Is it a funded program? If it is: http://cgsnet.org/april-15-resolution
  5. Congrats! You have some tough decisions ahead of you!
  6. You're not spamming! Congratulations! That's awesome news. And remember: GradCafe doesn't capture all waitlists so that number that get admitted after a waitlist is most likely higher at most programs than GC captures.
  7. My partner and I adopted a dog when I started my MFA. She'll be going with us when we start my PHD this fall too.
  8. Besides the time, it wasn't bad. And they were accepted! 2 hours after submission! Good luck!
  9. I wish my post can be positive. If people were being called for an in-person interview, I'd say chances are good that there is still hope. However, since the person was invited via e-mail, there's a high chance that those lists were created using Excel or Access so multiple people were e-mailed at similar times. I don't think universities personalize anything unless it's an acceptance or a personalized rejection commenting on a specific aspect of your application. (Diuke: Feel free to prove me wrong and e-mail @Crow T. Robot)
  10. Welcome! Northwestern may not be done notifying yet. And I'm not sure anyone does stay sane with all of this.
  11. In the past, Northwestern has updated portals at the same time. Can anyone confirm?
  12. Just say yes! Kidding. Looks like the start of some wonderful options for you.
  13. I thought UMD already sent out their acceptances for English? *pokes results page* Edit: @punctilious beat me to the information.
  14. Unfortunately, that is really dependent on the program. Some programs only send out as many acceptances as they can afford their class size to be. As a result, their waitlist may move faster. Some programs send out more acceptances than they think their target size class will be. It might be that 2 people need to reject an offer before they move on to the waitlist. As a result, sometimes there is no movement is seen on the waitlist but a different subfield might see a lot of movement.
  15. I can confirm that Texas is done with first round acceptances. Waitlists and rejections to come on a different date.
  16. This is interesting! If true, that could mean they're expecting to cut things back. According to this, they accepted 48 out of 248 applicants for an enrollment size of 18. I'm wondering if they expect a lot of people to either pass on the offer or if the waiting list is used often.
  17. A 1-1 teaching load means you'd be teaching one course each semester. A 2-1 teaching load means you'd be teaching 2 courses in the fall and 1 in the spring.
  18. Congrats on getting into your first choice! That's always exciting!
  19. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XNJR4IhOJ56zd7zLuVSUK7h054dBRNvyiC7iStCOsxo/ Last year, I started the process of making an updated version of funding packages with the help of students accepted into programs. The list isn't complete but I hope it provides a more complete version of what universities expect in exchange for their funding. It is open-access so edits are welcome.
  20. I'm surprised that Delaware, Vanderbilt, Northwestern and WUSTL haven't notified yet.
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