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Everything posted by Warelin

  1. Haha. Someone's going to take your posts seriously and I'll be contacted next semester about everything. Sadly though, I don't know much about California schools. I have a friend who goes to University of Southern California for her Creative Writing PHD but that's about it.
  2. I'd be a horrible adcom! It would be Me: @punctilious' wife is really cool and @FreakyFoucault is really funny so I'd like to accept them both! Them: But they didn't apply here Me: But I like them! So please accept them!
  3. I think there is a good chance that you may be right! I noticed Washington University has some rejections up but no acceptances. My sources tell me that acceptances haven't gone out yet but they're aiming to be out soon.
  4. A tad early, but not by much. A day or two early isn't too surprising for a lot of programs. If it was by a few weeks, I'd be much more surprised. I think Chicago, Ohio State, Texas and Wisconsin do a great job in letting their applicants know exactly where they stand.
  5. Berkeley is a tricky one because they do have a "large" class when compared to other programs. In previous years, Berkeley has notified all acceptances within 1-2 days of each other.
  6. I don't think they're done notifying yet. There are several (mostly state) schools that nominate people for certain school-wide fellowships before they complete their entire admissions classes. I hope you get a response soon though.
  7. This week has been very quiet. I expect the majority of programs I'm waiting for will notify around the 15th/16th.
  8. I think @wnk4242 is applying for a statistics phd.
  9. Congratulations! That's awesome! Congrats! Oregon always seems like such a relaxing state to live in! Congrats!
  10. Vanderbilt's English department didn't have a single acceptance from GradCafe last year.
  11. Congrats! Denver is a really great school especially if he's interested in the combining creative writing and English!
  12. Unfortunately, it resets 24 hours after each "like" and not at the start of the day.
  13. Congrats @punctilious and @a_sort_of_fractious_angel
  14. Was UCLA the school that switched their online application system in the middle of a cycle? If so, it sounds like they're getting ready for review soon.
  15. Congrats! Sounds like you'll have some really tough decisions to make!
  16. @FishNerd FWIW:From the e-mail correspondences I've had, UMass has finished sending out their first round pics. Denver is expected to notify this week! Did your partner apply for the English PHD or the English/CW PHD at Denver?
  17. Someone mentioned earlier that they didn't get the invite so I'd imagine that they don't invite all applicants. I imagine they have some sort of 'target' because otherwise the event would likely exceed the budget they set aside for it.
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