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  1. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from Regimentations in Here Comes the Sun/ Waitlist Movements   
    Congrats on being one step closer to your final decision! Rejecting offers is always the hardest part but I'm sure someone will be happy for the opportunities that arise.
    Yay. Congrats! I hope it works out!
    Congrats! I've heard good things about Oregon State's MA program!
  2. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from marisawhy in Here Comes the Sun/ Waitlist Movements   
    Congrats on being one step closer to your final decision! Rejecting offers is always the hardest part but I'm sure someone will be happy for the opportunities that arise.
    Yay. Congrats! I hope it works out!
    Congrats! I've heard good things about Oregon State's MA program!
  3. Like
    Warelin reacted to punctilious in 2018 venting thread   
    Happy venting!
    Our CFO has given the go ahead for me to work remotely! That means I get to keep my job! I'M SO HAPPY!
  4. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from M(allthevowels)H in Here Comes the Sun/ Waitlist Movements   
    Congrats on being one step closer to your final decision! Rejecting offers is always the hardest part but I'm sure someone will be happy for the opportunities that arise.
    Yay. Congrats! I hope it works out!
    Congrats! I've heard good things about Oregon State's MA program!
  5. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from Regimentations in Current state of English departments & PhDs: traditional vs. interdisciplinary   
    I can't speak with 100 percent confidence on Comp Lit, but the answer to this question for Rhetoric/Composition would be no. Syracuse, Michigan State, Illinois, Penn State, Arizona, Arizona State, Miami of Ohio, Penn State all have stronger Rhet/Comp programs than English Literature programs.
  6. Upvote
    Warelin reacted to Noire et Étrange in 2018 Acceptances   
    This is a bit late... but I was accepted to Columbia yesterday!! 
  7. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from renea in Current state of English departments & PhDs: traditional vs. interdisciplinary   
    I can't speak with 100 percent confidence on Comp Lit, but the answer to this question for Rhetoric/Composition would be no. Syracuse, Michigan State, Illinois, Penn State, Arizona, Arizona State, Miami of Ohio, Penn State all have stronger Rhet/Comp programs than English Literature programs.
  8. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from JustPoesieAlong in 2018 Acceptances   
    I really hope you get in! I've had really great interactions with the program!
  9. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from swimming in 2018 Acceptances   
    @swimming: FWIW, I have a few friends who live in Boston and complain about it. But they say they would never consider living anywhere else. Some of them started there as graduate students and have refused to leave since then.
    Tufts, Brandeis, BC and BU are part of the Boston Consortium as well. So acceptance to any will allow you to register for a course at other if it fits your desired program of study.  (Harvard is part of a different consortium.)
  10. Upvote
    Warelin reacted to TakeruK in ... where is the job data   
    I personally wouldn't rule out a program just because they are not 100% thorough and transparent about post-grad job placements. As you might imagine, it is quite hard to keep track of everyone who has graduated, especially beyond their first post-grad position. Even when a department tries to keep track, whether they are successful depends on the willingness of their alumni to respond to surveys and such.
    Something like Princeton's chart would be amazing but even that chart can only show people who have self-reported. Looking at the recent Dissertations, about 6 students graduate per calendar year. I don't know what the expected number of years you would be on the market in your field, but if it's N years then one might expect there to be 6 times N candidacies listed. Otherwise, there are people missing, which are likely people who aren't interested in academia any more. So the absolute numbers on these charts are good, but the percentages aren't great. Also, there seems to be 83 students on the department webpage but if only 6 dissertations per year, then maybe something is happening to them (or maybe the listed students are probably in other departments too and/or include Masters students so they might not have their dissertation listed on this department page).
    In any case, I would also be concerned about a department having a chart that appears to be thorough but is incomplete or hiding some information. And these charts often do not distinguish between graduates who are interested in academic positions and those who are not (and whether they became not interested in academic position as a result of the job market or not).
    For small enough programs, the current students are the ones that best know where their cohort has gone, so ask them about it too. And I find that asking professors about the students they have advised will get you much more accurate information (graduates are more likely to stay in contact with their advisors than the department). Some profs put info about their students' current positions on their CVs too! 
  11. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from indigopierogy in quite confused with the funding offer... can anyone help?   
    The department doesn't have any funding to offer you. In the past, students have been able to find funding from other departments, There is a good chance it will happen again but it is not guaranteed. Without a secured job, you'd also be responsible for paying tuition.
    If I were in this situation, I'd pass on it. It seems to be a scenario which is putting too much stress on you without any guarantees.
  12. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from bpilgrim89 in ... where is the job data   
    I think Princeton's data is a good place to start. However, I think it's good to note two things at every school and Princeton does make mention of it:
    *Reflects active job searches. Please be aware that candidates for jobs sometimes repeat their candidacies over more than one year in the job market. (It is becoming more common on the market that job searches do take multiple years. Postdocs are becoming more common and so are VAPs.)

    If you're browsing quickly, you may see the percentage for total academic jobs and confuse it with TT positions. Academic jobs include postdocs, VAPs, Lecturers and Adjunct positions.
  13. Like
    Warelin reacted to punctilious in 2018 Acceptances   
  14. Upvote
    Warelin reacted to renea in 2018 Acceptances   
    Finally heard back from Florida State- accepted with funding, which means my husband and I finally both have acceptances to the same school!
  15. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from M(allthevowels)H in Campus Visits   
    There are a few ways around this.

    Greyhound is $21-26 (depending on the departure time) one way on Sunday March 11. It has around 12 available times to leave from morning to evening.  Take SEPTA to Wilmington, lyft/uber from Wilmington to Newark.

    The first option would cost $42-$52 for two people. The second would cost two independence passes ($13 each) and according to rates currently ($23) from the station to the college. 23+13+13= $49. Trains are far more comfortable than Greyhound.

  16. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from punctilious in Campus Visits   
    There are a few ways around this.

    Greyhound is $21-26 (depending on the departure time) one way on Sunday March 11. It has around 12 available times to leave from morning to evening.  Take SEPTA to Wilmington, lyft/uber from Wilmington to Newark.

    The first option would cost $42-$52 for two people. The second would cost two independence passes ($13 each) and according to rates currently ($23) from the station to the college. 23+13+13= $49. Trains are far more comfortable than Greyhound.

  17. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from theburiedgirl815 in 2018 Acceptances   
    Congrats! Out of curiosity, what is your first choice?
  18. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from Regimentations in Here Comes the Sun/ Waitlist Movements   
    I think this board has worked out well in previous years and  thought there might be some benefit in creating a space where (1) people can post if they are declining an offer, and (2) where people can post where they are wait-listed. Sure, there is no guarantee the wait-listed person will get the spot, but it's still nice to know, right? In the end, we can only take up one offer but it's possible that you were accepted at another person's dream school and waitlisted at your own and vice versa.
  19. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from Regimentations in Projected Acceptance Dates for English PHD programs   
    I think it's important to be aware that those applying this cycle are your fellow academics and scholars. These are the people who you'll be interacting with at conferences.. These are the people you'll have the opportunity to form early connections with. These are the people who very well may help one of your future students get into their program and vice versa. These are the people who would be the most willing to copublish together. These are the people who will be serving on similar committed as you. Build love, not hate.
  20. Like
    Warelin got a reaction from ashwel11 in Updated Funding Packages   
    Last year, I started the process of making an updated version of funding packages with the help of students accepted into programs. The list isn't complete but I hope it provides a more complete version of what universities expect in exchange for their funding. It is open-access so edits are welcome.
  21. Upvote
    Warelin reacted to sarahchristine in 2018 Acceptances   
    I bit the bullet & checked.. I got in! Word regarding funding is supposed to come in a few days, & hopefully that will also be good news. Wake Forest is admittedly at the bottom of my list, but it's so nice to have an acceptance under my belt.
  22. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from bumbleblu in Projected Acceptance Dates for English PHD programs   
    I think it's important to be aware that those applying this cycle are your fellow academics and scholars. These are the people who you'll be interacting with at conferences.. These are the people you'll have the opportunity to form early connections with. These are the people who very well may help one of your future students get into their program and vice versa. These are the people who would be the most willing to copublish together. These are the people who will be serving on similar committed as you. Build love, not hate.
  23. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from punctilious in Projected Acceptance Dates for English PHD programs   
    Called Brown. They are making decisions in batches but have released their decisions to the grad school. Decisions will be posted "soon, if not today",
  24. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from Noire et Étrange in Projected Acceptance Dates for English PHD programs   
    I think it's important to be aware that those applying this cycle are your fellow academics and scholars. These are the people who you'll be interacting with at conferences.. These are the people you'll have the opportunity to form early connections with. These are the people who very well may help one of your future students get into their program and vice versa. These are the people who would be the most willing to copublish together. These are the people who will be serving on similar committed as you. Build love, not hate.
  25. Upvote
    Warelin got a reaction from punctilious in Projected Acceptance Dates for English PHD programs   
    I think it's important to be aware that those applying this cycle are your fellow academics and scholars. These are the people who you'll be interacting with at conferences.. These are the people you'll have the opportunity to form early connections with. These are the people who very well may help one of your future students get into their program and vice versa. These are the people who would be the most willing to copublish together. These are the people who will be serving on similar committed as you. Build love, not hate.
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