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Pink Fuzzy Bunny

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Everything posted by Pink Fuzzy Bunny

  1. Thanks I will be sure to get that and try it out Also, bronchitis during the last few days of the semester sounds horrible
  2. I hate being allergic to nuts... all the good ice cream apparently has nuts in it Plus not being able to be near peanuts makes holiday parties a real drag. Also, I've developed a taste for (cheap, <$10) wine. Anyone who can recommend some? I've tried a few kinds and I think my favorite is a cabernet sauvignon.
  3. I think we should all treat ourselves. I learned that Ben & Jerry makes some strawberry cheesecake ice cream
  4. Nothing really happens for me, which is fortunate - there isn't a grade requirement or anything. Just... ugh
  5. I sort of thought that my serious work ethic would be enough to get me through classes unscathed. But then I spent 40 hours a week (and not a lazy 40 hours - a consistent and productive 40 hours) per week on this one class, and failed badly. WHOOPS
  6. Aaaaand I'm free! That final was a trainwreck and I might've failed the class, but like... I'm free
  7. Last final tomorrow at 7PM. Only need a 30% to pass the class, but then again I got a 36% on the midterm that covered "basic fundamental concepts"
  8. Glad to hear you're getting that taken care of... of all the things to stress about, physical health shouldn't be one of them!
  9. Really? This might be way too personal, but that sounds like a quite serious physical issue (something like chronic fatigue, maybe?) Have you spoken to a doctor about it?
  10. You read three billion pages a day for school and still have energy to read for fun? Are you superhuman?
  11. Hell, even *I've* heard of the rare book school at Oklahoma. It's a big deal. Don't get yourself down. As a side note, I spent the entire day feeling down about failing this class (which is kind of inevitable), but I just got an email telling me that the research I did last summer (2015) was published!
  12. What sort of training? Not that telling some random internet stranger will help you get the scholarship, but I'm curious
  13. All we had exam-wise for this class was an oral exam that was 10% of our grade, but my last lab report didn't go so well (it was a lab class). I think I'll end up passing though (but not the other class, hahaha) @Neist I'd much rather struggle through lab classes and such than read 10 million pages a day like you do. I'm not sure how you manage to do that.
  14. Oh good, instead of failing one class, I might just fail both hahahahahahahahah *cries*
  15. @Need Coffee in an IV Is your TA a high school student? Seriously, does she not know how to act like an adult? In other news, I accidentally left the slow cooker on for two days. It's one of those weeks
  16. You're right, I'll set up a meeting. Thanks I'm still learning what is appropriate and what isn't, I suppose
  17. So typically I'd agree, but I've been working for this professor for 7 months now and never once spoken to him. I just need to say "Hey, I'm failing this course, but I'm going to do X, Y, and Z to improve."
  18. On a scale from 1 to 10, how unprofessional is it to email my advisor and tell him I'm failing my class instead of telling him face-to-face?
  19. Sorry, I was talking about in a museum wasn't sure if the slavery was of a similar nature or not
  20. What exactly does a grad assistant do? Help with lectures? Research? (By the way, I have no idea what *actually* goes on in a museum)
  21. This lab report is definitely going in the "worst submissions of all time" hall of fame
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