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cartwheel galaxy

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Everything posted by cartwheel galaxy

  1. Oh I just saw this! Exactly I feel I'm more involved and less stressful, like you said.Thanks! And good luck for all your applications!
  2. so I've received the offer from one of my dream department (not from grad school yet.) My advisor suggested me to attend the weekly lab meeting, and some other labmates started to ask me questions about their work. (since I've done similar things before) My biggest issue is that I feel a lot of pressure: if I don't meet their expectations about my ability to do things reflected in my application, will my offer be influenced? Also I feel it's too early for them to involve me in the lab. (still half a year away! And I have to do my own heavy coursework too.) They also asked me if I received the offer yet. I haven't because it's only March. Any suggestions about these?
  3. So I've been admitted to UGA, and also consider pursuing a master's degree outside of my field (in physics) while pursuing my Ph.D. But heard that UGA is most famous for its non-STEM programs, and has a high female to male ratio. Although I very much like my program at UGA, those are still my two major concerns. (I'm a female.) Because I usually enjoy a more balanced academic and social atmosphere. Are there a big gender gap on a day-to-day basis? And does anyone know about the physics program or the overall STEM fields on campus?
  4. No it's not a big deal. Usually professors won't notice it.
  5. So I emailed this professor in November and he asked for my resume and after reviewing it, he briefly replied and said "Thanks. Please apply to our department this winter and mention my name explicitly in your statement of interest." I was very excited because this program is the program that I'm interested most and I hope to work with him as well. When I finished applying and emailed him again this January, he didn't get back to me. So I sent an email again 6 days ago and he hasn't replied either. Considering my background and his research, there is a possibility that I don't have enough skills he needs, so I'm not very confident that he's very interested in recruiting me. I know that the department has already done a few interviews and I haven't been contacted. Should I switch to email another professor at this point? Honestly I don't know if it makes a difference to email any new professor at this point...
  6. In the online application there's a "Residencies and Fellowships" tab. I have a fellowship, but it asks me to also upload "a copy of proof of graduation such as a graduation certificate", otherwise I'm not able to save this fellowship. I haven't graduated yet. Any suggestions on how to deal with this?
  7. Hey AlwaysWaiting @AlwaysWaiting, did you go to UGA? I might be admitted to them this year. Do you know about their GIS/remote sensing program? Thanks: )
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