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Everything posted by mk-8

  1. If anyone has any questions about UT Austin rhetoric, I'm happy to talk about the program. I'm in my first year here.
  2. I already have plenty of those though!
  3. Officially accepted my offer from UT Austin, y'all. Where should I buy my cowboy boots?
  4. Congrats on narrowing it to 2! I know we talked a little already, so I'll try not to repeat myself much. I think it kind of depends how important rhetorical theory is to you. I don't know a lot about NC State's program, but from what I've gathered, I think theory is more emphasized at Clemson and critical making is more emphasized at NCSU. Obviously we still have plenty of making going on here and there's theory there, but I think your "simple" analysis is pretty accurate. If you check out the latest issue of Kairos, you'll see both a Clemson and NSCU student published in it. The work the Clemson student published started in a class, I believe, and I think most professors here are really welcome to you customizing a project as much as you can to fit your own interests and publication.
  5. I just want to also agree that no, definitely do not go into debt for an MA. especially if funding is an option where you currently are.
  6. I'm in super stressed finish my thesis/last semester of MA mode, so I couldn't imagine going now. A lot of Clemson peeps are there *nudge nudge*
  7. No, not I! I didn't end up applying to Cs at all this year.
  8. Declined an offer from Texas Tech's TCR program- hopefully this helps someone out!
  9. I can claim one. No idea if that’s all of them. I got an email from the grad director who said a letter in the mail was coming, and then yesterday an email from the grad school saying a letter was coming.
  10. I got mine today, did any of you get yours?
  11. It looks like Clemson acceptances have gone/are in the process of going out. If anyone has any questions about the program or Clemson in general, I'd be happy to chat
  12. I emailed last week to ask about schedules and was told we’d be getting them by the end of this week. So, hopefully by the end of today or tomorrow!
  13. I'm a little disheartened by some of the responses I've received here, especially because you don't know my situation at all. I'm not entirely sure I owe anyone an explanation. I think I'll be taking a break from the forums for a while. If anyone would like to connect over Twitter or FB, let me know, because I've met so many lovely people here
  14. Yes, I’m also an extrovert. My problem is my mind is going 100000 miles a minute and I’m asking another question when they’re still answering the first one.
  15. I think we're living the same life; I've been so overwhelmed with pressure to stay at my MA school, but I have my own top choice. I'm also just generally nervous about moving so far away, and I'm like 98% sure that if I move, my boyfriend and I will break up.
  16. Can't be worse than me literally explaining how awkward I am on the phone to a director.... Super congrats!
  17. There's a pinned thread about visits and stuff, and I was freaking out about what to wear, too. Someone told me that it shouldn't stress me out that much because this is the the school's part to impress you. You've already been accepted. I wore a skirt and a plain white shirt my first visit as an MA. Most people were in jeans and t-shirts (and even tank tops because the visit was in FL). You don't need to wear anything super fancy, I'd say. The most important thing is comfort. Recruitment events are likely to mean long days with a lot of walking (you'll probably go on a tour of the campus at some point). Wear comfortable shoes and something you'd be okay with wearing all day. I'm planning on wearing jeans and a blouse to most of my events along with my keds (lol). A suit may be overkill anyway, so don't worry about it.
  18. I believe in you! Even if you don't believe in you!
  19. Wow! Wonder why they waited so late.
  20. CONGRATS!!!!! I know you really wanted this one!!!! So happy for you!!!
  21. I don't think that's true. Well, I know it's true they probably just want to talk and get to know certain people better. I don't think that's "all" of their applicants, though. I know someone who applied and I'm 99% sure they didn't get an interview.
  22. I presented my writing sample at a conference this weekend and was editing it down Friday night and found like three comma splices. I’m a very ~stylistic~ person so that doesn’t surprise me.
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