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Everything posted by mk-8

  1. haha, that's too funny. and don't write it off yet!
  2. I think there are some older threads about Chicago MAPH, and while I know absolutely nothing about it, it's always rubbed me the wrong way.
  3. Congrats!!!! So happy for you!!! Congrats!!!
  4. @klader knows about Miami, but I think she said next week maybe? Clemson will probably notify within the next two weeks as well. Definitely before the end of Feb. NC State's website says mid Feb... but who knows what "mid Feb" means, haha.
  5. A Target run is definitely in my future....
  6. I chronically am running out of Tupperware. Or losing it. Or breaking it. I break it a lot....
  8. Sorry friend. Even if they aren’t good fits or you feel like it’s a long shot, it always hurts to be rejected.
  9. Congrats! Nothing compares to getting in your top program.
  10. Yeah... I guess we’re only really 6 days into February, so maybe wait a bit. The good thing is, February is a short month!
  11. Kind of, they’re all forwarded to my email, but I have to reply in Canvas. Canvas says I can respond directly to the email, but it’s a 50-50 shot that’ll go through, so I don’t chance it anymore.
  12. I used Blackboard in undergrad, and I like Canvas a lot better. There’s plenty of kinks, don’t get me wrong, but it’s a pretty nice tool. One thing I do hate is that my students message me on Canvas instead of emailing me a lot, and it’s a bit of a hassle to go through Canvas to respond instead of email (first world problems much?!)
  13. I use our learning management system (canvas) and I REALLY like it. It offers a lot of tools for grading and feeeback (IMO). It also lets me know if students have looked at my feedback, and I spend a loooooot of time on feedback (more than I should), so it’s nifty.
  14. Red pens? Psh, grading on paper is soooo last century. (If you do grade on paper, hats off to you. I do everything online. No chance I can lose their papers, no having to lug things around, and it’s much easier and faster for me.) (I also use the green highlight option when I highlight things :P)
  15. It'll weigh on my conscious foreeeeeeeever
  16. Next thread idea: how to not go f*%king crazy while grading. I have 42 students this semester and am currently 1/3 done with grading their first papers... It feels like some mountain I can't climb because I'm wearing flip flops.
  17. So far, nothing this week. The rest of the schools I'm waiting to hear from could literally notify from now until mid-March, so something could literally come out of nowhere at this point, lol. That's kind of cruel to send out. I find it funny how programs word things in emails and such, especially since we're all studying words. I don't know much about UNCG's English/rhetoric programs, but I do know my ex is in the communication department for his MA and I met a bunch of lovely communication professors when we visited together (lol)
  18. Have you been able to work out the Purdue visit (I hope so!)?
  19. They can't do that, right? That's cruel and unusual.
  20. Did they list a date they’d alert by? I’m in the “you’ve paid them x amount of dollars to look at your application, the least they can do is keep you updated” camp. If they list a date on the website and it’s passed that day, I’d email. If not, maybe stick it out another week or so and then email. Yes, they’re busy, but they know how this process works.
  21. This is a really, really smart idea (especially if you're applying to a lot of schools).
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