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Everything posted by itsjennetic

  1. Thank you both for the excellent advice!
  2. Ah I'm not sure if I conveyed my thoughts correctly... I meant that I am open to programs outside of the US as long as they align with my research goals, not that I am actively seeking to specifically get abroad experience. But you make an excellent point about re-entering the US with a foreign degree, so that is definitely something I should consider. Thanks for your feedback!
  3. Hello fellow users, I am a recent graduate from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I received my undergraduate through the Liberal Arts College and majored in Individual Program of Study in Neuroscience, a major that I tailored with my research professor since a neuro degree wasn't actually offered yet at U of I for undergrads. I graduated with a 3.2 GPA due to a lot of personal events and stress that occurred during my undergrad, along with being diagnosed with anxiety/depression at the end of my junior year. Despite my low GPA though, I do have about 3 years of research experience in a neurophysiology lab. I am currently living in the Bay Area, CA and my stress levels have stabilized since graduating about 6 months ago - I am currently studying for the GRE and looking at graduate schools to apply to. I am also very interested in furthering my studies internationally. I'm very worried that my low GPA will have a huge negative impact on my application. The schools I am looking at applying to are: - Berkeley and UCSF (I know these are a huge stretch) - U of I in Chicago and U of I in Urbana-Champaign - Rush University - Northwestern University - University of Washington - University of Minnesota - University of Toronto - McGill University - University of Edinburgh - University of Glasgow - Trinity College Dublin I feel like I am aiming too high for these programs, but I am extremely interested in their labs and they deliver high-quality education for postgrads. I am feeling pretty intimidated though, any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for listening.
  4. Hello fellow users, I am a recent graduate from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I received my undergraduate through the Liberal Arts College and majored in Individual Program of Study in Neuroscience, a major that I tailored with my research professor since a neuro degree wasn't actually offered yet at U of I for undergrads. I graduated with a 3.2 GPA due to a lot of personal events and stress that occurred during my undergrad, along with being diagnosed with anxiety/depression at the end of my junior year. Despite my low GPA though, I do have about 3 years of research experience in a neurophysiology lab. I am currently living in the Bay Area, CA and my stress levels have stabilized since graduating about 6 months ago - I am currently studying for the GRE and looking at graduate schools to apply to. I am also very interested in furthering my studies internationally. I'm very worried that my low GPA will have a huge negative impact on my application. The schools I am looking at applying to are: - Berkeley and UCSF (I know these are a huge stretch) - U of I in Chicago and U of I in Urbana-Champaign - Rush University - Northwestern University - University of Washington - University of Minnesota - University of Toronto - McGill University - University of Edinburgh - University of Glasgow - Trinity College Dublin I feel like I am aiming too high for these programs, but I am extremely interested in their labs and they deliver high-quality education for postgrads. I am feeling pretty intimidated though, any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for listening.
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