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Everything posted by meghanmetier

  1. @M@H ugh I'm so sorry. Have you thought of looking into programs in Canada or possibly England? (but idk about the climate there either.) If not, maybe take this as an opportunity to really hone your art so maybe in a few years you can really get into an amazing program! I went to NYC this weekend to see the Armory Show and Spring/Break. I'm actually pretty excited about my exceptance to Pratt now. I saw a few Pratt alumni at Spring/Break, a recent grad's solo show in LES and some Trudy Benson at the Armory Show! When I got home I got my official acceptance and there was mention of qualifying for an assistantship which pays up to $7k for semester. I'm looking at debt, not a crapton... but I'm gonna try to ask them for more. And then pray something happens to me that it won't be terrible in the end.
  2. I got accepted into Pratt with a $30k scholarship. But even with that I'd have to pay $60k in tuition and cost of living in NYC so.... I don't know if I should go. I like the program and see myself doing well and am impressed with the work coming out of there. Maybe I should ask for more funding? I tried emailing a few grads to ask if they advise going there and if the debt is manageable with no response. Still waiting to hear from Tyler, if I get in there I'd go there.
  3. Aw yay! I got a big scholarship too! But wowee with cost of living it's still a lot. I'm waiting to hear from Temple still but will delibirate, maybe we'll be classmates! Ah!
  4. Ahhh yea I've only heard negative things about SAIC but have you been to Chicago before? Take it as a opportunity to do fun Chicago things! HUNTER it's longer and cheaper
  5. I had my skype interview with Pratt today, it was only 10 minutes. Except I think I might've bombed it, I ran home from work to do it and didn't take my ADHD meds so was really nervous and talked really fast and blanked a bit. But they seemed friendly but idk ugh
  6. Ahhhh that would explain why they're accepting fewer students.
  7. @Zander I just emailed Tyler and they said they're still reviewing applications aaaaggghhhhh
  8. Yea, I had really convinced myself I had a high chance of being accepted there, which was a dumb idea. Ugh.
  9. I just emailed them and got a confirmation that I'm not receiving an interview. Gonna crawl in my bed for a bit ugh
  10. There's so much shit going on with the school's administration and the state legislature that you're probably dodging a bullet tbh. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/16/opinion/how-iowa-republicans-are-threatening-nurses-teachers-and-poets.html
  11. Yea I've been meaning to share, folks applying to Iowa, be cautious. $112m is being cut from the state budget this year, $8m will be cut from the University of Iowa. Also an anti-union bill is being pushed in the house which could drastically affect graduate students. The grad student union at UI is concerned grad students may lose their access to insurance, tuition remission, stipend and collective bargaining. Plus there is the whole issue with the current president, which is a whole other issue that you can ask me to share if you're curious. So yea, just be cautious about Iowa. You may lose the funding that is offered. Also here is a nice infograph someone compiled relating to the issue on campus at the moment.
  12. Which medium did you applying for? Im praying for a response from painting
  13. Does anyone have backup plans incase they don't get in this year? Im applying to the New York arts practicing, where you're paired with mid-level artists and work in apprenticeship and do studio/gallery/museums visits with other students in the program, and do crits. Basically it's a program that teaches art students / recent grads how to live and work as an artist. I had a friend that did it and had a good experience. http://www.artspracticum.org/ Also I'm asking because I'm planning to apply to the Tyler summer program, but wanted to wait until I heard back from them until I applied. Now understanding how long their process is, do you think it's a bad idea to go ahead and apply ASAP?
  14. AHh, where did you hear about the only 5 change? And why?!?
  15. Any word on when theyll contact for interviews?
  16. I've also been engaging myself in leftist theory and community organizing, and my practice does touch ground in my leftist political beliefs.
  17. Probably going to to talk to my mentor about this, but if in an interview they ask me what I've been doing since the application.... Like, to be honest, the past year I poured every free moment into my practice and fell behind in maintaining my relationships, being involved in my community and reading. So especially how fucking terrifying this past month has been I've been nurturing these other drives. I've been drawing a bit and reading a lot of art theory, do you think the reviewers may take points off for that?
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