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Everything posted by meghanmetier

  1. try us new and world reports? I think they have like a "complete ranking"
  2. I know Hunter of UofIowa are as well
  3. ^ That's some really good advice above. Going to portfolio day was a good experience for me, I was able to solidify my decisions on schools I was looking into getting feedback and meeting faculty. And yea what I've gotten was your CV doesn't matter too much, they're interested in your work and if they think you could benefit from their program. I've seen programs that have accepted students with extensive career development and that have accepted students with very little experience and not as developed portfolios. They really want to see interesting work and an essay that sticks out and personable, as well as strong letters of reccomendation from former professors. Look into faculty from these schools, are there faculty members who you feel you could learn from?
  4. Cool I'll send it to you! Haha yea, I live near Chicago and the winters are the worst. I can't wait to leave!!
  5. Wow I suck https://meghan-metier.squarespace.com/
  6. Ah awesome. I kinda realized I didn't answer your question directly, but when I decided to choose schools it was a choice of location, (get me out of the Midwest please) whether the curriculum was heavy in theory and history, faculty I'm interested in and having meeting with someone from the school and getting positive feedback. Someone once gave me a long list of links about writing statements, I can send them to you if you want? Also I was told to have professors review over them and friends. You could also try contacting admissions to the schools and ask for more guidelines and expectations about the statement? Like when I talked to temple they told me they don't want an artist statement they want to hear what I want to get out of being in school for two more years. Hunter told me they want me to explain my work and talk about my personal history.
  7. Anyone want to share their work and what you're thinking about crafting for your statement? . . . meghanmetier.squarespace.com In my work I'm exploring the relationship (and lack thereof) between the mind and the body. I think a lot about my history with psychiatry. I think about dysphoria and dissasociation. Im also drawing a lot from net art and my relationship with globalization that allowed me to have an attachment with the world growing up in an isolating environment. I'm thinking of escapism and idealization.
  8. Also get in contact with your former professors. Show them your recent work, talk to them about it. You need your professors to write your letters of reccomendation so keep them up to date and show them you're serious. They might know the faculty at programs youre applying to and it can really help a lot. Someone told me when she applied, she packed her car with her work and drove 6 hours to show them her to work.
  9. I've dedicated the past 7 months really focusing on applying. Last fall, right after undergrad I visited portfolio day in Chicago to get a feel about where I was at. Was reassured that I wasn't ready at the time. But I did get an invitation to visit MICA, so I did in April during their MFA thesis week and I'm glad I did. I think you really shouldn't worry about ranking, and that is what I've been told. I know someone in undergrad who applied to all the top 20 ranked schools and didn't get into one. (Had good skill, but not a good artist, had to much ego and money from his parents.) I know someone else who has applied twice now and I honesty think it's because she cares to much about ranking and doesn't do enough research into the school. Im applying to Hunter, Pratt, Tufts, and Tyler. I'm drawn to all three because I'm applying in painting but really want to explore sculpture and installation, all of those schools say after starting the program, students are considered "artists" and not "painters" or "sculptors" and encourage exploration. I really have my heart set on Hunter because of its affordability, location, faculty and curriculum. I'm like praying I get in. I went to their prospective student week and asked A LOT of questions. It aligned with their open studios so I really got a feel for the school. I visited the later 3 during portfolio day and got real positive feedback and again asked a lot of questions. Every school is looking for something specific, and it's important to know more about the program and also HOW TO CRAFT YOUR STATEMENT. Most important thing I can say is to be honest, don't use a bunch of vocabulary you don't actually use to try to set an impression, they see right thru that. Your statement isn't going to be a copy and paste deal. I visited Pratt last minute after portfolio review since I was in NYC for hunter and got a good feel. My concern tho is their studios are pretty open and there isn't much privacy, which I'm an introvert and have a lot of anxiety and panic due to over stimulation so I'm afraid the studio setup wouldn't be good for me. When I visited MICA I had a good reaction but someone I know who finished their MFA told me there is a stigma in the ny scene against grads from MICA, and their programs only have one director so you really only work with one faculty member, there also isn't much rigor in theory and academia so I don't think it's right for me. I say apply this year! But if by chance you don't get in, don't be distraught. Take it as an opportunity to look more into each program, their faculty and curriculum and really do your research. Try to go to portfolio days and visit as many schools as you possibly can. I just took a week off work and drained my savings to do portfolio reviews and visit Hunter and Pratt and I am so happy that I did.
  10. Have you looked into UCIrvine? It has a high reputation in LA, tuition is covered and sounds like it could be a good fit with you! I went to Chicago last weekend as well and yea it did seem dead. Only school that had a long line I waited for was VCU, the reviewer told me I could find all the questions I was asking online and wish I didn't waste my time standing there so long. I visited Hunter and Pratt this week and I want to apply to both, really have my heart set on Hunter. I got good reception from Tyler and Tufts so I'm applying there as well. I visited MICA last year during their grad thesis exhibit and had a good feel there, but now I'm not sure about applying I'm a little skeptical.
  11. Wow the statement of purpose is really freaking me out. Really wanting to write personal, but afraid many schools I'm looking at are looking for more formal statements. Plus I find staying under 500 words incredibly difficult. I'm primarily a painter but want to do more work in intermedia, I'm looking at Hunter (like desperately want in), MICA, UCLA, Rutgers, and planning to visit Pratt, Temple, VCU, SMFA Boston at portfolio review. Anyone with experience want to give their input on writing statements?
  12. Look into University of Iowa, I went there for undergraduate. Lots of bs politics in the administration, but fully funded I think if not pretty well funded and faculty is great. Susan Chrysler White is like a superstar professor, amazing artist and just wonderful person.
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