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Everything posted by tkid86

  1. Hi, all. Congratulations on getting your applications in and all that jazz. I know now is the most difficult part -- the waiting. Try to breathe and take a break; don't think about it! I know that's easier said than done, but you likely won't be hearing back from anybody until the end of this month and into February. Remember, you've done all you can and re-reading your SoPs and other application materials won't make time go by any faster.
  2. I would still stand by the statement that political science departments in the U.S. don't do postcolonial theory. This doesn't mean an individual within a department doesn't utilize it. (I still think going an anthropology/sociology route would be better if intent to stay in the U.S.) (This doesn't mean that I wouldn't have loved the opportunity to work with P.J. Brendese at Hopkins.)
  3. To second @Comparativist's comment about being strategic when declaring your subfield... be mindful of the programs to which you are applying, too, if you straddle subfields. If, for instance, you applied to a program very strong in IR, you may have to compete with a number of other IR applicants. It is possible that applying as CP could provide a bit more wiggle room, especially if they have any sort of quota for an incoming cohort in regards to numbers and subfield. I had a professor suggest that I apply to some programs as political theory rather than IR... and I didn't listen, but it did work out in the end (for me). So, just some food for thought.
  4. Sorry to hijack your thread, too... but in case anybody takes a look at this thread: I am looking for one or two roommates interested in sharing a house in Beechwold/north Clintonville. (Have the house, need roommate(s).) If you're interested in more information, shoot me a PM.
  5. I know we hear "quantitative, quantitative, quantitative", but I think it also has a lot to do with the programs to which you are applying and what you are hoping to do research-wise. I have a very weak quantitative background (and a worse Q GRE than you), but I don't anticipate pursuing much quantitative research, and I made my research interests (and methodological interests) fairly clear throughout my application. It really depends on what you are hoping to do, and whether or not you need to demonstrate that you can do that work if it is necessary for the research projects that you want to pursue.
  6. Hi there! I'll be headed to OSU for Fall 2017, too. I'm a domestic student, starting my PhD in Political Science. I'm actually headed to Columbus this weekend to look for housing. I'm not sure it will all sink in until I'm actually there, though, come August.
  7. From what I've heard, experienced, and observed, I will say that GWU is fairly well thought of and quite competitive, despite being ranked #40. From what I've heard and observed, the symbolic and cultural capital, including the networking potential there, makes it an odd case for a non-T30 school.
  8. Your best bet might be to look outside of the U.S. academy but you might also need to consider a discipline change if you want to pursue postcolonial studies (even in the context of IR/polisci).
  9. April 15 is right around the corner. And I am pleased to say that I just formally accepted an offer this morning (and rejected one, so hopefully that clears up a spot for somebody on the waitlist). It still hasn't sunk in yet.
  10. I just wanted to make a post again here... if you've been accepted to Ohio State and don't intend to attend, please let them know as soon as possible. I've been waitlisted for funding and would very much like to go there. (I am also waiting to hear from Georgetown, still.)
  11. It is the weekend. I'd give him a bit more time to respond.
  12. BFB said the end of February would be likely, so I'm expecting it soon. Just wasn't sure if the info came out and I wasn't yet aware.
  13. I second this question. @correlatesoftheory, your signature notes $ from OSU? Have you received official word?
  14. PROFILE: Type of Undergrad Institution: Mid-tier private liberal arts university Major(s)/Minor(s): International relations and cultural anthropology; certificate in international studies Undergrad GPA: 4.0, Magna cum laude, honors in both departments Type of Grad: N/A but did take two graduate-level courses during UG Grad GPA: 4.0 GRE: 162V | 155Q | 5.5AW Any Special Courses: qualitative methods; research methods in political science; self-designed independent reading course Letters of Recommendation: mixture of UG tenure-track professors (always 2 IR [1 tenured] and 1 anthro) Research Experience: undergraduate thesis (for anthropology), all qualitative Teaching Experience: N/A Subfield/Research Interests: IR but interests intersect subfields | critical security; discourse; terrorism Other: The writing sample I submitted was the introduction to my senior thesis for anthropology RESULTS: Acceptances($$ or no $$): Ohio State University (TBD), University of Maryland ($$) Waitlists: Syracuse Rejections: Washington University, Yale, Johns Hopkins Pending: Georgetown (likely rejection) Going to: Still pending, but fairly sure I know where I'll be going [and will update here once I've made the official decision] LESSONS LEARNED: I only had three months to research and select schools, as well as put together and submit my applications by the time I decided that I was going to apply to graduate school. I had to submit everything two months before the deadlines because of an opportunity that arose that I could not turn down, which would put me outside the country and without reliable internet access (and at times, access to the application websites even when internet was available). In the end, however, I think this likely helped me from over-thinking my applications. I had to be on point and confident in what I submitted. (I am not immune to the freak-out, however; once results started rolling in, I joined the pack of panicked applicants.) Overall, I cannot emphasize enough what previous cycles have demonstrated: fit matters. I emphasized my interdisciplinarity and my background in anthropology and political science, which likely helped and hindered me at different schools. I excelled in both of my departments in undergraduate, but I approached political science from an anthropological lens (and focused my anthropology studies on political anthropology); I sought to demonstrate the benefits of this interdisciplinary background. I also focused on my training and interest in critical theory, even while knowing the spaces and opportunities to study and practice such in the U.S. are few and far between. I know that my less common background and my research interests helped me stand out at my top choice school to which I was admitted and will be attending. Overall, I think my strong letters of recommendation are what helped me compensate for “lower” GRE scores and my undergraduate background from a small LAC lacking in reputation. That being said, I think I could have applied to some different programs that may have been better fits than the D.C.-area schools, but hindsight is 20/20. My general advice, in no particular order: Start studying for the GRE early and don’t neglect verbal because you think you’re strong there or vice versa for quantitative. Invest in prep books (and maybe find friends that are also studying and split the cost); they do help, at least as refreshers. Don’t panic over your GRE scores (or GPA for that matter). Yes, you need numbers not to set off a red flag and to make it past initial cuts, but in the end, schools are more interested in you — your research interests, your ability to think critically, what others think of your ability to think critically and succeed in graduate school. The numbers are just there as an initial check. Be strategic about your letter writers. I came from a small LAC, so no “big” names in the sense of research and Academia (with a capital ‘A’), but I did have letter writers that were more than willing to go to bat for me, one of whom was an alumna of one of the schools to which I applied. Give yourself and them (!) plenty of time to tailor letters to each school if they so desire, and don’t stress if the deadline is approaching and they haven’t yet submitted. Gently nudge, but don’t freak out. They do get done. For your SOP, write long versions and short versions. I started with a long version directed at my top choice school, and then tailored that to my other applications followed by creating a shorter version for when needed. Applications are expensive. Options are good, but I do not think you should feel the need to apply to 10+ schools, especially if some are not especially great fits. I know that there are one or two schools to which I probably should not have bothered applying, but I did anyways and spent the money to do so. Be mindful of cost to apply when selecting your schools. Rejections are not personal. Remember that you are competing with hundreds of other applicants, all of whom have similar backgrounds and aspirations. There is some luck and timing involved in getting acceptances. Don’t be afraid to have contingency plans. Be optimistic about your chances of admission, but also be practical and be ready to move on and have other things to do and places to go. There’s always next cycle. SOP: PM — if you’re actually interested. I actually emphasized my interest in theory and how it influences my approach to international relations. Additional Comments: I also recommend that you take a look at the previous cycle of this same type of results threads (see the OP), as well as this great post by @VMcJ about what was done differently this cycle opposed to last cycle. Keep in mind, however, that these exist just to give you an idea of what a small number of good profiles look like. Not everybody excepted looks like a 4.0 GPA and 170/170/6.0 GRE with an ivy background and publications.
  15. Is anybody else waiting to hear from Syracuse? I sent an email to the graduate school on Thursday inquiring about when results might be sent out, but I haven't heard anything yet.
  16. Congrats on presenting! I'm just here to soak up the knowledge this year.
  17. Any GradCafe folks at ISA this week?
  18. Just got my UMD acceptance! Available via the application portal. No word on funding, yet.
  19. Mine too. I don't think it's a good thing or a bad thing. I'm thinking it just means they're done reviewing and we can expect a decision soon.
  20. Have you heard anything from them?
  21. My UMD portal finally changed from "Under Departmental Review" to "Under Graduate School Review"... wondering what this means. Especially since it sounds like others have already received e-mails from POIs and such. Waitlist, maybe?
  22. Yeah... I'm really expecting a rejection. And many others in the next week. (Dear Adcomms, just reject me already please. So I can move forward.)
  23. tkid86

    St. Louis, MO

    I didn't apply to WUSTL, but if you have any questions about the Lou, I'll try to answer them here or you can shoot me a PM.
  24. In what way? I'm trying to relax and telling myself that I'll know in seventy-two hours for Yale if the results stick to the past trend of admits and rejections at the same time. I've got fun plans for tonight and I don't want to be thinking about this throughout the night.
  25. All the Yale and Georgetown admits are international, it looks like? Maybe notifying international applicants first. Hopefully. Maybe. Edit: Or trolls.
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