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    Concrete jungle where dreams are made of
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  1. NYU is gonna be really tough unless you have some great research, strong letters, and a high GPA to balance your GRE. Not sure about the other schools.
  2. yup. Although from what I remember individuals who are contacted for interviews are recommended to not make it public so you won't know until you get either a phone call or rejection letter. It may change this year though.
  3. Please spend your time chilling. I started my program during the summer (about 15 hours a week) and to be honest while it was great integrating then rather than at the beginning of the semester (I took 7 classes the fall) I still felt haggard. Now that its summer again I want to go off the grid so that no one can find me/my internet wont work for a while XD. Maybe do some light reading but don't go full steam as this truly may be your last true vacation for a while.
  4. Just a heads up that NYU doesn't have a clinical program per se (only counseling).Also you may need to apply to more schools (particularly less selective schools) and open up which regions you're applying for (these all seem to be on the east coast and half are in ny/nj). My cohortmate had similar stats and it was pretty rough for them (they restricted themselves to ny/nj as well). I had lower gpa but 4 years of research, fellowships, and a pub and it was still not a comfortable experience for me. Its possible our cycle was particularly competitive but no sense gambling with your chances.
  5. Mine is similar across the board and I had 4 reviewers (different filed - psych) and I believe they try to distribute somewhat evenly over disciplines to an extent but if there are an overwhelming amount of fundable apps from one group they may move slots. This is speculation but it seems this way. Still your scores are fantastic and I hope we both hear better news next go around!
  6. Yep 4 and I'm surprised at the variability. Though i'm not sure how the individual scores are aggregated. So is it an average of all reviewers? Or will one 'you suck' completely tank 4 'you're pretty awesome!'?
  7. I can see them and I already want to have a heart to heart with reviewer 4. Like who hurt you sir and why are you taking it out on me??
  8. Whelp flat out rejection. Hope everyone else has better luck and if you won and are wiling to DM me your materials I'd super appreciate it! Social sciences (psychology and sociology are closest) but anything would be extremely valuable.
  9. In New York and haven't received anything yet but as my modules haven't changed I'm assuming I didn't get it Congrats to the winners and ONWARD TO NEXT YEAR!!
  10. Got this from the NSF thread (who are also freaking out too)
  11. So I don't want to rain on parades but I remember having access to this before (like a month or so ago) and it would take me to my application. So I'm not sure what that could mean.
  12. Mine looks the same so gonna brace myself for the bad news and focus on schoolwork/research. No use getting worked up now.
  13. Haven't heard anything, rejection or otherwise. I have next year to re-apply but I've already had 2 apps rejected so feeling salty Regardless of how it turns out I'm having a white Russian or some wine!
  14. Ditto with what the above poster said. For many of my interviews we didn't get an interview itinerary beforehand either. Heck we had to change one of mine mid interview day as a winter storm hit. Just bring snacks, water, wear comfy shoes, and read up on your POI and skim a few other faculty. You'll be fine
  15. Hi all, I went through this process twice (came out with accepts from 2/3 of my top programs this time around) and what I found that I did differently was that I was way less nervous and let the conversation unfold organically. This definitely means reading over their most recently published work and paying particular attention to the methods, results and the next steps they propose in the discussion (got waitlisted at one school for this XD because I was neck and neck with another applicant so this had to be our tie-breaker). But I found that for all of my in-person interviews it was more of a conversation rather than a q & a. Have questions but I don't suggest just throwing at them rapid fire one after the other; really get in-depth on crucial concepts if you can. Another tip: think of your own study and a hypothesis+methods you would use for it. I had this come up both times I applied. It doesn't have to be super sophistication and grant application worthy just somewhat relevant to your PIs work to show that you did your homework. Good luck!
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