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  • Location
    Boston, MA
  • Application Season
    2017 Fall
  • Program
    MA Art History / Curation

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  1. @modmuse @MaytheSchwartzBeWithYou Thanks for the replies! I totally agree that the research is skewed – partly because it's nowhere near finished and also because I chose institutions/positions I am interested in. A case can definitely be made for both paths.
  2. @gdnittis @kaufdichglücklich Thanks for the responses. I appreciate having additional input. The purpose in making and sharing this document was not to justify my or anyone else's decision. This data is absolutely unfinished and skewed toward my own interests, as I stated above. I'm still working to compile research to satisfy my own curiosity. Feel free to take it or leave it. Clearly, from data or anecdotal evidence, a case can be made for both paths. Best wishes!
  3. Oops! I'll try via dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ii0568y5n50yysg/Modern%2FContemporary Curators (3).xlsx?dl=0 @modmuse @baddie
  4. Hi all, I posted this is a different forum but wanted to share here. I've been working on a spreadsheet of where mod/con curators or directors got their education. This helped me as I have been deciding where to apply/where to attend. I looked mostly at museums I'm interested in working. Fascinating that for modern/contemporary at least, less that 20% have doctoral degrees. In order of most frequent: NYU, Courtauld, Columbia, Bard, Hunter, and Williams. Another consideration is how many students these programs have per year... Hope this helps someone else! It could be made into a google sheet if people want to contribute to it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ii0568y5n50yysg/Modern%2FContemporary Curators (3).xlsx?dl=0
  5. I also wanted to add that I've been working on a spreadsheet of where mod/con curators or directors went for school. This helped me as I have been deciding where to apply/where to attend. I looked mostly at museums I'm interested in working. Fascinating that for modern/contemporary at least, less that 20% have doctoral degrees. In order of most frequent: NYU, Courtauld, Columbia, Bard, Hunter, and Williams. Another consideration is how many students these programs have per year... https://www.dropbox.com/s/ii0568y5n50yysg/Modern%2FContemporary Curators (3).xlsx?dl=0
  6. For those commenting about the Columbia vs. Chicago vs. Bard...I was asking many of the same questions. Ultimately, given my focus on modern and contemporary, I've decided to attend the MODA program. I spoke with a few current students who did not feel like they had to fight for the attention of the professors and have been blown away by the scholarship and opportunities at Columbia. I'm not sure how this would be different in the regular MA vs. MODA. After looking at the courses taught over the past years at Bard (curatorial studies) and Columbia, Columbia seems offer more rigorous art historical training. Also, I did some digging and realized that tuition at Columbia is 24k per semester the first year and 9k per semester the second year, due to the whole "residents units" thing. It took me months to figure that out. I have two friends who did the Chicago MAPH program. I don't feel like it paid off in terms of their next steps. One went on to a second MA (not funded) before PhD. Another took quite some time to get a position as a studio assistant for an emerging artist.
  7. I suspect the rest of the Williams emails will go out over the next few days (this was the case on the results page). I've been accepted to the Courtauld MA History of Art as well as Columbia's MODA program. Has anyone from the Columbia MA program received funding? I know that it explicitly states on the website: "There are no fellowships or scholarships available for free-standing MA programs. Loans and information about federal work-study are available through the financial aid office of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences." Just curious if there are exceptions...
  8. @ESSpressO @mnzxcdmn Same! It seems like we'll be waiting until at latest March 10. UGG I don't know what to do with myself.
  9. Congrats to the Courtauld admit! Care to share your option? Just one more month for many of us MA applicants - best of luck!
  10. @VAMuseum25 Good luck! Will you be attending the Courtauld reception at the CAA conference? I'm in the area and planning to attend.
  11. Anyone applying to MA programs? I'm a few years out from undergrad and am hoping to do a MA and jump back into a curatorial position (contemporary art). I'm currently working as a curatorial assistant and have worked in museums/universities for the last 3 years. I'm applying to the Courtauld's MA History of Art, CSS Bard, Williams, and Columbia's MODA program. Good luck, all!
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