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    Materials Eng./Biomedical Eng.

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  1. 1) yes, I would look at the programs prerequisites. Some schools will admit you and make you take 1-2 undergraduate classes to make sure you have a good background. But generally if you have a degree in a STEM field you can apply to an Engineering graduate program. 2) A lot of international students get admitted into Masters programs. It is much more difficult for an international student to be admitted into a Ph.D. program though. It helps that you went to a US school for undergrad. I would be concerned with this too much. 3) some students receive funding for masters from the school but I would apply for scholorships or grants. Some people have to take student loans though. This is something to consider when applying. Private schools are much more expensive and may not be worth it if you have to pay for it yourself.
  2. I don't know the exact number but not very many.
  3. I currently attend the University of Florida for Materials Engineering if you have any specific questions.
  4. That's definitely how I'm feeling now. I would rather love the group and advisor and just like the research than love the research and dislike the group.
  5. I need some advice. I got into a great school and everything is pointing me to go there except I'm not sure if there is a great research fit. I want to start not attached to a group so I have time to try out a few groups. The school has a good variety of research but only one professor that is doing research I originially thought I was interested in. How many people change their research focus after starting school and then also has anyone had bad experiences or heard of bad experiences going into a school not in a lab yet?
  6. I need some advice. I got into a great school and everything is pointing me to go there except I'm not sure if there is a great research fit. I want to start not attached to a group so I have time to try out a few groups. The school has a good variety of research but only one professor that is doing research I originially thought I was interested in. How many people change their research focus after starting school and then also has anyone had bad experiences or heard of bad experiences going into a school not in a lab yet?
  7. Any news from CU Boulder? Seems like no notifications have been sent out but it's pretty late in the season.
  8. meggied

    Pittsburgh, PA

    I know this question has been asked before but I don't think anyone has answered it. Does anyone know when places around CMU start filling up? I've been looking at Zillow and craigslist and was wondering if I should expect a lot more properties to show up.
  9. First off, Congrats on your acceptance! I can totally relate to that feeling though! I have my first visit in a week and am nervous that I won't live up to what's expected. I think it is a little more complicated to know what to wear as a girl because things go from casual to dressy really quickly. To make it even harder most womens clothes aren't very warm. I think for my visit I'm going to wear a nice top and black jeans and boots. I'm going somewhere that will have 40-50 degree highs during the day and I'm from Florida so really not prepared. I think the best advise anyone could give you is make sure you are comfortable and look professional and put together. There is a sweet spot between looking like you put effort into your appearance and putting too much effort into it. One of my professors told me yesterday that when you are "interviewing" with a professor at a grad school visit, you are actually the one that is interviewing them. You are trying to figure out if the school and professor are right for you. Make sure you feel comfortable and confident in what you are wearing so they can get to know the real you.
  10. Congrats! That is great news.
  11. Down Side
  12. Has anyone heard from CU Boulder or know when they generally start sending out decisions? From the results page it seems like the dates are all over the place.
  13. Ramp Up
  14. @TakeruK and @fuzzylogician Are either of you in grad school now? I could see how diversity would be somewhat limited at private universities, but is it also an issue in funded graduate programs?
  15. wait listed. Didn't know if they sent out admissions as well.
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