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  • Application Season
    2017 Fall

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  1. you're welcome best of luck!
  2. Hi Sammy123 ! first off, congratulations on your acceptance to your second school! secondly, YES! call the first school immediately and let them know you need to hear back asap so you can know how to plan accordingly... best of luck xo
  3. Hi everyone! I'm an International Student. I applied to NYU's Tisch School of the Arts MFA Dramatic Writing Program from December 19th and I was told that notifications are sent out ANYTIME between MARCH 1st and APRIL frickin 15th! I am going crazy!!! It's almost the end of March and I haven't seen ANY applicants on this site with a decision for this program. In fact, I think one of the key committee members has been out of office for 1 week or so, with no "return date" in his automated email reply, so I don't know when he's expected back. I don't want to keep emailing admissions to annoy anyone, but this is ROUGH! At least with Brown University, they stuck to the date they gave (although it was just as long of a wait). At least they stuck to their date. Tisch, I don't know what's taking them so long... I mean... they have 1 month AND 15 days and I haven't seen ONE decision on the Results Search page... sigh... I'm also waiting on Boston U's MA Journalism which I was told would be out by next week.... but Tisch.... what is going on in that dept? Does anyone know? Thanks!
  4. Sigh... So far, I've only heard from 1 out of the 4 schools I've applied to and that was a rejection. I figure it can only get better from here, eh? LOL! Well, this waiting game is RIDICULOUS! Luckily I have completing my thesis and applying to jobs to keep me busy (thank Goodness) because up until last week, I was one of those people who checked my email every 3 minutes. Now I have stuff to occupy (some/most) of my time... I'm still waiting to hear back from NYU's Tisch Dramatic Writing MFA, Boston U's Journalism and University of Leeds MA Writing for Performance and Publication. If I'm rejected why take sooooo long to tell meeeeeeeeeeeeeee? If I'm accepted, same question!!!! Oh the agony! Best of luck to us all!
  5. LMAO!!!! Omg yes!!! I thought I was the ONLY ONE who enjoyed seeing these two types of reactions lmfaaaaaao!!!!
  6. I know right? I think University of Miami has April deadlines and Boston University has rolling admissions til May 1st. Believe me, I'm refreshing my email every 2 minutes, trying to find silly reasons to email admissions lol! Also, idk if you're in to schools in England but they accept students on a rolling basis as well until courses are full. They also do not charge an application fee. Two good ones are University of Leeds and University of Sussex! Best of luck to us all in this struggle lol!
  7. Exactly! Whether accept or reject, we just want to be relieved of worry and panic. I just emailed one of the schools I applied to. Awaiting a response. Yikes!
  8. Aaaawww I live outside of the US too! So I too countdown and check time zones. I hope for our sakes they email us no later than tomorrow or Wednesday
  9. Lol! You're good you can wait 10 minutes. I'm so anxious I refresh every 30 seconds lol. This waiting game is driving me MAD! I wanna email admissions soooooo bad but I don't know what I would say! Uuugggggghhhhhhhhh
  10. Omg!! I'm waiting too! I applied to 3 schools in the US and 1 in the UK and I am going craaaaaazy! I keep refreshing my inbox and checking my email. But, all 3 of the schools I applied to in the US say that notifications go out any time between Mar 1 and April 15 so I guess I have a few more weeks to continue going crazy Lord help us.
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