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Everything posted by Tshskespeare

  1. It's been a long time but I think you can make the email first and then go and get your tcard.
  2. Yeah that's smart. I didn't recieve mine until the 10th and it was dated the 1st. You have three weeks from the date they sent it to reply.
  3. I'd give them a call. My package from York got lost in the mail.
  4. Hey guys! So for people who still haven't heard yet I wanted to offer you some perspective. I went to York for my MA last year after being at UofT for my undergrad and was pretty bummed that UofT didn't accept me to their program but York is great and they're really good about funding. Also graduating from there or any other b.ed program will put you in the same pay scale as oise grads so don't fret, your future is still bright no matter what happens.
  5. I got my letter last night! You have to fax them a letter confirming your acceptance within three weeks of the date of your letter. You have to send them money by June 1.
  6. I think it's by teachables. I think you take all your courses together but I'm not sure.
  7. Yeah theirs are so late! The guy I talked to on the phone said I should just accept my other offer if I hadn't heard by the deadline.
  8. Thanks! I'm trying. What are your teachables? Mine are English and History. I think the cohort system is so neat.
  9. Yeah mine does! It says invited on the opening page and active on the subject post page. I finished my MA last year so nothing to satisfy for me.
  10. Hopefully we'll hear soon! I attended an event 2 or 3 years ago but remember nothing! I ultimately decided to get my masters in English first and have been teaching and tutoring at a private high school since September but I need this. I miss school and I want to work at a school that isn't just a credit factory.
  11. Hi guys! I have a notification on ROSI that says I've been invited but still no change on the application website. Has anyone from I/S gotten their letters? I talked to someone at oise on Monday and they said we should all hear by the end of March or early April. I'm wondering if it's taking longer because a few of the MT programs are still accepting applications. I'm glad to find people going through the same anxiety I am! Tori
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