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  1. That doesn't seem that high really. My faculty receives 33 OGS and 7 QEII and most of my department (there are 4 departments total) gets rejected or waitlisted. It could just be that there was a more competitive pool of applicants this year.
  2. I just got mine but am confused by the scores. Are they out of 100? Is the average score the score we got?
  3. UW. We all got an email from graduate studies financial office today.
  4. Yea I would have been much happier if they could have sent an email on the 28 saying "offers of funding will be sent by email to succesful applicants on March 29. Non succesful applicants will be mailed information about their rankings"
  5. My grad office said that anyone who did not receive an email was not successful and more information on our ranking will be mailed to us.
  6. Nothing. I have personally given up on hearing back though.
  7. Does anyone know how successful it is if you get waitlisted? I.e. is there any hope of getting it still even on waitlist?
  8. What does the Twitterverse say? I don't Twitter at all. And yes, I personally have accepted the fact that I did not get an award and am putting my hopes onto OGS/QEII
  9. Sent my first email at 11:40, got a reply 2 hours later. Sent another inquiry to the reply and got auto-replied again.
  10. Get prepared for the autoresponse and then a legendary blue text reply!!
  11. That's better than rejection at least! This is looking grim for those of us who have not heard though
  12. That would be unusual. From my understanding in the past it was always just rankings by mail, decision by email. And then what about wait listed people? They just sit in limbo? EDIT: Just got reply back from them with the legendary blue text stating that results were mailed on Friday. I have replied back asking if we should not be expecting email results then and am now waiting to hear back.
  13. Did they say if they knew what was going on with all of this mess? If we don't have an email does that mean we got rejected?
  14. Or how hard would it be for them to send an e-mail before releasing results to at least say "Results will be released over these days in random order" or whatever so we at least have some idea of what's going on .
  15. I sent them an email just to add another +1 to the "where are my results". I feel bad about it since they could still be processed this afternoon but hey I suffered all weekend! They have autoreply set up so it wouldn't hurt but might not make a difference.
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