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Everything posted by wildUNCfan

  1. Undergrad Institution: UNC-Chapel Hill Cum GPA: 3.89 Major(s): Statistics & Psychology Major GPA: 3.84 & 4.00, respectively Type of Student: DWM GRE General Test: Q: 167 (92%) V: 164 (94%) W: 4.5 (84%) Programs Applying: Statistics/Biostatistics PhD & MS Research Experience: Presentation / poster at JSM, in-class research projects (my small group ranked top 3 out of 300+ students) Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Sigma Pi, graduated "with Highest Distinction" Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 1.5 years as statistician at a large international research company (at time of applications) Letters of Recommendation: Decent to good- statistics professor, psychology professor (research methods class and stats class), and my project manager Math/Statistics Grades: Probability, Time Series Analysis, Calculus 1-3, Linear Algebra, ODEs, other undergrad stats classes. All at least B, mostly A's. Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Spent quite a bit of time on Statement of Purpose and researching program/faculty. A lot of SAS experience from job, with some proficiency in other software and languages such as MATLAB/R/Python/JavaScript. Applying to Where: Statistics UC Berkeley - M.S. | Admitted on (2/28), Received ~$18k in financial aid on (4/11) | Attending UChicago - Ph.D./M.S. | Rejected for PhD on (1/26), Accepted with 25% scholarship for M.S. on (2/07) | Declined Stanford - M.S. | Rejected on 2/23 Biostatistics UNC-Chapel Hill - Ph.D. | Admitted on 1/25, Received funding on 2/21 | Declined Harvard* - Ph.D. | No interview, Rejected on (2/14) *Applied very late - possibly after the deadline. Essentially 3/3 on schools not named Harvard and Stanford. Overall, I'm happy with these results, especially since I only started considering PhD around November. Not sure if I want to do PhD, hence why I chose Berkeley's 1 year program. Also, my math and biostat background was less than stellar. I plan on taking Real Analysis and some grad-level biostat courses to pad my PhD resume. 50/50 on applying to Ph.D. for Fall 2019/2020.
  2. Historical data suggests they release in waves. Not sure what, if anything, determines who falls in what wave. I was rejected from UChicago’s PhD back in January, but last night I received an admit to their Masters. Don't lose hope!
  3. Quite a few Stanford PhD decisions were posted recently. A bit of a bloodbath. My condolences to those who didn’t get in.
  4. Congratulations! That’s fantastic news!
  5. Pair of Berkeley Stats PhD’s are up
  6. Statistics, if you’re asking for field. Definitely Masters, but don't know if MA in particular.
  7. Someone posted a Harvard Stats PhD acceptance today...
  8. Looks like some decisions for Columbia Masters came in today. Someone also posted a Yale Masters result.
  9. Looks like UChicago Masters are starting to roll in... all internationals for now
  10. Yes, I applied about half and half PhDs to Masters. I applied to both Harvard and UNC Biostats PhD. I did get an acceptance from UNC today. It was my first time hearing back from anywhere, so that’s a big relief. For what it’s worth, I haven’t heard back from Harvard yet. I’m also waiting to hear about a couple regular Stats programs: PhD/Masters from UChicago, and Masters from Berkeley and Stanford. I’ve been eagerly following this thread the past few weeks waiting for news...
  11. I got an email from UNC Biostats this morning, but I haven’t opened it yet. I’m at work and I don’t want to ruin my day if it’s a rejection. Is it a good sign that I was part of (I believe) an early wave?
  12. I will be applying for Masters (and possibly some PhDs) in Statistics for Fall of 2018. I was hoping to hear how competitive my profile is at some of my target schools. Stanford (MS) is my dream school, so I'm most interested in feedback there. I'm concerned about whether to retake the GRE, since the average listed score at Stanford is a perfect score (97%). Undergrad Institution: Top 5 Public Ivy (Ranking: ~top 30-35 nationally overall, roughly top 20 in stats) Cum GPA: 3.89 Major: Statistics (3.84*), Psychology (4.0*), both B.S. *Only explicitly includes stats/psych department classes, respectively. Excludes math, astronomy, physics, & related classes that counted towards my majors, which would likely bump up my stat GPA a bit. Type of Student: Domestic White Male (DWM) from the south. GRE: 167 (93%) Quant, 164 (94%) Verbal Research/Work Experience: ~1.5 years as a statistician at a large research company. Have worked on surveys / projects with institutions such as the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), Center for Disease Control (CDC), and other government bureaus. Project topics include criminology and victimization, drug usage, and general health. I presented at a large statistical conference recently (published a proceedings paper). I did some very minor research during my undergraduate classes. Awards/Recognition: Phi Beta Kappa. Dean's List GPA (3.5+) every semester. Inducted into Phi Sigma Pi Honors fraternity. Nominated for junior statistician award by coworker (winner not announced yet). Applying to: Statistics/Biostatistics, Masters (maybe PhD) Dream: Stanford (M.S.) - Statistics Reach: University of Chicago (M.S.) - Statistics** Harvard (M.S.) - Biostatistics** UC-Berkeley (M.A.) - Statistics Match: University of North Carolina (M.S.) - Biostatistics** University of Michigan (M.S.) - Statistics** NC State (M.S.) - Statistics (also looking at Advanced Analytics/Data Science) **May consider PhD, depending on how competitive I am at program
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