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    2018 Fall
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  1. Hi. I think your proposal and your research experience is given importance in the beginning. Then, during the interview, they usually ask about these two and then the panel takes a decision based on the interview. So, I guess 50-50 for interview and proposal. But its just a guess. If your interview went well, and they seemed interested in you, then there is a very good chance you got through:)
  2. Dont have to sign just download it, and upload it back.
  3. @lekamuse Hi, I will be based in Cologne for a bit and then in Aachen, both an hour away from Bonn I think you can start looking at your university housing (studierendenwerk ), but you'll have to check if you are eligible. Else, there is Apartment sharing (Wohngemeinschaft). These websites might be of help. http://www.wg-gesucht.de/ Main Site http://www.campuslife.de/ http://www.immobilienscout24.de/ http://www.studenten-wg.de http://www.zwischenmiete.de http://www.easywg.de/nordrhein-westfalen I am still searching too. Many have told that it's better to go there during your language course and meet the landlord/roommates in person. Not sure if that's a sound advice. Whats your plan?
  4. Congrats to all those who got it Does anyone have language course in Cologne or is going to be in Germany in June itself?
  5. I haven't returned it yet. Am not sure if we are supposed to sign it. I vaguely remember someone talking about this in this or the other forum.
  6. Got my letter of award too on Thursday Other peeps, don't lose hope! My best wishes for you to get it And I hope you party hard after getting it and not sit like a zombie, not believing you finally got it after months and months of waiting.
  7. My status changed too! Its "selection made". But I see no change in the funding dates. It still shows what I gave (which is wrong btw, it was for 3.5 years). Waiting for the next change. DAAD really knows how to keep us on our toes! @Soh.Bhatt I am not sure if the email can be considered as the final offer. Only when we get the letters, we can say for sure. As for the language course..I vaguely remember them telling me during the interview that it will start on June 12th. I just assumed that it will be in Germany. The coordinator who replied for me thought I was applying to TU berlin, and hence told that my language course wont be there. Just a confusion on her part, I think. Did they say anything about language course location to you? @praveen5321468 Think you are still not out. The disclosure restriction is because of the waitlists i think. In their email, they mentioned that they need our answers, so that they can move ahead with finalizing the list. And I second "the decisions being sent out in batches". Fingers crossed!!
  8. A general question. Has anyone already officially applied to their target university for the term starting in OCT 2018?
  9. Nope. I asked her when we will receive the official letter and further info and she told "In another month or so". Then I asked her about the language course. Because during the interview they told that we need to attend it in Germany by June 12. And if they are sending the letter only by April/May, hardly any time to apply for admission at the univ and then get visa. She replied " Can attend language course without getting admit. The language course is not going to be in Berlin." Was your email like below: ? "The DAAD is glad to offer the scholarship you applied for..blah blah...this is a preliminary enquiry so do not communicate this offer to anyone. NOT EVEN YOUR GERMAN/INDIAN GUIDES." And did they say anything on when the lang course during the interview/emails?
  10. Then you are lucky No intermediate communication delays. Please do share whatever information you receive from Bonn
  11. I guess so. Not to be insensitive, but that another long wait, before we can start procedures for applications, visa and stuff. I was asked the same too through email. To confirm if I accept. But it was a preliminary enquiry and that my response will be communicated to Bonn office which will start further procedures. That "sending further information" is probably going to be in April..
  12. No portal update here too..I asked the DAAD India office when we can expect official communications and they told "in a month or so"...
  13. Yes. Did you get the same mail too? You applied for PhD?
  14. I got an email last week from DAAD India office that I got the scholarship I applied for. It seemed like a generic email. Was told that Bonn will take over further procedures. I can't believe it till I get the official letter! And am sure the decisions are still being made. They were very particular that we shdnt share results online. Guess some kind of wait lists is there. Stay strong everyone.
  15. Ha Ha. Me too! I found a grammatical mistake in my proposal, and I obsessed over it for the last few weeks. I literally keep my sanity together reading the other funny topics on GradCafe ."Favourite Rejection Quotes from the Results page" had me laughing hysterically and of course think, it could be me next, who's gonna be posting :/ How is everyone else holding up...and remaining calm....or not...
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