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Posts posted by LolJustAdmitMe

  1. 27 minutes ago, Psygeek said:

    Who did you email? Just curious. It's not cool they don't answer.

    However, I'd also assume for the worst tbh this late in the cycle. It can only be a pleasant surprise otherwise. 

    Yeap! That's a huge factor in why I've assumed the worst. But, I emailed both Admins. I assumed it was because of Spring Break but it turns out SB had passed weeks ago for them. So maybe I'm annoying them. Maybe it's a passive/early sign that they'll be rejecting me. Idk.

  2. 25 minutes ago, TheWalkingGrad said:

    That's a shitty situation, I'm sorry it's happening to you.

    In your position I'd sit tight and wait. You've already e-mailed them and, unless there's another address you can contact that you haven't before, I don't see much good coming out of resending your e-mail.

    Good luck.

    Thank you the wishes and advice!! I think I may just sit tight.

  3. At this point, I'm still waitlisted for an interview at two schools (yea...still). Neither have answered my recent email I sent a week ago, in which I asked for an update (so of course, in GradCafe fashion, I've assumed the worst). I haven't seen anyone post their offers for either school, despite both schools saying they've been sent out. I feel completely in the dark. At this point, I'm unsure if this means my chances are nonexistent. Luckily, I have a great job in my field so this doesn't feel like a death sentence to my future. But, I'm wondering what I should do next with both schools. Should I sit tight? Resend my email? Send a different email asking my chances? At this point, I'm not even sure if there's much to lose anyway :/

    Ps- Please send suggestions; not snarky comments (that's of course if you're a snarky comment sender lol). 

  4. 20 hours ago, exvat said:

    Ugh, I feel your pain. It got so unbearable toward the end, getting my last rejection was more of a relief than it was a disappointment over not getting into any programs this year.

    Hang in there! There really is and end coming. Mine wasn't what I wanted, but it's all good still ?

    That's exactly how I feel. Like it would be closure to atleast get a 'no'. Thank you btw and good luck next round!!

  5. Waitlisted at Seattle Pacific and Utah State (PhD). Not really super optimistic at this point. It’s so late in the game and I haven’t seen updates on offers/acceptances yet and neither have been too encouraging. So I’m basically becoming honest with myself that it may not happen...again. I was notified by one school back in December. I found out I was waitlisted at another after inquiring via in late February.

  6. Oh my God...waiting for the two schools I've been waitlisted at is killing me. I was told offers went out but no one's even posted about either schools on the Results page. I can't tell if that means a lot of people are rejecting them or if the people accepted are waaaaay too confident to be sitting on GradCafe lmao (not a jab at us...more to them. lol). I'm praying the funded program offers an interview. PRAYING.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Psygeek said:

    Or they were super busy, maybe did not see the need to reply (unless you asked a question), etc. I know the waiting game is horrible, but just I don't know.. try to distract yourself. I'm also horrible at this.

    That’s so true! I didn’t even think of that option. Sometimes I just need to be checked lol Thank you!

  8. So I’m waitlisted by this program I’m interested in, so I sent an email to restate my interest and for the first time I received no response. Granted, this was my first time contacting her. I’m trying not to read too into it but I feel like that’s a passive sign orrr...my email is currently sitting in Spam. Hmm

  9. Last year the wait drove me crazy because I was in the dark. This year it’s driving me crazy because I’m waitlisted and could possibly have a chance, possibly not. I think about it at every down time of my job (so basically once lol) and it drives me crazy the second I’m off bc all I have time for is to think about it.

  10. 16 minutes ago, bluebird8 said:

    I actually only really want one offer so I don't have to choose. Just one...any offer...

    Lmao I’d say the same but then I realized recently that one of the two schools I’m waitlisted at doesn’t offer funding.........lol so I’m praying either the one with funding comes through or they both do.

  11. *sigh* Both schools I’m waitlisted at told me they were sending out their offers Monday. It’s Tuesday and I haven’t seen a soul post their offer on the Results page. I have this crazy feeling that I will I be waiting forever since both programs seem to put their offers out later than earlier. I’m just praying most applicants have made their decisions already (or want elsewhere) and I’ll get super lucky. Best case scenario would be the ability to choose between the two and be like the other cool kids who have multiple offers :/

  12. If the actual admin suggested it, it’s fine and completely normal for this particular program. I did the same after being waitlisted and nothing bad happened. My POI simply thanked me. And guess what? I’m still waitlisted. Lol It won’t hurt you but it’ll simply restate that you would definitely take the spot if offered and that you haven’t gone and fell in love with another Program. Simply state that you’re still interested, why you’re interested and that you hope to hear good news soon. Also, keep it brief, possibly less than paragraph. You want them to think you’re interested, not crazy.

  13. Currently waiting to hear back from two programs where I’m pre-interview waitlisted and both told me they would get back to me once people starting opting for other schools. I hate that. I hate that my future hangs in a distance while someone else has choices :/ I also wish I was smarter. Lol Anyways, what are the chances I’ll get off the waiting list and into an interview at this point? 

  14. I’m not gonna lie...I’d be a nervous wreck as well. It’s easy to tell you to relax from the other side of a laptop screen but we all know that helps with nothing haha. Maybe she/he has a different POI or area of focus (which is my best guess), maybe it HAS come down between you and another interviewee, or maybe they’re slowly reviewing everyone one-by-one in between being professors/researchers by day. It could be anything but it may not be as negative as you’re perceiving it (hopefully!). Best of luck!!!

  15. That’s awesome! Congrats on the inner peace! It’s hard to get there and stay in that space of serenity when you’ve put so much focus into something that ends up rejecting you. It took me earning a paycheck in my field as well to realize that getting into a PhD program wasn’t the world. It still hurt every once and a while to see others effortlessly getting into PhD programs and it took awhile to recognize my own accomplishments, so I wish I was able to find inner peace as soon as you have! You need to give us advice! Haha

  16. They could’ve been more clear and I would specifically ask for clarity (you literally have nothing to lose...except the $80 application fee...and fees for transcripts...GRE—nevermind). It does seem like you’ve been rejected and the writer definitely could’ve spared some sympathy. Although it sucks to read, consider yourself lucky. They seem unprofessional and rude if that was considered an acceptable way to notify someone of rejection and you would’ve had to deal with that crap 24/7 if you got in (Trust me, I went into a program where I didn’t trust my gut feeling about staff and ending up suffering through two long and expensive years of hell). Keep your head up!

  17. Nope! I think this is the perfect time to send a simple email inquiring your status. If you were asking in December/January, it’d be different but it’s March and most programs have or are soon sending out invites before digging into their waitlists. This is a great time to ask where you are in the application process!

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