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  1. Congrats to all interviewees and acceptances! forgive me for not tagging individually
  2. Got my Brown rejection too today, by means of an e-mail to check portal, where a laconic, brief letter of rejection awaited me. Luckily, I've already been admitted to Chicago which is a much better fit for me.
  3. After an interview earlier this week, just got an e-mail from POI at Chicago notifying me I've been admitted. Happy!
  4. @Jožin z bažin Also - don't automatically assume that they are very familiar with your file (writing sample, SOP, etc...). In my interview (not Penn), they really weren't and I kind of had to repeat the main points.
  5. Really depends on the department. Some interviews are just a formality, as a final stage before finalizing an offer. In that case they just want to make sure there is no stark contrast between the file and the person. Also to hear your English, if you're international. Other interviews can actually be a stage in the admissions process, with departments interviewing more candidates than they expect to admit. One way or another, I would prepare for the following: 1) "Tell us a bit about yourself / your project" 2) "Why do you thuink the department at XYZ is a good fit for you?" - probably the most important question Another thing that is important is to show enthusiasm - departments want to admit people that are likely to actually be attending. They're not supposed to outright ask you where else you've been admitted or what your priority is, but you should give them a sense that the department is a top choice for you. Good luck!
  6. Hi, I had an interview with them today. Unfortunately, I don't have any new info to give. I do know that this is the first year interviews are being conducted.
  7. Hi, hope this is the right thread. If I have two invitations for March (for now), is it customary to share with the schools that I have another campus to visit, offering that they split the travel costs? I am coming from outside North America on long flights - so I prefer not to make the trip twice. Thanks!
  8. "invisible" waitlist = being waitlisted without knowing it?
  9. @Warelin right! didn't notice I would say that not only are GRE averages tricky, but that they are not very relevant to literature programs unless they are very bad. The only really interesting bit is the decisions timelines - interesting to see which programs notify all at once and which do so gradually over a long period of time.
  10. For those wanting to fine-tune their obsession: someone on Reddit gradadmissions made an awesome set of graphs illustrating decision timelines, GRE & GPA distributions. All based on gradcafe data. The graphs for Literature PhD: https://imgur.com/a/LDKpT Credit:
  11. The email was sent yesterday, inviting to visit Stanford on March 7th and 8th. I don't know whether more e-mails are being sent. I focus on German-Jewish and Hebrew literature as they relate to questions of immigration, translation, reception and world literature.
  12. Hello everyone. First post (have been following since the thread opened though). Received an e-mail from the Student Affairs Officer for Comparative Literature at Stanford inviting me to an on-campus interview in early March. First response - I am really excited.
  13. Thanks for the quick responses! Very helpful.
  14. Hi everyone. New here. Applying to eight graduate programs in the Humanities. I am due to give a paper at an international conference this March. Since it will be my first, it could really improve my CV and accordingly, chances of admission. I am just not sure whether it is customary to put down a paper you've yet to deliver on your CV, and if so - how to phrase it exactly. Any thoughts on this? Thanks!
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