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Posts posted by SocialPsycNerd

  1. 12 hours ago, dr. bubbles said:

    Hey guys, not sure if this has been answered already, but how much should we know about research interests for faculty that will be interviewing us, but are not the POI at a PhD program interview?

    I recommend familiarizing yourself with their work, but don't worry about getting too in-depth (unless it's super interesting!). Most of the people you are interviewing with aren't going to discuss their own research; they want to hear about you! That said, if you choose to go in-depth, it definitely gives you something to talk about

  2. On 2/5/2018 at 2:33 PM, songofgallifrey said:

    this thread has been pretty quiet; how's everyone doing? how are interviews going? i just got back from an open house last week, and i think it went well but i honestly have no idea what my chances are at this point.

    *sigh* the wait continues

    I was at the Visit Day at Princeton last weekend, and I'm super nervous. It was such an amazing experience and was well worth it (regardless of outcome). I'm trying to be patient, but...  


    How's everyone else doing? 

  3. The answer to this question really depends on a number of factors:

    1) Do you have a firm idea of what you want to focus on (i.e., do you have a stable enough research interest to write an SOP about?)

    2) Do you have statistics training in your background? I know a lot of sociology degrees do train in stats.

    3) Is your GPA on the high end (3.5 or, preferably, better)?

    4) Are your GREs on the high end (above 85th percentile)?

    5) Do you have research experience (at least one year)?


    Now... these are the exact same questions I would ask of a person with their BA or BS in Psychology. It is not uncommon for people to cross into Psych after an undergraduate career in another field.  If the answer to any of these questions is "no," there are multiple potential routes to take. Without knowing all your circumstances, it is hard to say which route is the best.

  4. You are going to get so much conflicting advice on this one, especially since the norms vary depending on a number of factors (type of program, local social norms, etc.)


    Considering the information you provided, I would suggest a couple of things: 

    1) It's easier to dress down during the interview process than it is to dress up; if you wear a pantsuit to the interview, you can always take off your jacket

    2) Since Fordham University is in New York, layers work wonders (this will help if you end up realizing that the social norms are to dress a bit more casually during the interview)

    3) You are applying for a non-clinical, experimental psychology program. Usually, such programs are not super formal (though this may vary depending on where you are). It's usually okay to walk the line a bit more between casual and formal wear


    What I'm wearing for my first interview (Social Psychology at Princeton) is a nice button down shirt (not too low cut, more business casual appearance), professional shoes (if you decide to wear heels, keep them short and chunky -- many interview days include a tour of the campus, and you don't want to destroy your feet), black pants, and a black jacket (both from Target and matched in color to approximate a suit). Remember: this is academia! It's okay if you don't have $150 to blow on a suit! As always, don't overdo the jewelry, and definitely go light on makeup.


    That said, don't be afraid to be yourself! You've got this!

  5. I'm trans, but not non-binary. I definitely recommend putting your pronouns in your e-mail signature. This is getting more and more common in Psychology. Further, I would put write "they/them" on name tags (just to be on the safe side). Remember: during the interview process, you are interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you! Assessing campus climate can be an important aspect of that!

  6. I'm currently on my second round of applications. While it hasn't been perfect, I have an in-person interview scheduled... so it's not off to a bad start! During my first round, I applied to four schools and had the belief (which was encouraged by faculty at the school I went to undergrad at) that I would definitely get in. Needless to say, I did not.

    I... did not take it well. When I found out that I was not being invited for an in-person interview with the only program that I had gotten any contact from, I cried a bit. Fortunately, I work in an understanding lab, and I was able to take the day off. The PI in my lab helped me by providing just the right amount of work to do while I refocused.

    My first step was to reach out to one of the researchers I applied to work with. Since we established a positive relationship, she was willing to offer me advice that strengthened my application. I strongly suggest this if it is possible. Rejection sucks, but it offers an opportunity to improve and strengthen your application. I followed these steps to strengthen my application:

    1.  Spent even more time working in labs
    2. Sought out opportunities to work on manuscripts (it's fine if they are listed as "in prep"!) and  conference submissions
    3. Studied and retook the GREs. My scores weren't bad, but they needed improvement
    4. Rewrote my SOP. The SOP that I submitted last cycle wasn't bad, but it definitely needed some work
    5. Submitted an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship application. Even if I don't get funding, going through the process is super useful!
    6. Refined my research interests


    I'm honestly glad that I didn't get accepted last cycle. If I had, I would have missed a lot of opportunities to make myself a better researcher as well as a lot of life-based opportunities. 

    The best method of self-care for me was to allow myself to grieve the loss of the possibilities I saw and then refocus my efforts to be a better candidate next go around (all while allowing myself to live my life). I hope this helps!

  7. 9 hours ago, Trillian8 said:

    I was finally contacted on 1/6/18 from my POI at Virginia Commonwealth. We spoke on the phone for about 45min on Monday. He said based on these preliminary phone interviews, he will be choosing who to invite to the official visit day, so here's hoping I didn't completely bomb the phone interview. Also, I was the first person he spoke to (come on primacy and recency effect!), so if you're waiting to hear from VCU, there's still hope. I think I did fairly well and my officemate said it sounded like it went well lol.

    One problem... He asked for a few of my papers, but they're all on my old laptop... that is dead and I can't find the charger for. I know I'm an idiot for not backing up the files :'(. I ordered a new charger, but it's not supposed to get to my house until Thursday. I feel like that's too late and I don't want to seem unresponsive! What should I do? Should I send him an email telling him the truth and send the files when I can access them or wait until I can get the files to email him. All I have right now is two posters from my presentations that I can send pictures of. I was thinking about sending them with my papers anyway, but I'm not sure if that's weird or not. Someone, please help!!

    Just like @Psygeek said, be honest and open about it. If you want, you can feel free to DM me with your POI. Not only was VCU where I went to undergrad, I work in one of the labs there. The majority of the researchers here are really wonderful about pretty much everything!

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