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  1. finally results. Got rejected. Wish to you all the best of luck for your future!
  2. Lol, still application submitted. I guess that I will be the last man on earth to be rejected (f**k no) by Daad this year However, I guess that you got accepted! Because for some scholarships, they also provide some help for accomodation costs.. But I'll wait the official email to give you my congrats
  3. Yeah lets hope for the best. However, I don't remember who, but in this topic a guy called the office in bonn. They said that results will be out during the first 2 weeks of may. So hopefully we are close to the end of the run
  4. I applied on 1st december, made the interview around the end of january. The funding period was meant to start on april, as for what was written in the webpage, but as you can see everything got shifted...
  5. @TobiasTobias I'm from italy too. Still no news
  6. hello kafka777 I applied for a GSSP scholarship in Berlin (Potsdam) as well, after a successfull interview. Unfortunately, since I submitted my application in the DAAD portal (6 february), I still have no news about the result. As you can read in this forum, the rejection from DAAD is a possibility, and not a very remote one since several guys here got rejected. I assume that DAAD, which has the "final word" on our application, decides the people to "hire" by following some kind of selection process based on your application documents. This process, that takes AN ABSURD AMOUNT OF TIME, is still totally obscure to me and I guess to the majority of the people here. Best of luck
  7. I think it's easier if you link here the fb group, just saying. However, I think I'll join the group only after the response from daad because i'm superstitious
  8. Birdeye i'm a phd applicant from italy as well. Still no news...
  9. Still application submitted here. Now, after months of waiting, I can understand how some people become serial killers. They were daad applicants waiting for an answer.
  10. My interview was on 26 january in berlin
  11. During the interview, they told me that probably the languange course will take place in Leipzig. Idk if its the same for everyone. Anyhow, I don't care about this until I will get some sort of notification...
  12. Yeah of course always be positive! Apart from this horrible waiting period, when I went to the interview in january they told me that the phd would start in october as well, but in the webpage of the phd position was mentioned April as the starting month, because there is the german languange course prior to the beginning of the scholarship. Now, I got that a lot of people are applying from all over the world, but for f**** sake, be clear on dates. How am I supposed to organize trips and stuff if I don't have at least a couple of weeks to prepare? Idk
  13. Seriously?! For which programme did you applied and when are you supposed to start?
  14. And so, another week with no news... This whole thing is getting boring.
  15. I was experiencing the same problems with the portal today, hope this could be the sign that results are about to be shown. Good luck to all of you!
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