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The Wordsworthian

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Everything posted by The Wordsworthian

  1. @Bopie5 I LOVE The 1975! So jealous.
  2. @Bopie5 So exciting! Which band?!
  3. @mwils15 I feel you on this one. Most of my close friends at school are science majors and applied to either dental or medical school and heard their responses in December just before the semester ended. As they were hearing back from schools I was still in the process of wrapping up my applications. It's rough being later on the timeline for sure!
  4. I feel this SO hard. My mom texted my sister and I to ask us about some event in August and I'm like.... idk what my life will be then (or in 24 hours, for that matter).
  5. I took a Dystopian Lit course this past fall! Which books did you read in yours?
  6. A bit late to this thread, but absolutely. Especially now that I am in the excruciating waiting period, I can't help but wonder obsessively what my letters said, and if I picked the right professors. One of my three letter writers was a no-brainer, but the other two I picked from a pool of professors that would've been good to write on my behalf. I also pursued work with other professors this fall (I'm a senior undergrad) who would've been awesome to have as writers. Well, I guess if I get shut out then I'll know who to call next cycle...
  7. No, it was definitely meant to be funny (and relatable to some). I'm not sure I would've gotten through undergrad (and honestly life in general) without having running as an outlet. And you're right, there really is nothing quite like the runner's high--it's no myth!
  8. I'm training for Vermont City! I ran Hartford this past October and was like "Okay I'm gonna take a year off from long distance and go back next Fall" but alas, I couldn't stay away. Nothing relieves admissions-related anxiety quite like running for hours on end ha ha.
  9. Anyone else obsessively checking every single application portal even though it'll be weeks until we hear something? Because that's pretty much where I'm at right now. UGH, the waiting game is the WORST. I've literally taken up marathon training to give myself some regiment and an outlet for all this heart-stopping anxiety!
  10. @jadeisokay @flungoutofspace Oh my goodness, my mom does the same thing. Last night I was visiting home and she was like "So if you got into all of your schools--" and I just stopped her right there. Not happening, mom.
  11. @flungoutofspace Majorly off topic but may I just say that I love the fact that your icon is Carol?
  12. I will most likely be classified as a Romanticist, but also largely interested in studying poetry and poetics as well as Queer literature.
  13. @Matthew3957 Congratulations! Welcome to the purgatory period
  14. Yup, it’s funny because during the time lead up to submitting the apps I surmised that I would feel a wonderful sense of relief after finishing them. I was painfully wrong, however, as the stress/anxiety skyrocketed once I turned in my last one. It’s gonna be a long next couple of months!
  15. Oh my goodness I feel like I am going to throw up. After submitting most of my applications, I realized that I put the wrong GPA on a lot of them (.033 higher than my actual GPA). I can't believe I made such a stupid error! Edit: I e-mailed the admissions committees of the respective schools explaining that I meant to input 3.866 instead of 3.899. Hopefully this does not flounder my applications for said schools.
  16. I don't think that dilutes things. If anything, you're demonstrating how good of a fit you are for the prospective school. My faculty mentor at my undergraduate institute was DGS at that school for six years, and he helped me a lot with my SoP, which I originally drafted for my current school. We ended up listing five faculty members that I would like to either pursue research with or take a course with, so I think you're fine to mention another professor on yours.
  17. Hello all, Glad to have stumbled upon this thread in my latest bout of graduate school anxiety. I hail from the Northeast, and am currently in the process of applying to English graduate school! I am applying to two MA and eight PhD programs (rest in peace to my bank account). I will graduate this May with my BA in English with Honors. My GPA (4.0 in major, 3.899 cumulative) and research experience are both in good shape, but I am not a great standardized test taker, and am therefore retaking the GRE General Test to bump my score up to a more competitive range in early November. I've been working on my writing sample since May, and it is pretty much where I want it to be. Still wrestling with the SoP, grrr! My research interests include: the elegy, the pastoral, poetry and poetics, Romanticism, ecocriticism, the Bible as Literature, contemporary poetry, prosody, and queer literature. Schools I am applying to: Brown, Cornell, UPenn, UConn, University of Washington, University of Michigan, Penn State, UC Boulder, Vanderbilt, and UVA. Good luck to all as you wrap up your application processes!
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