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  • Location
  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
  • Program
    Creative Writing MFA

K8*'s Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Someone on the results board said they heard waitlist and rejections for NYU will go out end of March, if that helps. But if you need to start the visa process, I think it would be very appropriate to call. That said, I've seen people be left on the NYU waitlist until summer, so that's an entirely other issue.
  2. Sorry for the delayed response! I didn't realize grad cafe had signed me out so I wasn't getting notifications. As to your question: yes and no. I had one professor never respond which was both very surprising and kind of typical for her, but otherwise I received extremely positive and fairly quick responses from other professors I reached out to. I have, to some extent, kept up with some of my old professors (we're friends on Facebook etc), so I don't know if that makes a difference, but I also think they understand how this works and are pretty willing to help out. Hope that helps!
  3. I didn't apply to either, but I think I just saw both of those pop up on the results board Good luck!
  4. Just sent in a request to ANGST. I didn't even look at Draft, seemed like a horror. I only applied to four schools, all within NYC (NYU, New School, Hunter, and Brooklyn College). Haven't heard anything yet. I think NYU is starting acceptances soon, but don't know. This is my first tentative toe in the water as far as grad school-- I've been out of undergrad for a few years. I'd always intended to go for playwriting, but fiction keeps forcibly dragging me back into its sticky clutches. So here I am. Best of luck to everyone !
  5. @Ellis Nice! There's so many great programs across the country, and NYC is stupidly expensive. I already live here and my wife's job is here so I need to stay in the city, but if I don't get in this round, we may start looking further afield. Chicago's a fun city and DePaul's great-- I think one of my old English profs was an alum.
  6. Another queer writer here, hi! I varied my WS a little bit by school, a couple I did one short story and a novel chapter, the others two short stories. The short stories are both experimental in form, themes of loss, queerness, sisters, and coming of age, but in a left-field way. The novel is fantastical realism with themes of otherness, created family, and power dynamics. I'm only applying within NYC.
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