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Everything posted by Argonaute

  1. Undergrad Institution: Unpopular International University (Top in the country)Major(s): Cell and Molecular BiologyGPA in Major: 3.9Overall GPA: 3.6Position in Class: Top 5Type of Student: International Graduate Institution: State University in the NorthwestMajor(s): Molecular BiosciencesOverall GPA: 3.22 GRE Scores (revised/old version):Q: 156 (63%)V: 165 (95%)W: 4.0 (59%)Research Experience: 4 years in a plant molecular genetics lab; 3 years in enzyme engineering/cancer research lab; 1 year in molecular endocrinology lab Applying to Where: University of Michigan - MCDB Vanderbilt University - Biology Oregon Health and Science University - PMCB/Cell and Developmental Biology University of Colorado - Boulder - MCDB Indiana University - Bloomington - GCDB University of Cincinnati - Molecular and Developmental Biology University of Wyoming - MCLS *Will update this with additional info soon...
  2. 5 days left. excited. nervous.

    1. newms


      Have a good trip!

    2. Strangefox


      Have a safe trip!

      [As for me: 9 days left!!! OMG!!!! :)))]

    3. Zouzax


      got here two weeks ago, its amazing! im sure youll love it too!

  3. I guess the display depends on the browser. Using Chrome, I still see those blue and faded folders; using IE those dots and stars appear.
  4. I'm using Chrome and I am seeing those blue folders, no dots, no stars.
  5. I'm sure those that are coming would be very helpful as well. Thank you very much!
  6. Finally booked my flight!

    1. newms


      Sweet - counting down the days now:)

  7. The Exams sub-forum is new as well, right?
  8. think tank
  9. I was surprised to see the site's new look and I'm starting to like it. Congrats on the upgrade!
  10. Anyone tried Liberica or Baraco coffee?
  11. Strangefox, have you tried asking current graduate students in your university who are also international students (non-resident aliens)? Some of them might be using CUs and can help point you in the right direction.
  12. fresh air
  13. dried fruit
  14. blue flowers
  15. Strangefox, thank you for asking all those great questions. I was supposed to ask those here but I just can't seem to find time to do so. I appreciate all the answers as well. I am planning to create an account with the CU instead of a bank.
  16. fish fillet
  17. sweat glands
  18. Hello Ben G, welcome to thegradcafe! A year before applying to graduate schools, I contacted professors through email, introducing myself and expressing my interest to work with them. I clarified some things about the admission process and raised my concerns; I wanted to apply to MS/PhD programs in Neuroscience but I was (and still am) lacking hands-on experience on that subject as I have been working as a plant molecular biologist. Out of the five or so professors that I sent a message, only one responded. He was very kind and honest. I did not end up applying to that university nor to a graduate program in Neuroscience but the advice that he gave was helpful. With regard to this whole "contacting-professors-before-application' issue, I suggest that you go ahead and send your target advisors an email. Write a message that will make you appear as a professional, knowledgeable on your field yet inquisitive and open-minded at the same time. If you don't get replies at first, don't get discouraged; as you have said, these are very busy people you are dealing with. In addition, here are some links with the same topic:
  19. For the Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology GRE, you can't go wrong with Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts et al., Molecular Cell Biology by Lodish et al., and Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. There are lots of good General Biology book that you can use for the Biology GRE - Campbell, Kimball, Solomon, Keeton.
  20. Hmm.. so I should expect to pay roughly the same amount (between $200-300) per month in taxes. Washington has no state taxes as well.
  21. liberty bell
  22. Hi there, check this link: Good luck!
  23. I won't be paying for myself but I suggest you make sure that you have all the necessary documents on hand before your interview. Check your bank accounts and other statements that will clearly show that you can shoulder your first year of stay at graduate school. Be confident during your interview and just be honest when it comes to questions about financial matters.
  24. I am hoping I will.
  25. I'm from a tropical country and will be moving to a state which experiences all four seasons. I have never experienced snow and have never visited a place that have winter, so that'll be something new to me. Climate-wise, it's going to be a big adjustment for me.
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