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Everything posted by icemanyeo

  1. For fulfilling pre-reqs community college classes are just fine. What you need is the transcript, not the "brand name".
  2. I would probably contact the department to see what you can do -- if you're an international student, you have the option to work off-campus to earn extra income as well (which is a + compared to the US), so depending on your skillset I would look into that to help cover living costs. Montreal is relatively cheap compared to other major student cities in North America, so you should be able to find something in your range, especially if you have a roommate or two.
  3. I'm also an international applicant if that helps. Canadian universities tend to take time to process apps so I would give it another few weeks. Alternatively you can email the program director to see if they have any updates.
  4. Did they provide funding?
  5. I was contacted by email. I know others who have received rejection letters through the portal. It might depend on when you applied.
  6. Just heard back from Chicago -- 1/2 tuition offer with the total expenses coming out at about 40k without accounting for food/transportation/housing, so I'll be declining.
  7. Claiming an acceptance from Chicago MAPSS. Funding details to come later!
  8. IHEID Geneva would be great if you're planning to work at the intersection of academia and policy/think tank/government (just look at the amount of PhDs and MAs that have gone into government/international affairs). If you're dead set on US academia, Columbia would be the best option pending your Fulbright requirements since it would be more well-known in US academic circles.
  9. my situation was pretty unique in that I had friends with cars, so I bribed them with food from the costco food center to take me there.
  10. I can chime in quickly -- You cannot work off-campus as an international student during your first year (and you have to apply for a special permit from DHS to work off-campus that requires "experiencing financial hardship" in subsequent years). There might be some RA opportunities available with professors in the department, but I'm not too sure how that would work. You can always reach out to inquire! Last time I lived in New York to do research, I stayed at International House NYC (cheapest room was $1200). I would contact CUNY to see if they have any graduate housing, but rent is pretty expensive in general and you most likely will have to find roommates. If you don't mind long commutes, you could probably find a basement to rent in Queens for about $1000. My other advice is: (a) take full advantage of pantries and other services that provide basic meal needs to stretch your funds. there might also be some mutual aid programs in your area that are worth looking into as well. (b) if you commute in public transport, buy the $132 unlimited monthly pass. Using it at least twice a day will make you break even, and you save money if you use it more often. (c) food shop in bulk at Costco if you can afford the membership, it's worth it.
  11. If your research is focused on Asia-Pacific and you are planning on working at Asian universities (Taiwan, China, Singapore) then ANU is a really good option. I know several scholars (recent grads) who received their degrees there. I can't speak to the US academic market value of ANU though!
  12. If you get a PhD admission offer off of the waitlists, I would recommend just going there. You won't get to know your professors well enough for a good letter until after you finish the MAPSS program. That means that during the year where you're putting in applications, you're gonna have to figure out something to do in the meantime while you wait (it gets especially murky for international students, because good, paid OPT placements are getting harder to come by in the social sciences).
  13. Really excited! I love Montreal (and grew up as a native French speaker, so excited to be back in that environment) -- the faculty seem very supportive, and they have broad expertise in the research I want to do (LAC, ethnic conflict/nationalism). And to top it off, I already have an established support network since many family members + friends live in the city, so I won't have to brave the cold alone. thank you ☺️
  14. Welp...never give up! Having to redo my profile. PROFILEType of Undergrad Institution: Midwest SLACMajor(s)/Minor(s): Conflict StudiesUndergrad GPA: 3.99 CGPA / 4.00 Major GPAType of Grad: Chinese C9 - Chinese IvyGrad GPA: 4.00GRE: N/AAny Special Courses: Graduate-level Econ, Intro Stats Class, SWE classes in Java and MySQL, Honors Thesis, Graduate-level Political EconLetters of Recommendation: 1 Professor, 1 Associate, 1 EmeritaTeaching Experience: Taught as a lab assistant in Languages dept.Other: Lots of conference presentation experience, two undergrad pubs RESULTS (PHD)Acceptances: ConcordiaRejections: Princeton, Chicago, Michigan, Berkeley, Rice, Cornell, Yale GOING TO: Concordia LESSONS LEARNED 1. Unless you're in theory, quantitative skills matter more and more every year: The field is leaning towards quant methods as time goes on, so get some coding/technical (R) and stats experience under your belt as soon as you can. 2. Competition for spots is getting much more intense: A lot of schools reduced cohorts of 15-20 people down to 8 this year. 3. Connect with professors early: Don't wait until October or November to email a POI. The sooner you can get in touch with them, the better. 4. Fit is just as important as departmental knowledge: You might have two professors you are interested in working in, but they are leaving the department that year. Fit and information are two of your best assets. This ties into point 3 as well. 5. Don't beat yourself up: Most applications to graduate school are not successful. Rejections are not a reflection on your academic abilities or your personal worth. Make sure you have a good support system and healthy coping mechanisms before going into application season because your stress levels and patience will be tested. 6. Don't count yourself out until the end: I really thought I would be rejected from all my PhD programs, but at the end I managed to receive one fully-funded offer! I am really grateful.
  16. Yeah, it's very much YMMV depending on your relationship with the professors.
  17. I sent them traditional art pieces from my home country that they could hang at home or in their office.
  18. I was very close with my faculty recommenders so I purchased the gifts online (Amazon, Store Websites) and mailed them to their home address (that might be more of a SLAC teaching thing though -- faculty often invited students in their homes for dinner and game nights in my major). I think another option is sending something to their campus address (if the university campus is still receiving packages/open) and letting them know.
  19. Quick response: I think it's permanent, especially if universities/departments believe they can operate with less grad students and manage the same teaching loads. I think the reduction in cohort sizes was long overdue because of the abysmal job market, the pandemic was just the "perfect" time to make it official.
  20. I would like to give a huge thanks to everyone on this forum for being such a supportive group this year. This cycle has effectively ended for me, pending my MA application responses. I will be taking a break from this forum and come back around April to post my final results as I'm in the last leg of my master's (thesis defense soon ?) and would like to focus on finishing on a strong note. If you would like to keep in touch beyond this forum, I'm pretty active on Twitter! DM me and I'll send my handle to you. Congratulations again to all those who have received offers in such a difficult cycle -- if you are planning to apply in another cycle, you'll probably see me on this forum again. Best wishes to all! ☺️❤️
  21. Thank you for the detailed response!
  22. Hey everyone! I've officially tapped out of my PhD cycle for this year and am now looking towards future cycles for PhD apps. I know that some programs like NYU are very quant-heavy, but are there any programs out there with wider methodological variety or that are qual-leaning (for IR and CP) that you know of? Thanks!
  23. And here's Yale. Claiming a rejection. Tapping out for this cycle.
  24. Yale, where art thou?
  25. Sounds like someone watches RPDR!
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