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Everything posted by once

  1. I've gotten phone calls letting me know that I was accepted, and it took a while for the website to change. But I was definitely checking them daily before that! Definitely was on cloud 9 at first- now I'm just contemplating the logistics of a cross country move, wondering if I'll be able to make new friends, and a whole host of other lame worries. It's like I just transferred my WILL I GET IN anxiety over to the new AH I GOT IN, HOW AM I GOING TO MAKE THIS WORK?!? anxiety.
  2. I've had pretty good luck with staying in hostels while traveling for conferences/research. When I was traveling last fall most of the places I stayed were really laid back and full of people attending auditions for a nearby conservatory or taking a year off- not huge party people, and you can't beat the price (usually something like $30/night, a bit higher on weekends).
  3. I'm going to an open house in a week and I'm just planning on wearing a tan, knee-length skirt and a dark blue button down shirt. I'm also a huge tomboy (casual friday is the best day of the week!) but since this will be the first time that I'll be meeting people, I definitely want to look a tiny bit more professional. I've been debating about heels vs. no heels, but I'm leaning towards no heels because there's probably going to be a lot of walking/standing.
  4. I think it's basically a rubber stamp. When I received an unofficial acceptance, the professor that called told me that in the many, many years he had been there, the graduate school had not rejected anyone after the department recommended them for admission.
  5. I know her and she's amazing- congratulations!
  6. once

    Bank Street

    Same, I'm also from the NY/NJ area and I've never heard of it. I hope someone else can chime in and give you some information.
  7. Congratulations, I'm so happy for you!!
  8. Awesome! I assume you've seen this? http://museumheygirl.tumblr.com/
  9. once

    Berkeley, CA

    Nope, I was looking at the rooms and shares section, yikes. There are some beautiful places between $700-$900 for a room on the north side but I'm concerned that on $18k/year that might be too much, especially with utilities factored in. There's a Cal site for off campus housing, isn't there? Is that more useful or would you recommend sticking to craigslist? And is there a time when listings tend to go up for leases starting in August (probably June ish, right)? That makes perfect sense. I don't mind commuting but the thought of doing it my first year, in a new place, just feels like too much added stress. Thanks again for your help!
  10. I don't think it's crucial, although I know that there are people on here who will disagree with me. For the three acceptances I received, one POI I didn't contact at all or even name in my SOP (it was pretty obvious based on my interests that I'd want to work with her), one I emailed but only because the website said it was "strongly encouraged", and one I was put in contact with after talking with a current student but we only exchanged one email at the most. So.. it varies. I wouldn't stress yourself out over it.
  11. once

    Berkeley, CA

    Thank you, that's really reassuring to hear. I've been browsing craigslist and it seems like everything is $800-$900 just for a room! I think I will put in an application at the coops just in case. Are there any neighborhoods that you recommend I check out within walking distance/quiet environment/not too expensive? Also, could you tell me a little bit about what graduate student life is like at Berkeley? I'll be visiting at the end of the month but I've never been to the bay area and have no idea what to expect.
  12. once

    CAA 2012

    Huzzah, I love your blog! I've tried blogging several times but could never really find my voice.
  13. I think it sounds fine and perfectly professional. I don't think British spelling is necessary, but it's certainly considerate of you to think of it!
  14. Thank you! I'm the UCSB admit. I did post my stats when I posted the interview request (1/19), if you're curious. It's been ages since I had an advocado... now I want one!
  15. once

    CAA 2012

    I'd love to go to CAA and SAH, but I couldn't get off work/find someone to share a hotel room with. Next year, maybe! Also, if I had to decide between 2 and 3, I'd definitely pick 3! It sounds fascinating- I'm going to live vicariously through you.
  16. once

    Berkeley, CA

    Are the coops typically difficult to get into? I love how inexpensive they are and how close they are to campus, but I'm worried that if/when I decide to accept Berkeley's offer they'll be full and I'll be SOL as far as housing goes. I'd really just like to be within a reasonable walking/biking distance of campus without having to spend almost my entire stipend on rent (heck, is this even possible..?)
  17. Just from my extremely limited experience, it seems like in some disciplines it's a very small world and they usually have an idea of what another school is offering you and how their offer compares. I would just relax, bask in the fact that you have options, and wait to find out definitively what kind of package they put together for you. Additionally, you might not be able to just compare the offers numerically anyway- for instance, $15,000/year will go a lot further in, say, north dakota than in new york city.
  18. They will probably ask you questions about your writing sample, SOP and research interests. I'd also recommend reading the graduate student handbook if it's posted on their website. I was able to come up with some good questions about the program based on that. Edit- Also, don't be nervous! Breathe. I read online that it's apparently better to stand up vs. sitting down for a phone interview because it helps you project your voice better and sound more authoritative, but when I stand I tend to pace so I opted not to do that. Also have a pen and paper handy for any information they might throw at you (names of other faculty members that fit well with your research, dates, numbers...) Good luck!
  19. I got my first acceptance yesterday, although it was from an architecture program with a specialization in history of architecture and urbanism and not an art history program. Needless to say, I'm thrilled, and I hope good news is on its way to everyone else!
  20. I think it would be a mistake to mention it. Faculty members know that the people who are their top candidates have most likely applied and been accepted at other schools. The only situation in which I would mention other offers would be if you are directly asked. Otherwise.. no. Just no. Enjoy your visit and see the school in light of what it has to offer you before you compare it to other options.
  21. 1. Seconding what LLajax said and adding that it's smart to pack outfits that can be dressed up or down as necessary. Since you'll be there for an entire weekend, some events will probably be slightly more casual than others. 2. Read the department's graduate student handbook, mission statement, and faculty profiles. Read one or two recent articles by the faculty members you want to work with, but more importantly just generally familiarize yourself with their research interests, what they've worked on previously and what they're working on now. Reread your SOP and writing sample and come up with a 2-5 minute elevator speech summarizing each. 3. No idea, since I've never been on a weekend-long interview.. but I'm sure someone else can chime in. 4. Well, the obvious ones- why you want to get a Ph.D, what attracted you to their school, what you'd like to research. Be prepared to answer questions about your writing sample and elaborate on things listed on your resume. 5. All of the above. Also that you're not a robot. 6. Definitely not! They want to get to know you, not embarass you by asking you questions that you might not be able to answer. Also, under the "Applications" section of the board, there's a board specifically with topics on interviews. If you click on most replies/most viewed, a ton of topics come up about what kinds of questions are usually asked plus what to wear (the what to wear topics are pretty fantastic, actually). Best of luck!
  22. I've had an interview along with some follow up emails. Besides that, nothing. It seems like at this time last year more people had posted results. Strange!
  23. I don't think that being a vegetarian has had any effect on my food costs. If anything, I've spent less on food since becoming a vegetarian a year ago; meat can get quite expensive but tofu and beans are cheap. The only benefit that you might get from living in a "vegan/vegetarian" friendly city is a greater variety of options when you eat out (such as the local mexican place offering tofu or another meat substitute). Although it's not a scientific study or anything, this blog post explains things pretty well: http://vegansofcolor.wordpress.com/2009/02/20/does-being-vegan-cost-more-money/
  24. once


    I'd recommend you pick up something by David Sedaris. He mostly does short story collections; they're brief and usually very witty, perfect for taking your mind off things.
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