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cpsych2021 last won the day on July 22 2021

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    Clinical Psychology

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  1. That's so great! I hope that the program is as helpful to you as it was for me ☺️
  2. Thank you My POI was also my undergraduate supervisor so I didn't do an interview with her, but I did do the official interview with the admissions committee. The interview was very structured. Basically, 5 committee members took turns asking questions. I think that the questions aren't the same for everyone but I would definitely expect to be asked why you are a good fit for the position. Also, at the end of the interview they give you some time to ask questions yourself. I definitely spent more time asking questions then I did answering questions! In regard to the SOI, it should be like a sales pitch for your POI and should focus on your research and clinical experiences. The McMaster SOI is really tricky because there is so little space! Here's a great article that helped me out a lot: https://psychology.unl.edu/psichi/Graduate_School_Application_Kisses_of_Death.pdf This being said, slightly against the advice of the mentioned article, I actually did end up personalizing my SOI and and talked a little about what drew me to clinical psychology. As a mature student, it felt relevant and important to mention this in my SOI and I think that it may have helped me to stand out. Also, and maybe this problem has already been fixed, it doesn't mention that a CV is necessary for the PNB RCT application but it most definitely is! I'm not sure why it doesn't actually state this when you are applying. So anything that you didn't have space to highlight in you SOI, you can mention in your CV.
  3. Hi! I also applied to clinical psych programs during my 4th year of undergrad. I found it helpful to start my first drafts of my SOI and CGS-M application during the summer. Because I started so early, I had lots of time to ask for feedback. I also made a list of potential interview questions during the summer and would frequently look over them and think about them (but I didn't start actually practicing answers until I was invited to interview). I also questioned whether I was competitive enough throughout the process. I didn't have any publications or even experience at conferences. My best advice would be to reach out to anyone that you can. If it weren't for my mentors (I had an awesome mentor through the CPA mentorship program and a grad student from my lab who mentored me throughout the process), I doubt that I would have been as competitive as I was. These mentors not only helped me to build a competitive application but provided much needed emotional support. That application process was one of the hardest things that I have done in my life! Please feel free to reach out about the application process at Ryerson. I wasn't accepted at Ryerson but I did go through the interview process both with my POI and the clinical interview. I hope that this helps
  4. Hi everyone, I'm starting the RCT program at McMaster this September. I start in September so I don't have a lot of advice about the actual program but I am happy to share my experience with the application process! Please feel free to reach out
  5. Hi everyone! I'll be starting this fall at McMaster in the RCT program I'd love to connect with other students in my cohort
  6. Unfortunately, you should probably assume rejection from McMaster as well. They have already send out offers and emailed those on the waitlist.
  7. Yay! Congrats!! I was placed as an alternative. Does anyone know someone who had received the award from the alternative list?
  8. Hi everyone! I also received some good (and VERY surprising) news that I have been accepted off the waitlist for McMaster's RCT program. School: McMaster University Type: PhD (technically starts with MA) Psychology Acceptance/Waitlist/Rejection: Informal acceptance Date Notified: Mar 8 DM for POI: Of course
  9. Hi all! Has anyone heard anything from McMaster after the interview day? Are they just really late this year, or should I be assuming rejection? Please feel free to send me a DM
  10. Oh my gosh, I wasn't even thinking about sending a thank you email after a panel interview. I always send one for independent interviews, but I didn't think that that was something that you would do for a panel interview. Would it be strange for me to send a thank you email now (a day later)?
  11. I wonder if it will take longer this year. They only interviewed and shortlisted 34 applicants last year but there were almost 60 applicants that I saw on visiting day who were applying for clinical psychology this year. That's double the amount of students shortlisted for the same amount of spots!!
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