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Everything posted by Speechiepeach

  1. Hi everyone, good luck with applications! I'm in my first year of SLP at McMaster and just wanted to comment on the GPA cutoff. As scary as it looks, I was offered an interview and was ultimately accepted with a 3.86. You definitely don't need a 3.9, but I would suggest only applying if you have a 3.8 or higher for your wallet's sake (MMI cut off was around 3.83 last year). It is too bad they focus so heavily on grades, but there are other schools that weigh your experience more fairly, so don't be discouraged Best of luck with this exciting process!!
  2. There's an option to make a request now to have your school send the transcript at the end of the term!
  3. I randomly checked my ORPAS account and an offer from McMaster was there! I have not received an email from them yet but confirmed my offer. I was #3 on the waitlist! I'm ecstatic
  4. I got off the waitlist for McMaster this morning (#3) and have taken myself off Western's waitlist Good luck everyone!
  5. If anyone is declining their McMaster acceptance, please post here
  6. Hey everyone congrats on acceptances! Either way, if you got the news you wanted or not, be proud that you were able to go through this application process during a pandemic. That's hard! I got waitlisted at both Western and Mac, but am #3 on Mac's waitlist so I am hopeful. If anyone is declining their offer to Mac please let me know!
  7. McMaster updated their website with the average sub-GPA of applicants who received interviews for admission. This year it was 3.9, which I think is high compared to previous years.
  8. Is anyone else incredibly anxious for April 1st! The next 3 days are going to be slow ?
  9. I appreciate any feedback on the different SLP programs and feel it's important to do your own research on each school! I find most people on this forum very helpful. If you look through the 2019 and 2020 SLP threads, maybe try to reach out to someone you see got accepted to and attends the school you are most interested in. It's nice to hear various perspectives and opinions.
  10. Everyone has great stats, you should all be proud as the application process is hard enough! Degree: Bachelor of applied science in psychology ORPAS sGPA: 3.86 Experience/Volunteering: Unfortunately little SLP related experience due to COVID, but am a French tutor, cross-cultural mentor for ESL students, helped with creating and volunteering for a yearly fair event for World Autism Awareness Day, volunteered at a gym to partner with a man with autism to support them through their workout, taught cooking classes to adults with traumatic brain injuries, facilitated conversation groups for older adults with aphasia, and have completed research in neuroscience and mental health. References: 1 teaching professor, 1 teaching and supervising professor, my boss from a medical teaching clinic I worked at
  11. Hey I am not sure what this means but I would use SAM to ask. I hope everything works out, I'm sure it will!
  12. Hi there! I believe your references will fill out the form that ORPAS sends them, then ORPAS sends the completed reference forms to each University that needs them. Although, in your case, McMaster doesn't require references, so ORPAS will only send the completed forms to Western. Someone correct me if I am mistaken
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