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Everything posted by Sky_china

  1. Honestly, I saw no one survived the blood bath from UW today...
  2. I know tri-insititute is supposed to sending out invites soon but the coordinator seems super busy
  3. Can I ask what is your track for MD anderson ?
  4. oops I am sorry, I thought you applied system biology harvard. I am not 100% sure about BBS. you can always email the admin to ask tho
  5. UPenn GCB only have international student invitation left and I suspect there are not much, I think Harvard says it comes in one wave
  6. an admission coordinator at where I work and a friend who is sorting out application at UPenn
  7. some school does like upenn, yale not all but some
  8. From what I have heard is, the number is around the same
  9. I emailed the admin tho. She told me if I applied before priority deadline, I should hear something back before Chrismas.
  10. This makes me hopeful and anxious at the same time !!! Good Work tho
  11. crossing lines ? I don't think sending more rec letter is crossing lines. and my professors said if I am not getting interview he will knock some doors for me to vouch for me. I think both are common practice
  12. asking you recommender to call, or saying you could provide another recommendation letter if they can accept it. I am just thinking not sure tbh
  13. interesting, cuz from their website and people who got in. and people I talked to. I definetely think the med school accept more student than a lot of school and program especially those liberal arts college in pulic school
  14. quantitative sciences
  15. what I recived that email on Nov 20th and still haven't heard anything. I am jealous
  16. Anyone hear back from NYU? I know this is a very international student friendly school. I would be cry if I don't get it
  17. Congrats to you !! Now I am just hoping its based on track ....
  18. ANY one here heard back from NYU? saw a post on the result page making me very nervous
  19. honestly, I felt like you need to play the scheduel game now haha. you only have some many weekends to interview ?
  20. just email the coordinator, not until they say they are not sending any more invites
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