The Maris Review is one of two podcasts I regularly listen to. The host is the funniest person on Twitter, and is responsible for Slaughterhouse 90210, the genius Tumblr that matched TV & movie stills with literary quotes (and spawned a book).
The other podcast I love is BOMB's FUSE (which hasn't been updated since June), where artists/authors/musicians interview each other. The first, featuring authors Mira Jacob and Scott Cheshire, is a great place to start.
I'm also an applicant to NYU & Columbia (and other NYC schools The New School, Hunter, CCNY, and The Writers' Foundry at St. Joseph's University). Good luck!
I read Matthew Salesses' new book, Craft in the Real World: Rethinking Fiction Writing and Workshopping, and found it thought-provoking on many levels. I'd recommend it to any writer, regardless of genre, as well as teachers of writing.
Speaking of birdwatching these days, I have an essay on virtual birdwatching (with my cat) at McSweeney's. Blame them for the title, it was originally just "Virtual Birdwatching."
If you are looking for more flash stories, I have an original flash fiction series on my website, Flash Dancers: Ekphrastic Singles, stories inspired by songs, curated by the author Meg Pokrass.
I've lived in NYC since 2011. The literary community is the big draw for me, I have hosted three reading series and the people have been so welcoming. You will fit in!