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  1. Any updates on UT Austin? The only place I've heard nothing from. Nobody has posted acceptances or rejections on the results page...
  2. Rejection from NIH-OxCam stings it was my first choice. Lucky to have other options, but damn... they really dragged me through three days of recruitment and interviews just to give me the axe.
  3. Sorry just saw this. Got the PBS offer a couple weeks ago. Co-mentored by Drs. Barrett and Chen. w/r/t UPenn neuro, I'm still slightly considering it, but they don't have a lab that does work in my specific area
  4. Only been ghosted by UT Austin so far, so I'm happy with my acceptances and basically down to choosing between Hopkins Psych and Brain Sciences and Duke Clinical Psych! Would love to chat with anyone else thinking about those programs.
  5. There was a chunk of people that heard a couple weeks ago but nobody since. I haven't heard anything, therefore I assume I'm not getting invited to an interview. I'm starting to assume I'm not getting an interview from Stanford either, but haven't quite lost hope yet.
  6. Do people know generally whether/when schools send rejection emails? I was hoping to know for sure about which schools I was rejected from by the time I start interviews
  7. are you the same person who posted about the phone call? congrats btw!! that's awesome.
  8. oh i meant there was a number but it was unsaved in my contacts. wish i could go back and see area code!
  9. I got a call today from an unknown number but my phone died while it was ringing ? no idea if it was Stanford or spam lol and i can't see the number anymore
  10. JHU Psych and Brain Sciences committee is meeting today to decide interviews!
  11. Wow. That does not bode well lol. What does "NHW" mean in your bio mean, btw?
  12. UT Austin is confusing me. Apparently someone received a rejection email (and they had insane stats). And a few have reported interviews. Haven't heard anything myself...
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