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    eternalwhitenights reacted to prosbie in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Hey - I was on this forum last year during application season, weird to be back - but I was accepted to Iowa and I just want to say for anyone who is worrying right now, I was only accepted about a couple weeks before the April 15th deadline, by phone, later than any other school, and I was accepted with their most well paying fellowship. So application season is weird and just because some ppl are receiving acceptances it really doesn't mean anything. What I learned from here is that forewarning or foreworrying actually worsens your experience of the outcome, because it makes you believe you know what's going on when the administrations that handle rejections/acceptances are all wavy gravy, baby.  It really is all good until you actually personally get the no. 
  2. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to bettedavisthighs in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    just heard from Hollins - I'm in for CNF with funding info. I know someone asked about them recently so I thought I'd share. I'm torn - the funding HU is offering me (a first-year fellowship that covers tuition remission and "the opportunity to apply for" a second-year TAship)  isn't guaranteed past the first year, and the other acceptance I've gotten so far is guaranteed all 3 years with a GA from the jump. during the app process I was really drawn to HU's genre fluidity, creative ethos, and some dreamy mountain living. fuck!!!!
  3. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from Ydrl in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Random sidenote, I lived in Ireland, too!!! When did you live there, and where? I studied at NUIG for a semester, and dated an Irish guy for 4 1/2 years and lived in Mullingar (where Niall Horan is from) when I went over to visit him on two separate occasions! My MFA thesis is going to be my Irish Potato Famine novel and love story that takes place during it (if I get in, it'll be a thesis--I'm still writing it either way, lol!). I just had to shoutout Ireland here, because I miss Galway so, so much, and Galway Bay is the most beautiful place in the world, and just hi hello how are you to a fellow once-lived-in-Irelander!
  4. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to Greithe in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    To be completely fair, we knew when we applied that we had a 99% chance (well, a 97% or so chance) of rejection. The volume of applications against the size of the cohort makes that the reality.
    I honestly love people who hang onto hope in the face of odds like that. That's been part of the fun, and the misery, of this whole adventure, for me anyhow. 
  5. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Even though it wasn't one of my top choices, the Washington one just hurts. Obviously being an alumni doesn't make a difference as a candidate, but I had such a great experience there as an undergrad and feel a real bond with the school.
  6. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from Greithe in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Amen to that. I imagine we'll be hearing a lot of things by the end of this week and all during next week hopefully!
  7. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to Greithe in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Thanks, and you too!
    Right now I'm fine with rejections as long as I can get this over with, and just have some direction and a plan. I imagine a lot of us are in the same boat with that. It's the where-will-I-be-next-year feeling that's the worst.... especially when I realize I applied to at least one school that's so far away, I probably wouldn't be able to afford to move there if I did get in pffft (good job! lol)
    I have learned, in an already longish life, that whenever disaster strikes (apart from anyone dying), it's clearing the way for wonderful things ahead. Happens EVERY time. So I've learned to be grateful whenever the roof caves in, and keep looking ahead for new good things. They always come, eventually. 
  8. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to Greithe in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    He was my treasure, God rest his sweet soul! And yes, exactly; we haunted Lough Key Forest Park quite a bit.
    I write fiction rooted in landscape and folklore, on the edge of magical realism, and like to explore how the old stories keep retelling themselves in every generation. I've been published; I've gotten some compliments for setting and voice etc, but my challenge is digging deeply enough emotionally, daring to be vulnerable enough for the story, and that's where I'm hoping MFA workshops can help me. IFFFF I can get in, and that's looking so iffy right now lol - I'm still waiting to hear from five programs, or 4 once Iowa finishes calling its lucky few. If I don't get in anywhere this round, I'll go job hunting for now and try some low-res options next go, I think.
    Or, maybe just live in a van near the beach. That's really getting tempting these days!
  9. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to Greithe in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Oh, do I have family photos on Galway Bay! We lived just a few hours northeast, not quite halfway to Mullingar. Our beloved old service dog was born in Mullingar, so that town will always have a place in my heart. My kids went to school across the street from a famine graveyard that had been turned into a lovely memorial park. Oh, I miss it, I miss it. Let me know when I can read your book! ❤️ 
  10. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from anamcara in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Random sidenote, I lived in Ireland, too!!! When did you live there, and where? I studied at NUIG for a semester, and dated an Irish guy for 4 1/2 years and lived in Mullingar (where Niall Horan is from) when I went over to visit him on two separate occasions! My MFA thesis is going to be my Irish Potato Famine novel and love story that takes place during it (if I get in, it'll be a thesis--I'm still writing it either way, lol!). I just had to shoutout Ireland here, because I miss Galway so, so much, and Galway Bay is the most beautiful place in the world, and just hi hello how are you to a fellow once-lived-in-Irelander!
  11. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to Jjayy in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Iowa takes in like 50 students each year. That's a lot of notifications to send out, a lot of calls to make, and, so far, there is one post indicating acceptance on GradCafe and two posts in Drafts. I know the chances are slim, but here's to hoping that not all of those IWW calls went out today, and some more are due to go out tomorrow.
  12. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from Graceful Entropy in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I'm glad you mentioned the fee waiver stuff--I kept forgetting to mention that if you've done AmeriCorps, you should be able to get a fee waiver as well. I did AmeriCorps 2017-2018, and I was able to get my fee to Notre Dame waived. I suppose you can always email the school and just ask, too. (You never know until you try, right? :))
  13. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from Salaam O in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Hiiiii! I'm waiting on Notre Dame, too (it's the only program I applied to)! I think literally the best thing ever, ever, ever would be to get in, and then to get in with friends from here! 
    Also, a major, 8 bjillion times over, congratulations to all who have been waitlisted, accepted, rejected, and are still waiting. When I was praying today, I was thinking about how, no matter what, I'm still a writer. No matter, what, I am still going to make it. No matter what, I, and all of us, are going to be okay, and if we get rejected, we're going to double down on our craft, and keep writing, keep growing, keep learning, and keep loving, and we're all going to make it, whatever that ends up looking like overall.
    I believe in you guys, and I believe in myself! All of us are "success stories" because we have the courage to put our hearts on paper in the first place. In other words, no matter the outcomes, let's ROCK this, y'all!!!!! ❤️
  14. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from Krea96 in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Hiiiii! I'm waiting on Notre Dame, too (it's the only program I applied to)! I think literally the best thing ever, ever, ever would be to get in, and then to get in with friends from here! 
    Also, a major, 8 bjillion times over, congratulations to all who have been waitlisted, accepted, rejected, and are still waiting. When I was praying today, I was thinking about how, no matter what, I'm still a writer. No matter, what, I am still going to make it. No matter what, I, and all of us, are going to be okay, and if we get rejected, we're going to double down on our craft, and keep writing, keep growing, keep learning, and keep loving, and we're all going to make it, whatever that ends up looking like overall.
    I believe in you guys, and I believe in myself! All of us are "success stories" because we have the courage to put our hearts on paper in the first place. In other words, no matter the outcomes, let's ROCK this, y'all!!!!! ❤️
  15. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to WhackAMole in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    unminded and ignored. thanks
  16. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to queenofcarrotflowers in 2021 Applicants   
    CONGRATULATIONS!!! Can’t wait to read it !
  17. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from CayceCamus in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Hiiiii! I'm waiting on Notre Dame, too (it's the only program I applied to)! I think literally the best thing ever, ever, ever would be to get in, and then to get in with friends from here! 
    Also, a major, 8 bjillion times over, congratulations to all who have been waitlisted, accepted, rejected, and are still waiting. When I was praying today, I was thinking about how, no matter what, I'm still a writer. No matter, what, I am still going to make it. No matter what, I, and all of us, are going to be okay, and if we get rejected, we're going to double down on our craft, and keep writing, keep growing, keep learning, and keep loving, and we're all going to make it, whatever that ends up looking like overall.
    I believe in you guys, and I believe in myself! All of us are "success stories" because we have the courage to put our hearts on paper in the first place. In other words, no matter the outcomes, let's ROCK this, y'all!!!!! ❤️
  18. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from anna23 in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Hiiiii! I'm waiting on Notre Dame, too (it's the only program I applied to)! I think literally the best thing ever, ever, ever would be to get in, and then to get in with friends from here! 
    Also, a major, 8 bjillion times over, congratulations to all who have been waitlisted, accepted, rejected, and are still waiting. When I was praying today, I was thinking about how, no matter what, I'm still a writer. No matter, what, I am still going to make it. No matter what, I, and all of us, are going to be okay, and if we get rejected, we're going to double down on our craft, and keep writing, keep growing, keep learning, and keep loving, and we're all going to make it, whatever that ends up looking like overall.
    I believe in you guys, and I believe in myself! All of us are "success stories" because we have the courage to put our hearts on paper in the first place. In other words, no matter the outcomes, let's ROCK this, y'all!!!!! ❤️
  19. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from M-Lin in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Hiiiii! I'm waiting on Notre Dame, too (it's the only program I applied to)! I think literally the best thing ever, ever, ever would be to get in, and then to get in with friends from here! 
    Also, a major, 8 bjillion times over, congratulations to all who have been waitlisted, accepted, rejected, and are still waiting. When I was praying today, I was thinking about how, no matter what, I'm still a writer. No matter, what, I am still going to make it. No matter what, I, and all of us, are going to be okay, and if we get rejected, we're going to double down on our craft, and keep writing, keep growing, keep learning, and keep loving, and we're all going to make it, whatever that ends up looking like overall.
    I believe in you guys, and I believe in myself! All of us are "success stories" because we have the courage to put our hearts on paper in the first place. In other words, no matter the outcomes, let's ROCK this, y'all!!!!! ❤️
  20. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from Jjayy in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Hiiiii! I'm waiting on Notre Dame, too (it's the only program I applied to)! I think literally the best thing ever, ever, ever would be to get in, and then to get in with friends from here! 
    Also, a major, 8 bjillion times over, congratulations to all who have been waitlisted, accepted, rejected, and are still waiting. When I was praying today, I was thinking about how, no matter what, I'm still a writer. No matter, what, I am still going to make it. No matter what, I, and all of us, are going to be okay, and if we get rejected, we're going to double down on our craft, and keep writing, keep growing, keep learning, and keep loving, and we're all going to make it, whatever that ends up looking like overall.
    I believe in you guys, and I believe in myself! All of us are "success stories" because we have the courage to put our hearts on paper in the first place. In other words, no matter the outcomes, let's ROCK this, y'all!!!!! ❤️
  21. Like
    eternalwhitenights got a reaction from mrvisser in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Hiiiii! I'm waiting on Notre Dame, too (it's the only program I applied to)! I think literally the best thing ever, ever, ever would be to get in, and then to get in with friends from here! 
    Also, a major, 8 bjillion times over, congratulations to all who have been waitlisted, accepted, rejected, and are still waiting. When I was praying today, I was thinking about how, no matter what, I'm still a writer. No matter, what, I am still going to make it. No matter what, I, and all of us, are going to be okay, and if we get rejected, we're going to double down on our craft, and keep writing, keep growing, keep learning, and keep loving, and we're all going to make it, whatever that ends up looking like overall.
    I believe in you guys, and I believe in myself! All of us are "success stories" because we have the courage to put our hearts on paper in the first place. In other words, no matter the outcomes, let's ROCK this, y'all!!!!! ❤️
  22. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to Salaam O in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    Omg I just found this BLOG HELLO! I can freak out with people that's so nice ;-; Anyway, hi, here's my personal update:
    Waitlisted: IU Bloomington (Fiction)
    Rejected: Michigan in Ann Arbor (Fiction)
    Waiting: Purdue, Southern Illinois, Notre Dame (Fiction)
  23. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to dumblond in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I actually heard from them last night that I'm on the CNF waitlist! Fingers crossed for both of us : ) 
  24. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to aheather in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I've been WLed by Oregon State for poetry, and I know of at least one CNF WL as well. I think first rounds of acceptances have gone out to at least poetry and cnf, though I can't speak to fiction. 
  25. Like
    eternalwhitenights reacted to Graceful Entropy in 2021 Applicants Forum   
    I've been mulling your friend's viewpoint and while we need to take care of ourselves, I think we also have to consider our impact on our larger community as well.

    While the OSU debacle certainly will instill some nervousness (and is clearly a huge fuck-up on their part), I think the difference is that those are technically considered informal offers w/out the contract. Once the contract is out--typically later and by email--any school part of the CSG (basically all of them) must abide by it until the April 15th deadline.

    So, if you are waiting on another school, by all means, hold on to your other choice(s), but I think if any of us are fortunate enough to be accepted into multiple programs, we should respect them and do our peers a solid by helping them get their own show on the road as soon as we know that school's not going to be the one.

    All in this together.
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