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Posts posted by PsychGiraffe

  1. 1 hour ago, emsmith said:

    Hey all, on my CGS-M portal, Waterloo said I was ineligible because I wasn't registered in the program... that doesn't make sense does it?? You are allowed to apply for funding when you are applying to admission in the program, right?? I haven't been accepted to the program so it doesn't matter, but I find it really weird that they said I wasn't eligible? When the website and application recommend you apply for CGS-M? Anyone have any insight on this?

    I would send them an email or give them a call to check what happened. Haven't heard of that before.

  2. 1 hour ago, skowall said:

    Not specific to clinical psych but I was awarded CIHR through CGS-M for UofM despite not getting accepted. Does anyone know if I can defer the funding or if I have to decline it? No one else seems to know for some reason. 

    You can defer funding only for reasons of parental or medical leave for the most part or issues surrounding visa and relocation. In either case, supporting documents are required. Quite unfortunate really...
    But the fact that you got CIHR once is a good thing and you can put on CV as declined which still benefits you in a small way for the next cycle.

  3. 2 minutes ago, skowall said:

    Thanks for the advice! I currently have 4 years of RA experience, 2 of which are clinically oriented and one publication. Not sure what else I'm missing in my application. I've also done clinical volunteering. If you have any other suggestions let me know!

    The way I can describe this process to you is the same way every clinical MA and PhD student has described it to me thus far; it's a crapshoot. I mean it. Having those years of experience is great including the one publication, but you just have to keep doing more or less the same thing. Changing your application materials also can make a difference, such as reference letters, LOI, etc.
    DM me maybe and we can have a video chat to discuss at length? I could type an essay here and still not be done.

  4. 10 hours ago, skowall said:

    Congrats to everyone on their acceptances. For those of you who applied more than once before getting accepted, how did you spend your time off? What are some things you would recommend? Let me know!

    If you got rejected this round, I advise (and I believe others would advise you to do the same; this is what I was told to do by a DCT) that you undertake a research position. That can be one or two volunteer positions or one full-time paid research position. The most important thing for these programs to see is that you've been doing research. The clinical aspect is also important but tends to be secondary. If you can do clinical research then even better - two birds with one stone. Another option is to do volunteer research and get a pain job in a clinical setting of sorts (with the respective population you want to work with as part of your degree would be ideal).

  5. 56 minutes ago, hoy0731 said:


    Hey everyone! 

    I'm wondering if anyone has heard from their PI at Lakehead throughout this entire process? They apparently don't do interviews but I find that hard to believe... I wonder if supervisors are doing informal interviews. 

    Any insight would be helpful :)

    I had the chance to speak to a PhD student in the clinical program at Lakehead and from my understanding (and take this information as anecdotal), not all PIs there do interviews but some do.

  6. 1 minute ago, babooshka said:

    For sure. At this point, I'm not putting hope into much as I'm getting used to the rejections this third time around, haha. It's at UTSC.

    Best thing you can do for yourself is to not hope. I gave up hope last year and I got in this year on my third round of applying. I was already starting to make a list for which schools to apply for next year when I received emails that I was recommended for admission at OISE and Western. But overall, the healthiest thing I did for myself was assume rejection ?

  7. 1 minute ago, babooshka said:

    Thank you so much, that's very helpful! I was curious because the email I received was from the supervisor I applied to. Well, good to know that at least my scholarship application was acceptable, even if I don't get in. It's the little things :P

    If your PI is the one who let you know then that might actually be a good sign; but don't use that as the basis for your hope. What school is this at?

  8. 13 minutes ago, babooshka said:

    Hello all! I just received an email from an institution I was waitlisted at saying that they've ranked my CGS-M application highly. What would hypothetically happen if I got the scholarship? Would it affect my waitlist status in any way, in anyone's experience? I'm unsure of the process. Thank you!

    The two adjudication processes are separate and governed by different committees. Your scholarship ranking or even getting the scholarship is unlikely to affect your chances of getting in.
    You could get the scholarship and be rejected from the program in which case you would have to decline the scholarship.
    That said, it is not completely unheard of for a supervisor to push for a student's acceptance if they received CGS-M - this information is from me speaking with clinical students directly at various universities including but not limited to OISE, Ryerson, Queen's, Windsor, and YorkU. However, this has happened very few times, perhaps 2 or 3 cases that I have personally heard of.

  9. 18 hours ago, bolthammer said:

    Hi all! 

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post- I'm new to the forum! I'm looking to apply for Fall 2023. If anyone has any advice, I'd love to hear it!

    Stats- undergrad in psychology, on Dean's list. Previously- college diploma in social services

    10 years of experience in residential, 6 years experience in school as an EA. As well, experience providing social skills education to children and youth (my own business). 

    Currently volunteering at lab to get research experience, plus honours thesis. 

    I have about five MA programs that I'm applying to, one PhD, and one PsyD. It's all a little daunting, and to be honest I'm very unsure about my chances of getting in anywhere. Any helpful shoves in the right direction?

    The process for these schools is arduous at best. Your third point is likely what you'll have to strengthen more (even if it is currently strong; assume you need more - competition is brutal).

    Having high stats grade and GPA are key as those are some of the earliest criteria clinical programs use to rate your application. After which its research experiences and all its forms (talks, posters, publications, etc.), and believe it or not, some schools grant a point in their applicant rating pool for diversity (this is confirmed after I spoke to a clinical student who helped design the rating excel sheet for one of the universities I applied to).

    "The right direction" you speak of largely depends on what you want to do with your future. C.Psych. and Psy.D. programs are quite different in their training model and career outcomes. In short, C.Psych. programs follow the scientist-practitioner model with a heavy focus on research (your research informs your practice and your practice informs your research), whereas Psy.D. programs are course-based only with little to no research component (this did not appeal to me personally due to my background in research and believing that research is how we advance and inform our therapeutic approaches; just my two cents).

    Glad to zoom about this further if you'd like (DM if so).

  10. 2 hours ago, hopefulK said:

    Hi guys, does anyone know (maybe from past experience) how likely it is to get off the waitlist at OISE for the SCCP program? does it depend on the number of spots available in total/ for that specific prof?


    Afaik, a professor takes on 1 student per cycle, very rarely 2 students. I think the waitlist is designed for students that get multiple offers so that if someone declines an offer they can move on to the waitlist to grab another student. So to answer your question, I reckon you'll be grabbed off the waitlist contingent on someone declining their offer and where on the waitlist you're positioned.

  11. 4 minutes ago, psyc2020 said:

    I am not sure if this has been mentioned but I believe others have said that OISE provides a stipend for the first year of the MA program? Then, you can apply to OGS and SSHRC this upcoming fall competition that would be held for MA year 2. I have also heard that if you do not receive SHHRC or OGS during the application cycle that it is easier to get once you are actually in your MA as you may possibly have a more clear project idea/research direction (due to your thesis) and have the help from your PI as well.

    Yes you're right and I already knew about that. Will have to play it by ear once I get both offers in a couple of weeks and decide swiftly.

  12. 2 minutes ago, stella18 said:

    Who was the PI? Also feel free to DM if you want more info! That's great since they do not offer funding. It is very rare to do you PhD practicums elsewhere (they are pretty prescribed in the program). I know alot of my friends who are currently in the PhD program only started doing assessments in their second year, and practicum placements where a bit shocked by the lack of training. Did you apply to OGS? 

    Won't share PI here in forums, but yes I did apply to OGS as well as SSHRC. I'm worried about being granted SSHRC or OGS at Western and not at OISE though; I'm inclined to pick OISE due to the training available and the (somewhat exclusive) collaboration with the TDSB.

  13. 13 minutes ago, skowall said:

    Looking for advice from those who have been accepted. (Congrats btw!)

    This is my first cycle applying and I'm looking for suggestions on how to improve my CV for the next round of applications if anyone has any ideas! Here's a brief overview:

    Age 21, currently completing honours thesis, 4 years of volunteer RA experience, 6 months of clinical volunteer work, about to submit one paper for publication and may potentially submit my thesis for publication. Also have completed the UofM research summer school. Looking to retake my GRE and possibly get a second RA position. Also looking to present at conferences or posters etc but I'm not sure what is out there. GPA is approx 4.15/4.5 but may go up after this term. 

    Let me know if anyone has any suggestions! Congrats again to everyone who got interviewed or accepted!

    I think it's a safe bet to say that this post summarizes poignantly what all applicants are thinking. The application process is a combination of having the right resources (CV, LOI, experiences, etc.) and a crapshoot. A crapshoot is how I had the process described to me by almost a dozen clinical students (both MA and PhD). I know people that got in right after undergrad (almost never happens), and I also know of people that got rejected from the program having already completed a second PhD and had several publications. This is not to discourage you, but rather, to juxtapose the state of things as they are.

    A typical application cycle at YorkU for ClinDev was ~250 applicants for 8-10 spots; this was when the GRE was still in place. This year, when I received a rejection from YorkU, it came so early (about first week of January), I was certain there was a system error. I contacted the school and they told me they had 1000 applicants for 7 spots... think about that. So many well-experienced students such as yourself in a pool of 500-600 (I halved it as a lot of applicants aren't eligible based on GPA, not having an Honor's Thesis, unrelated degree, etc.) and profs have to choose 7. That ratio is insane.

    The point of this is for you to decide what you really want to do. If this is it, bear down, tie your shoes real tight, keep doing what you're doing (all your other experiences are great btw) and keep being involved in research. You might even consider doing a second Master's degree (your choice entirely; the YorkU and Windsor DCTs have told me that most incoming students already have another master's but don't treat this as the holy grail of getting in as it doesn't guarantee anything). If this is what you really want to do, keep at it; ALL THE WHILE not putting your career and academics on hold.

    I realize this is a lot of info and I can't fit on here everything I want to say in which case happy to zoom to discuss further if you'd like.

  14. 29 minutes ago, skowall said:

    I'm in a similar boat! First cycle applying and I'm assuming rejection. Cheers to getting more experience and trying again later!

    The process is brutal and is unfortunately getting more difficult by the year. Just when I was already making plans to start working on applications for next year (4th time applying) I got interviews and two offers...
    EDIT: keep at it and strengthen your CV.

  15. On 2/8/2022 at 9:48 AM, hopelessbuthoping said:

    Just got my rejection email from Windsor’s adult clinical track. I also applied to child clinical but no word back yet and no interviews. My first update on any of my applications? Sending others hugs and good vibes.

    Came across this post randomly as I was looking at the forums, and not sure if someone has already told you this, but it is generally not a good idea to apply to both adult and child at the same school within these programs (and more broadly, your own research interests). Happy to discuss further in DMs or zoom call if you want.
    FYI, speaking as someone who's made that mistake, applied for 3 years, and finally got in this year.

  16. 1 hour ago, stella18 said:

    I know people in the program and while it will most likely become accrediated, you get no actual practicum experience (e.g., assessment/therapy) in your masters. In the event that you do not want to pursue the PhD, you do not have the tangable skills to even do work under supervision. Also, the program is not funded in the MA. Of course go with research interests, but I would follow up to see if they will provide these experiences. Most MA programs have significantly more and was a reason I rejected. 

    I'm glad you brought up these points. The MA funding is indeed abysmal as you said, which is why my POI told me they would fund me as if I was PhD level from their own lab money. So that takes care of that. But that was the other concern I had - about practicums. I realize the GTA is full of good practicum placements.
    Definitely gave me something to think about and therefore leaning more towards OISE now. Also curious about SSHRC funding as I only applied for that at Western.

  17. On 2/16/2022 at 12:15 PM, Rawulf said:

    For those who don't follow the results page, thought I should post here as well.
    Had an interview at UofT/OISE Feb. 7th for the School and Clinical Child  (with PIs not listed on my application), and this morning (16th) was told they have submitted a recommendation for me to be admitted.
    Morning of 15th got an interview invitation with the two PIs I listed on my application for Western Ontario for the School and Applied Child Psychology program (they're getting accredited this year) - interview is Friday the 18th with both PIs (same time; I assume co-supervision potentially).
    This is my third year applying.

    On 2/16/2022 at 1:52 PM, stella18 said:

    Western has been saying they will get accredited for years.... what did they say?

    Following up on this from before. Received "recommendation for admission" from Western this morning as well. Someone else in this thread asked me if Western is planning to get accredited. I inquired about that this morning with the PI and I was told that all paperwork has been completed and submitted, the school is just waiting to hear back from CPA.

    Was partially hoping to get rejected from one of them, as I'm not sure which school to choose between OISE and Western. Only decisive factor I can think of is if I get SSHRC at Western (didn't list OISE as a school in the research portal because I didn't think I'd ever get accepted at OISE...).



  18. 2 minutes ago, stella18 said:

    Western has been saying they will get accredited for years.... what did they say?

    It was supposed to happen 2021 but the pandemic put it on hold. It will likely happen this year. At the very least, it would happen before the end of one's program (~6 years). They've also begun a mass hire of professors into that program and a prominent OISE prof recently moved there. I'm not concerned about them not getting accredited.

  19. For those who don't follow the results page, thought I should post here as well.
    Had an interview at UofT/OISE Feb. 7th for the School and Clinical Child  (with PIs not listed on my application), and this morning (16th) was told they have submitted a recommendation for me to be admitted.
    Morning of 15th got an interview invitation with the two PIs I listed on my application for Western Ontario for the School and Applied Child Psychology program (they're getting accredited this year) - interview is Friday the 18th with both PIs (same time; I assume co-supervision potentially).
    This is my third year applying.

  20. Checked this morning, and received SSHRC for Windsor Child Clinical. Too bad I got rejected from there already almost a month ago... And all other schools to follow.
    And yes I already contacted the school to ask if they could make an exception and they said "lol nope". So yea, gonna decline. On the bright side, when I told the POI that rejected me, they asked to have a zoom chat in late April, so I've got that going for me which is nice.

  21. 5 minutes ago, prospectivegradstudent21 said:

    i was wondering if anybody heard from guelph regarding their CCAP program, i only saw one interview posted on the results page from january :o 

    That post from January was me; it was an informal interview with a PI who hadn't even seen my application yet. The Guelph Open House already took place in late February, and to my knowledge, having spoke to someone who was invited to the Open House, offers already went out. Rejections will be sent in early April, even though they're pretty much done with interviews and offers.

  22. Just now, sparrow123 said:

    Yeah, that's weird. York doesn't allow direct to PhD admissions for clinical psych, you have to apply for a Master's first. Unless they already had a clinical Master's or if they got special permission I guess - which someone in my cohort did actually, but that was after they were admitted. (I'm currently in the clinical program at York.) 

    Mind if I DM you?

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