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Due to scholarships and how they apply it is hard to fully understand how much tuition is - I also have not yet registered for the summer so I'm unsure of that cost. However the post below looked pretty accurate, between 11-12
WhoDat reacted to a post in a topic: MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM
WhoDat reacted to a post in a topic: MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM
Hey! I can definitely do that, but I have self streamlined into community/research/policy so I cannot give the best micro reccos if that's your thing- though I will happily message you profs I enjoyed/perhaps did not enjoy as I had many of them in my BSW as well.
I'd say it was quite diverse re: interests, and I learned a lot especially in the first weeks. As my BSW was also at Carleton, much of how I structured my practice was 'structural' (something the university is known for); in the MSW, there is more branching of frameworks and students brought in other pieces like narrative that I had never utilized. Made for some interesting discussions! I'd say our cohort.... struggled. The pandemic has wrecked havoc on students and profs alike, and attitudes perhaps flashed and flared - this term has been much calmer after discussion and advocacy on the students part. However with strong people come strong opinions, and it wasn't navigated great, but we've come out on the other side thankfully.
roughclub reacted to a post in a topic: MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM
I had actually applied to other programs at Carleton (MA in policy, etc) but chose social work because it was the most competitive and gave the best funding package. Also, I am a macro/policy girl, and Ottawa is the place to be for that type of work (paid placements in the federal government are clutch). As I was not graduating my BSW until August from Carleton, other schools would not accept my application for 2021/22; Carleton was the only school I could apply to at the time .
teaandSW21 reacted to a post in a topic: MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM
cassieb reacted to a post in a topic: MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM
T.O.hopeful reacted to a post in a topic: MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM
Hmm. Well. I was in the one year cohort and I found there was a divide between the 1/2 year. This year was a struggle with the constant shifting from in person, to online, and back again a few times- making connections was not a vibe. The profs are quite excellent and are the willing to jump in and get involved beyond the classroom, but often it takes you making the first step (and a good impression). There are definitely profs doing decolonial work (I’m looking specifically at Ilyan Ferrer and Patricia McGuire), and have spent most of my MSW trying to break down the barriers of traditional education and challenging everything. I’ve found profs open to the challenge (ex: storywriting vs. Essays). Decolonizing social work and social spaces is at the centre of much of the work I’ve done, but I also framed my course load around that (a more policy based lens- I cannot speak to micro practice as much).
SocialWork123 reacted to a post in a topic: MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM
I know Carleton makes sure to give every single student some form of funding (RA, TA, straight up scholarship)- I received a funding package of two scholarships when I got in totalling around 11k. This was the only school that offered me funding (which made my decision pretty easy lol).
You can accept now and then decline down the line that’s what waitlists are for!
Honestly the course load is quite minimal- 3 classes a term. First term one class is front loaded in the first week so really it only feels like 2 classes. The research class will get you though, it’s heavy. I would say this year had a lot of challenges with the constant back and forth of online, plus I had Covid at one point which was ~stress~, however the profs have been super accommodating. I’m taking the “full” course load and still working part time and can very easily manage I’d say I’ve enjoyed pushing the envelope a bit and challenging expectations and it’s been received well, which is a plus.
I remember the week before I couldn’t sleep or focus on a thing!!! I hope it’s coming soon!!!! The wait is the worst.
Mine went to “in review by department” (or something along those lines) to “in review by faculty of grad/post grad” and shifted to an acceptance the next day. My understanding is it shifts to “in review by faculty of grad/post grad” last as they have to sign off on funding packages. However, it might be a different process for one year vs. Two year. Congrats to all who have gotten in! If you have any questions about what the one year program is like/ course reccos/ want to see a syllabus or something hit me up. I’m getting ready to graduate soon already :).
EMWC reacted to a post in a topic: MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM
teaandSW21 reacted to a post in a topic: MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM
Hi folks! Current 1 year Carleton MSW student here to calm some hearts and wish you luck. Last year my status changed to “in review by faculty of grad and post grad affairs” the day before the official offer came. You should know tomorrow
franca19 reacted to a post in a topic: Canadian MSW Applicants 2021
I never thought to include my stats: I was accepted to Carleton with an 11.42 GPA on a 12 pt scale (~3.94 on a 4.0 scale). I had 24,243 hours of work in total, with about 7500 hours of teaching experience as some of the most pertinent, 588 placement, and 1771 volunteer. I am in my fourth year of my bsw, and previously completed my ssw and 3/4 of a fine arts degree. I was offered two scholarships from Carleton that I will be happily accepting. Good luck to you all, I hope your wait is short and celebrations long!
Also received my acceptance to 1-year at Carleton ~ just trying to digest the funding package now!
Mines changed twice in the last half an hour and now says review in progress by faculty of graduate and postdoctoral affairs. FINGERS CROSSED!
How long did you have to change once your status changed to “review in progress by department”? Mine changed today to review in progress by department- fingers crossed it’s a quick turn around!