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seeveeargh last won the day on August 8 2024

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    2021 Fall
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  1. I agree that all students need better funding. That's why I said we need to push for better funding from both SSHRC and our universities. My point was more so that we don't need to frame critiques of SSHRC's recent graduate funding increases as "asking for too much" because there are, as you note, many problems with the new awards and the way they are being implemented/disbursed. I also do not think that asking for 4+ years of funding necessarily means fewer awards for future competitions; I think the federal budget for graduate research (and academic research generally) needs to be increased so as to allow for adequate funding for the entire duration of a graduate degree for more students. In general, I don't disagree with you, I just think we should ask for more!
  2. I do not think it is too much to ask that graduate students receive adequate funding for the duration of their degrees such that they are able pursue their studies without having to supplement their income through additional work or rely on a spouse/family member's income. The fact that the tri-council awards have only ever offered 3 and 4 year doctoral awards is absurd given that most people take at least 5 to finish a PhD. I think we need to keep pushing for better grad student funding (from both SSHRC and our universities) because this only seems like an increase because we've been wildly underpaid for so long. Feels like being thrown a scrap of wagyu after years of eating hot dogs.
  3. Maybe the idea is that you can say you got a CGS-D on your CV which is maybe considered ever-so-slightly more prestigious?
  4. So if the CGS-D and SSHRC fellowship programs are merging into a single program in which all current and new doctoral award winners receive $40,000/year for a max. of 4 years, does this mean that those who currently have a 3-year award get bumped up to 4? I got CGS-D in September 2021 when I started my PhD program and it's up this year on September 1, so I assumed the changes under the new budget wouldn't affect me. But the ambiguous wording in the most recent press release and the fact that I received an email from SSHRC as a "current award holder" are getting my hopes up that I don't need to scramble for money next year haha. I know it's unlikely but man would it be nice to have another year of funding.
  5. A note to any future SSHRC-hopefuls who are direct applicants and browsing this thread for information about the process: I just found out from my new grad studies department that my name came on the list of SSHRC recipients for the university. So it does appear that even direct applicants could ask their departments/grad studies offices about the SSHRC results in cases where SSHRC is slow to upload results or there are technical errors. (Of course, departments/universities are not supposed to share results with applicants before they hear from SSHRC but in cases where it's been over a week since most people heard back, I think it's fair game to start writing polite inquiries to grad studies administrators/supervisors.) I just wanted to mention this as when I posed the question upthread, it seemed like the consensus was that direct applicants can only find out from SSHRC as their results were not shared with universities.
  6. @maverick__I hope I'm correct for your sake, too! I'll be studying in Canada (Manitoba, specifically). I've been working 9-5 office jobs since finishing my MA in 2018 and oh my god I can't take it anymore -- so excited to return to academia! What about you?
  7. I believe if you are offered a CGS but are studying abroad, you get the Fellowship instead. I'm not 100% on this but seem to recall reading something along these lines in the 2019-20 SSHRC doctoral thread:
  8. Your track record is SUPER IMPRESSIVE and I'd definitely be interested in reading your work -- pain research is so fascinating! I'm sorry you didn't get a SSHRC this time around but as you said, it's pretty freakin' arbitrary. I've heard of people submitting the same app two years in a row with virtually no changes and getting a score of 12/20 (no award) one year and 18/20 (award) the next. The scores also don't seem to be consistent year-to-year because last year people were getting scores of 15/20 and getting the CGS-D. Good luck in your program!!
  9. Instructions for how to accept the award are found here: https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-Etudiants/Guides-Guides/TriRTA-TriBFR_eng.asp Basically you have to email your specific program contact (also listed on that page) confirming your acceptance and start date, etc. Not sure about your second question -- maybe one of the more knowledgeable folks here can help you out. Congrats on your award!!!
  10. Heck yeah, congratulations Snackerson!!!! So happy for you!
  11. Bahahaha thank you! I would like your comment but grad cafe says I've exceeded my maximum reactions for the day.
  12. WOOOOOT I got a CGS-D! Scored 17.04 in committee 2. In case anyone is interested in details: I am a direct applicant not currently enrolled in a program and have been out of the academic world for a few years (graduated from my MA program in 2018). I have one non-peer-reviewed publication and a few conferences, none of which are related to my proposed program of study. I think I was successful largely due to really strong recommendation letters, good grades (4.3 undergrad GPA, 4.0 MA), and a strong program of study (plus I had a SSHRC for my MA -- not sure if that actually helps). Good luck to everyone reapplying next year and I hope those who are still waiting receive good news!!! p.s. Does anyone else find it hilarious that documents are uploaded to the SSHRC extranet in Word online?
  13. Right after I ate too much cheese I got an email from SSHRC to make a password for the extranet which I did and now I'm trying to sign in but it's not loading AHAHFHGJDGKFDHHJFIHRWEHHKKHGKHFKHKHSDKD HALP
  14. I just stress ate three cheese quesadillas in a row.
  15. What the actual eff??? That's such a high score! I've never heard of people getting rejected with scores of 14 and 15. Sorry you didn't get it this time.
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